Bet21 Bonus $$$ UPDATE

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by Hollywood, Jan 5, 2007.

  1. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    OK, i just got off the phone with the Bet21 bonus/affiliate department and I have some good and bad news to report:

    The GOOD news is that not only is the retroactive bonus $$$ STILL a priority there, but now the affiliate program has been expanded as well -- which means that soon people like Ken Smith, for instance, can just create their own bonus codes (such as 'KINGKEN') that new players can enter to receive personalized bonuses, etc...

    The BAD news is that all of these changes -- bonus money, affiliate codes, etc -- are still a few weeks off. Projections now have been revised to the beginning of February, rather than the beginning of January as originally anticipated.

    I know this thread will now probably see a half dozen posters attacking Bet21 for this delay, but please realize that Bet21 is only a couple months old at this point and bugs like this are unfortunate but not uncommon. I think its remarkable that despite these growing pains, its still become the most popular site on the web for blackjack tournaments.

    A few months ago, it seemed like the blackjack community had a laundry list of issues with the site, but that has quickly pared down to just one or two and I am sure that these final concerns will be corrected in the next few weeks.

    Oh, and one last thing -- Don't shoot the messenger! ;)

  2. pergo56

    pergo56 Member

    Post # 1, I’ll believe it when I see it.....

  3. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Several things:

    1. Thanks HD for jumping into the shark infested waters - not a pretty job and you didn't have to do it - kudos man

    2. Next time you call and the people there ask one of THEM to come here and let us know. I don't think it is fair for them to let YOU do THEIR job.

    3. needs to send out e-mails to its members/clients/customers and tell them why.

    4. Joep made an announcement like this 6 weeks ago. I personally believe Joep did it in good faith and I went along with it! I also believe that YOU, HD are doing the same thing. I'm just getting cynical about WHERE the message is coming from.

    5. Finally - welcome back from across "The Pond"
  4. tgun

    tgun Member

    bet21 bonus

    Thanks HD!

  5. Archie

    Archie New Member


    What's the affiliate thing? Would explain further hd.

    Here's my two cents worth on Bet21. I'ts a great site for those who like the intricacies of the play, instead of the gambling part. I don't mind 30 hands games. They don't happen that often and are the more interesting, in my mind. If you like quick results, plop on UBT or, if you live outside the USA, try Get21 (great site, different game, super software, high EV, just like Bet21). As for Bonus dollars, I still trust Bet21, especially when people like Ken S., Hollywood and Joep vouch for them. The quality of the game offered speaks for itself as far as I'm concerned. If the tv program succeeds over time, EBJ, in my opinion, will gradually become THE blackjack tournament standard everywhere on the planet (hopefully).
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2007
  6. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member


    No killing of the messenger....Thank you for your effort!!!

    I for one understand completely..... Now!!!

    Perhaps these types of issues could be handled in a news section if they had one on the sites...

    When we get no info except for canned non relevant replys from CS then it serves to keep our mind thinking...well What the H is going on??

    Everyone can understand a programming issue and debugging issue and even a failed first attempt but I think it goes a long way just keeping everyone honestly updated...

    They did not do that.... but you did.... and so now we all know.. and I for one understand...

    Thanks for you efforts!
  7. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    At the same time

    as the bonus money is in the works does bet21 offer any credit for play like Golden Palace does? These are points gained by paying into games which in turn pays rake. Some of the rake should be returned or the game will tend to be a dead end for investment. For those paying thru neteller its almost 9% plus 10% rake. The bonus thing will be rectified at pay time, but then what do they offer for an incentive system?
  8. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Well I have to agree that Golden Palace had a nice comp system received comp points that you could use to play special games that awarded real money or you could use these points to geta gift certificate in certain demoninations ...I think it was 50, 100 and 200 dollars .....

    I think for now the UB/Bet21 sites are funding free rolls and so that is probably the incentive program for now..

