Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by BJFAN4, Sep 10, 2006.

  1. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    Careful you evil card counters.The G21 internet police is waiting for you. Lol.

    "The system will generate an incident alert, send the information through the appropriate channels and Get21’s security staff will effectively halt the activity within minutes. Get21’s anti-collusion detection system has proven to be an effective weapon against individual cheating, card-counting and various forms of multiplayer cheating".
  2. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    i heart bjfan4

    with this one observation, I officially put bjfan4 back on my 'cool' list... any website that lumps card counting in with cheating will never get my support or, I suspect, the support of the professional blackjack/tournament community. The funny thing is, a truly reputable site has no need for this type of warning at all because the deck is automatically shuffled between hands anyway! Hence why bonus hustling and tournaments are the only reasons to play blackjack online anyway, not 'card counting' and/or 'cheating'!!

    so remember y'all: for all your online blackjack needs, its, not the scam ripoff site Get21... jeez, talk about a blatant ripoff that'll never go anywhere...

  3. daniel.valentine

    daniel.valentine New Member

    Fair Play

    Dear Hollywood, Thank you for your feedback.

    As member of the UB / Bet21 and strong supporter of their application it is your good right to promote them as much as you want. But it is not acceptable to slash our site without us even being online yet. Get21 is trying very hard to provide the I-Gaming community with an exiting multi-player blackjack tournament site, we are in the middle of our Soft launch and in about 2-3 weeks form now everybody will be able to download the Get21 application and make up his own mind.
    I agree with you that card counting is not cheating, and it is a human mistake from our end placing this in the collusion section on our site. As you are well aware, during the phase of a launch there might be thousand things to work on and repair. Once you play our BJT I am sure you’d appreciate our application, you might even get to like it so much you couldn’t rest your fingers from playing.
    Well Hollywood, You know as we do that card counting is not possible in BJT applications. We at Get21 believe in fair play so give us some grace here.
    Get21 will invite you personally to play at our site as soon as we are ready in 2-3 weeks, I will even organize some free money for you to check out our Get21 application. Then you can make up your mind and any constructive feedbacks will me more than welcome. Team
  4. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    Way to go Daniel

    Just the answer we all wanted to hear. More opportunities to play tournament blackjack and counters are not cheaters.
    Let the free rolls begin!:cool: :cool: :cool:
  5. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    a fair response, and best of luck to you. of course any new startup will have its fair share of growing pains, a topic of some conversation here the last few weeks! but in the end, the issue of card counting/collusion & cheating goes way deeper than just technical issues, so I am relieved to hear you've taken down or changed that kind of statement, since it spits in the face of every law-abiding advantage player who is guilty of nothing more than using their brain while playing cards.

    another concern I have about your site, and I think many people would like clarification on this as well: why choose that specific name? obviously it is incredibly similar to the very heavily advertised Bet21 moniker, and I have to suspect your site stands to benefit from a certain small percentage of those millions of viewers who have seen (and will continue to see) the Bet21 commercials with major blackjack & poker stars, then see a banner ad for Get 21 & think its the same site. I guess this just comes off as a little disingenuous at best, but as you've been so upfront about things thus far, i'd be interested to hear a response to that legitimate concern...

  6. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Wanna Bet

    I will Bet 21 dollars that get 21 is trying to be the little cousin of Bet

  7. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Card counting IS possible online

    Both Global Player and don't shuffle between hands (in fact BJ21 kindly tell you how many cards are left in the shoe) thus allowing one to count cards. For what it's worth ;)


  8. daniel.valentine

    daniel.valentine New Member Name

    Get21 vs. Bet21

    Hello Guys,

    Sharing your thoughts with us on this platform shows you have an interest in our business – which is great!!!
    The name Get21 perfectly reflects what our business is all about, so I guess there is no need to reasoning why we picked it for our brand.
    To tell you the truth, it caught us by Surprise when we have found out that there’s another company in the blackjack tournaments space using a similar brand name for their company.
    As you know – Timing in everything, so eventually, at some point we would have found out there’s another BJT supplier out there.
    Card enthusiasts like you could be caught in confusion, and it’s defiantly our job to clear it out, but make no mistakes there is a huge difference between our games.
    Get21 is not doing any elimination during the tournaments vs. B...et21.
    No need to mention there is No family affair between the sites.

