Gold Strike Tunica

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by Dynomike1, Feb 13, 2007.

  1. Dynomike1

    Dynomike1 New Member

    Gold Strike Tunica tournament Feb. 26 2770 is invatational.
  2. WildWoods

    WildWoods New Member

    Any other information

    I would love to attend this event. Does anyone have any other information about this tournament? What is the format and structure? How many people are they expecting? I have seen that most players have a connection to get into certain events. Surely someone from BJT has a connection.
  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Not sure if I am going, but...

    Wildwood I know I have an invite, but I haven't checked into going yet.

    I'll call tomorrow and get the details for you.
  4. leilahay

    leilahay Member

    I checked into going this afternoon. Was told by host, then director of marketing, that it was for "their players" only, and without a players card with them and a history, then no way. I guess it is an MGM property and they don't like me anyway so didn't argue too much. Oh well, we're off to Washington.
  5. casino_jim

    casino_jim Member

    All I know is

    it is an invitational only, and I would imagine the structure to be similar to Adolph's usual style of accumiliation (2 rounds), then elimination. The top 35 and 1 wild card make the semi's and the elimination format begins.

    The total prize pool is 50k, but half of that is promo chips, with 1st place being $12,500 in cash and 12,500 in promo chips. I don't know if they are 'bet um' till you lose um'' chips or one bet only chips, and I don't know what denomination they will be.

    As far as MGM goes, I don't think they are linked yet, but the 'One club card' is linked to Mandeley Bay, etc. but only for slot play. At least, that is how it was a few months ago.

    I hope this helps.

  6. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I finally got someone...

    I found out the Gold Strike tournament is going to be held on Monday the 26th, just registration is on the 25th.

    I went to Durant, OK tonight and won and qualified for their $30,000 BJ tournament which I found out will be played on the 25th of this month also.

    So the plan as of now is to drive back up to Durant next Sat. spend the night, play Sunday and then head to Tunica (about 5 1/2 hours) for the Gold Strike tournament on Monday.

    I hope to see a lot of you there, I know UTVolFan will be there, (he told me in Tulsa).
  7. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Gold Strike rundown...

    Okay here is what I found out about the Gold Strike tournament next week.

    It is an invite only, but with a $50 entry fee. However I don't think it should be that hard to get an invite if you call up. Two nights room is included with the tournament.

    The format is a reversed Hybrid. Round 1 they are taking only the winner from each table, same for the re-buy rounds.

    Round 2 they will take the top 36 players from all the tables (highest scores).

    Semifinals they will take the top 5 players (from all the tables) plus draw 1 wild card for the final table.

    I understand why they are doing it this way (they don't end up with an odd number of players advancing). But it really isn't that hard to figure out how to even up tables and level out the players if they really wanted to offer the best possible tournaments for the players. By doing so they would probally increase their business as well and since they are trying to increase their business for the first of the week, I would open up the tournament to everyone that wanted to play, after all the idea is to try and draw players into their casino.

    The prize structure is all half cash/half promo chips:
    (note the promo chips are the bad kind, gone once you bet them).

    1st = $25,000 1/2 & 1/2
    2nd = $15,000 " "
    3rd = $ 5,000 " "
    4th = $ 2,500 " "
    5th = $ 1,500 " "
    6th = $ 1,000 " "

    Registration will be on Sunday 25th from 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm.

    Tournament and late registration starts at 9:00 am on Monday the 26th.

    Round 1 will have 4 - sessions: 9, 10, 11, 12:00

    Re-buy Rounds will be at: 1:00 and 2:00 pm

    Round 2 will be at 3:00 pm

    Semifinals will be at 5:00 pm

    Finals will be at 7:00 pm

    I guess I am still going, but this format stinks. All five advancing finalist could come from the same semifinal table. I can only hope I can try and sell them on my TBT format for future tournaments.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2007
  8. Dynomike1

    Dynomike1 New Member

    I called them and she told me that i didnt have enough to qualifiy to play.
  9. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    That's pretty sad...

    With this format they should be letting anyone that wants to play to get in it.

    If it was a straight invite maybe, but with a $50 entry they should allow all the players in.

    Call and talk to a different host, I would think you would find one willing to let you in.

    Good luck.
  10. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    I got an invite and my only record of play is 15 min at a $25 BJ table about 6 or 8 months ago.

    Only 1 night at the hotel is included with the $50 entry fee. You probably got the 2nd night (as did I) comped because of your extraordinary play there :D . Also, you didn't mention that one re-buy is permitted for $50. ​

    I agree they should open up this tournament to anyone. The purpose is to bring players in. With an entry fee of only $50 with a room they probably could come close to filling it up if it is open. Instead, their attendance will probably fall way short and then they'll blame it on "lack of interest". LOL

    Considering that 1/2 of winnings are paid in "one use" promo chips, this tournament is not really worth going out of your way to attend. On the other hand, only $50 with a room makes this a probable positive equity event. I'm going because I'm on "tournament withdrawal" right now and my wife wants me to take her somewhere for her birthday :D . What I don't do for that woman!!! :p
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2007
  11. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Taking a friend...