    I certainly agree they need to have a comp system of sort ...after all the overhead is nothing compared to Brick M's and those leaches offer

    I hope they dont decide to take the attitude of ...well we are the only game in town so screw you....thats what my local Indian casino does and I know it hurts them....besides a well thought out comp system that leads to "free roll" games can be a great incentive and cheap advertizing and a great loss lead...
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2007
  9. Angel

    Angel New Member


    un huh

    Attached Files:

  10. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    Can you ask your "contact" at to come on this forum and post updates - 1 or 2 times a month letting us know about the status of the bonus and other things in the planning?

    For example the 25,000 tourney. I've gotten e-mails from but NOT It would be free advertising and I PROMISE not to do any movies about them ok? :joker:
  11. newbie

    newbie New Member

    Where is a telephone number for them? There is no number on their site. Also, I don't see any bonuses on their website. It has been a month since you posted this message. I don't feel safe deposing my money with if they can't supply me with a telephone number. They also take 2 days to return emails. Some of them never get answered. Like the one asking me for their telephone number. ??
  12. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    That's cuz it's an unlisted number! They don't want to be like the Neteller Boys! :laugh:

    As far as e-mails from their CS (CS = Customer Service btw) if you aren't a paying customer they probably WON'T answer.

    Right or wrong until Uncle Sam gets rid of UGLIA (crap legislation) they won't take the chance on exposing themselves.

    I can tell you that I received a check from my account 10 business days after it was requested.

    As a US player my ONLY choices are and Of those 2 the latter NEVER answered my e-mails, when they did answer the phone they promised to correct a problem and call me back and DIDN'T, they promised cruise satellites that they didn't hold, they advertise guarentee's on tourneys that are false AND they don't have any players! Gee I wonder WHY?

    Newbie if you don't want to deposit money with - fine. Join leftnut and others. No problem - of course you can ALWAYS play the TEC games :p
  13. newbie

    newbie New Member

    What about for US citizens?
  14. newbie

    newbie New Member

    An online casino having an unlisted number? That is totally dishonest. There is no reason why an online casino should have an unlisted number and not have a customer service number for their customers to call. ALL the other online casino's have telephone numbers. Why doesn't
    You say if I am not a paying customer then they won't answer me? That is telling me that is dishonest. They should answer emails and telephone calls from potential customers. NOBODOY SHOULD JOIN AN ONLINE CASINO WITH NO CUSTOMER SERVICE TELEPHONE NUMBER. THE OTHER TWO CASINO'S ONLINE THAT YOU MENTIONED HAVE TELEPHONE NUMBERS. THEY AREN'T HIDING ANYTHING. BUT BET21.COM IS ACTING DISHONEST.
  15. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    NOPE! For details look up any posts by DanielValentine - he's a member here.

    As far as claiming a "casino" to be honest or not - hey do what you want but don't SCREAM AT ME!

    You asked a question and I gave you an answer. I personally find it rather odd that someone who hasn't even done business with a company calls them dishonest.

    I've had an account with since the beginning - my first deposit was August 13, 2006.

    I've had e-mail communications with them numerous times

    I've received money (check) from them when I requested it and earlier than promised.

    My ONLY criticism of is that I haven't received the promised bonus money that was promised when I made my initial deposit.

    Dishonest - how come YOU don't have a phone number listed on YOUR profile, or an e-mail where I can get in touch with YOU? :joker:
  16. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Let's see... For US players, we have Bet21 and Blackjack21.

    Bet21: No phone number, problems with the deposit bonuses. However, I've withdrawn more than $10,000 from Bet21 with no trouble.

    Blackjack21: Phone number, but no players. I did a withdrawal early on of $100 or so, which I received. However, my affiliate account there has been disabled, and I never received a dime for the advertising I did for them.

    For me, it's an easy choice. You'll find me at Bet21.
  17. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    No problems getting money from

    I may bust their balls about not paying out the promised "BONUSES", but other than that I haven't had a problem with (or nothing that they haven't taken care off anyway).

    Also everyone I have talked to have told me they received their money when requested.
  18. noman

    noman Top Member

    On line wagering fairness:

    Only for newbees or fence sitters. Those in the know, really know.

    Bet21/UBT poker or BJ are FAIR games. Too many reputations. Too many knowledgeable folks who would be screaming, or pointing out the skew, if it existed. Money exchange possible and reasonable. Free games available. Money games from .10.15 blinds in poker up to $1,000 ring games and tourneys or the EBT tourneys from $1 to $100 tourneys and higher sngs.

    Competition levels from A to Z.

    Reasonable chat and brick a brack when a tourney begins. Nice to have a side chat, but no biggie.

    The number of free rolls, not only for the big EBT, but on their poker side too, more than make up for nit picky criticisms.

    Having said that: The bonus structure, originally for Poker was and is a marginal return. Though, I have stated earlier. The folks at UBT are the same gurus who let everyone else know what sites had an advantageous bonus system. You can't expect them to fall into the same trap they've exposed for everyoneelse's benefit. As I say, the bonus redemption is marginal. It's tough. Some of us in the middle are too used to what Global did.

    As to the BJ bonuses. Well, things were promised. Yet, in retrospect, not really sure what the promise was and since there never was a "statement" for BJ redemption, as there was explicitly for poker, it can end up being whatever they want.

    Personally I have multiple 100% matching bonuses due, but at .40 per poker tourney entry or the .10 per hand in ring games, well, ya'll do the math.

    I'm one of the less than AP's, who just wants to compete in a fair game with a fair payout for entry, with a minimum vig and doesn't look beyond that for that extra edge. My loss. But, that extra edge ain't available on UBT/Bet 21, but fairness and reliability are.

    Oh. And about right now. It's the only game in town.
  19. newbie

    newbie New Member

    I just got off the phone with and they said they can't accept US citizens.
  20. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    "I just got off the phone with and they said they can't accept US citizens.
    Today 02:01 PM"

    Huh??? You sure your not talking about Get 21?

    There is little remaining choice since most sites backed out of the market.

    UB/Bet 21 is really the only game left. Black Jack 21 seems stuck with a format that offers little incentive for new players. Its not a bad game rather a limited one. I think they could still be a viable site but they need to revamp the game...

    UB/Bet 21 for all practical matters is the only internet game in town...

    The good is they offer a fun game...they have payed withdrawls and deposits are accounted for.

    Software updates continue and for the most part early buggy issues have been somewhat resolved. I still occasionally see internet delay issues that I know are the softwares fault but these issues are diminishing as well.

    The bad...they clearly implied the BJ game would qualify you to earn the deposit bonus offered by the sites...I have pending deposit bonus listed in my account. Its never been a huge amount of money and yet for a site that offers zero comp incentive they refuse to settle these deposit bonus.

    Its new, its growing, it has zero compitition....thats our governments fault...we hoped for a banner 2006 with new sites and expanded compitition that would have expanded the game by exponants ...insted we have been backed off and the result of limited compitition is never good. That stifles innovation and fairness, and benefits the monopoly.

    Personally Id like to see more oversight in these games to assure random deal. I like to see some form of bonus returned to the best customers....if the B&M casinos can do it then certainly these internet sites with far less overhead can do it easier.

    Overall ...its a pretty good game...pretty fair and pretty problem free (now).

    I dont like the poker format at all and I would never play the regular BJ game on any internet site ...but the tournament BJ game is a good game....on its way to a first class game...

    I dont think the CS service phone number would be all that helpful....they would ignore you by phone just as easily...:) I have had issues with the CS of Bet21/UB. Are they getting better? No. But the problems are less and therefore it is less necessary to contact them.

    It does not make them cheaters or dishonest....I think they are honest but they still need to get a handle on better customer relations.

    You can try it out with a deposit as small as $50 dollars...or play the free rolls every minute of your life...thats worth something if you are interested in playing and learning the game.

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