    I really don't understand the Gold Strike's thinking here?

    I call to make my reservations and told them about a freind of mine who will be in Durant, OK with me and asked if he could come play in their tournament (Gold Strike that is). I was told it wouldn't be a problem, although my friend has never been to the Gold Strike before.

    Now I hear players that have played there before being told they can't play in this event, doesn't make a lot of sence to me.

    All I can think is because I have hit them pretty good both times I have been there and they want a shot at getting their money back...LOL

    Anyway as I suggested before if you get turned away by one host, just contact another and maybe you'll get in.

    Good luck anyway.
  12. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Got things worked out for everyone....

    Just had a long talk with the Gold Strike casino.

    ANYONE wanting to play next weekend call Freddy Frick @ 662-529-2007 and use the code: Tournament Blackjack Players Association (TBJPA) or tell him Rick Jensen told you to call and you will be allowed to play (at least until they get 200 players total).

    The cost will be $50 for your entry fee and you will have a $50 re-buy chance as well.

    Rooms are comp-ed based on your play (you may get lucky and get one night included if any are still avilable).

    Call early for your best chance at getting in and getting a room.

    Like I said I started the TBJPA to help the players and I'll try my best to get you in as many tournaments as I can.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2007
  13. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Is 200 their limit for the tournament or will they revert back to invites only after the 200 is reached.

    If it's limited to 200 players then the equity is huge. Figuring that 75% will re-buy (only one re-buy allowed), their total fees are $17,500 (200 * 1.75 * 50) - and don't forget the first $50 includes a room! The promo chips reduce the value of the prize money to $37,500. To summarize:
    Total player fees = $17,500
    Total prize pool = $37,500
    Not a bad deal at all. I guess the goofy rules will be a little easier to take now. :D
  14. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Just over a year ago, the Gold Strike ran an event with horrible equity ($100 entry fee X 450 players, and paid out less than $25K). With a $50 entry fee this time, I would expect this one could attract 500 or more players, and based on their track record, I've decided I'm not going up for this one.

    It may indeed turn out to be a great value this time. But I wouldn't count on it.
  15. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I remember that one...

    I didn't go to that Gold Strike event, but I heard about it and I slammed them pretty good about how it was run.

    The reason I think this event will be okay is one person: Adolf Lepre.

    With Adolf at the Gold Strike I haven't see anything but good as long as I have been playing at tournaments he has been involved in.

    Now Freddy Frick told me this tournament was designed for 200 invited players, so I am hoping 200 will still be the cut off point. Hopefully I'll be crying to the bank with $12,500 cash and I'm sure I can make do with $12,500 in promo chips as well...LOL

    I still am not crazy about the format and even less about the bad type of promo chips that will be awarded, but I'll be there anyway.
  16. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Numbers don't jive

    Hey Tex,

    I have a problem with the numbers you supplied while trying to make them fit with the rules.

    If you have 200 players and only 1 advances per table out of the 1st round then assuming 6 players at a table that means about 33 players advance to the second round. Now if 75% rebuy that's another 25 players or so. So now we have 58 (33 + 25) players advancing to the 2nd round.

    You said in Round 2 they will take the top 36 players from all the tables. But since I just calculated that there will only be 58 players in the 2nd round (assuming 6 per table), that would mean that 62% (36/58) of the players will advance to the 3rd round.

    My conclusion:
    They 1) must be allowing more than 200 players or 2)they must be advancing more than 1 per table in the 1st round or 3) they are having less than 6 players per table. Otherwise having a round 2 makes no sense.

    I guess time will give us the answer BUT we may be in for a surprise from the :joker: !!!
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2007
  17. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    That is the numbers I was given?

    I am not sure how many they will have per table 5, 6, or 7. However the numbers I posted came straight from the tournament director. I am not sure if every player will be allowed a re-buy with the numbers mentioned.
  18. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    I know you posted what they gave you. I was just showing that something is not right - not your fault. I guess we'll all have to just wait and see what happens. The important thing is that we know the format so we can come prepared. See you next week and good luck at Durant.
  19. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Thanks T-Man

    Looking forward to seeing you in Tunica on the 26th.
  20. WildWoods

    WildWoods New Member

    Cherokee Staff Going

    I will be attending this event along with my wife, and Tim and Steve from Cherokee. I know I am playing along with Tim and Steve. We hope to see many of you there for this interesting format!

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