    Get21 is well prepared for going out to the market, so competing with B…et21 will only make us work harder on branding. (a competition is always best for players, right?)
    Here at Get21 we make extreme efforts to providing our players with a captivating tournaments ground, excellent costumer support that will total into a great gaming experience

    I suggest you all need to do is wait for a while to Get21's launch, once Get21 is out there you can experience the difference between the platforms.
    Once you played Get21 amazing games, there will be no place for any misunderstandings. welcomes your comments and/or suggestions on our site "Look & Feel", Game Rules or anything else you have in mind.
    You can post your e-mails here -

  9. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Come On Now

    You mean right ?

    as opposed to G...21

  10. daniel.valentine

    daniel.valentine New Member - Multiplayer Blackjack Tournaments

    I'm sure soon you will play this game and notice the difference by yourself

    Daniel Team
  11. noman

    noman Top Member

    Oh Vey! and I don't know Reachy......

    ...your cat's tramau must have carried over.

    Global used to (USED TOO) in the tournaments go about 75-80 per cent of the six deck. If you were aware, around hand 11 or 12 you could see the reschuffle. But dat was a long long time ago, in a place far far away.

    With all other personal glitches, I don't really know about blackjack 21, or, dee dee die dee, what "21" site is what, or what it is doing. For Tourneys or table play on UBT or Global or something else I may have tried, it's constant shuffle.

    Which only underlines the "bad boy's" comment about only playing for the comps and the tourneys. Though, I must say, I have been, ohhhh, here's a word "LUCKY" on a couple of sites by utilizing a money management "ingredient." It's nothing special, nothing with back up numbers, nothing ever proven, but many a bj book has an aspect of it.

    It's not something anyone with a quarter brain would recommend utilizing, other than as a time passer, while waiting for a tournament or for other people to awake and feel the itch to play a tournament.

    And I know, revealing that lack of discipline, to see the cards fall, reveals me as less an AP than the real AP's. So as everything I post to YOU, take it with a grain of salt or a pinch of arsenic and save some for the cat.
  12. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Wrong Thread

    If you are not trying to ride the wave and upsurge of UBT and Bet 21 why than did you post about your web site under the UBT Forum ?

    I would think there is a proper place for your advertising your site other than on this Forum.

    Unless I'm right and that was your original intention.

    p.s. Isn't Golden Palace really behind G...21

    Last edited: Sep 20, 2006
  13. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    Are you sure

    As far as I am aware, they still do. When are you saying it changed?

    The reschuffle usually does not happen though. Unless a lot of cards have come out 15 rounds isn't usually enough to get that far.

    I agree about it not being worth a great deal though.

    In their cash games they also don't shuffle every round, but obviously a lot more frequently than in tournaments, so as to offer no great edge to online card counters.
  14. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    50% in cash games

    As far as I can tell Global shuffle after 1/2 a shoe in cash games.

    I love it when the card counting question comes out again as well :). I wish there was some way of proving that CC has no benefit or otherwise in tourneys because although most people seem to think that it doesn't I KNOW that a few of the top TBJ players are convinced it's a very valuable weapon in their armoury.


  15. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    50% seems to be the max. I think there is a randomizing factor and the average penetration is actually a lot less than this.

    Also, the fewer the decks, the less it tends to be too. You usually get 4 hands in a 2-deck game before the shuffle.

    Regarding tournaments, I've tended to count the cards on global (since I don't have to count the chips) and occasionally put the informaton to use for marginal strategy decisions like whether to hit a 12, or to decide whether betting the min or the max is the way to go.

    Generally though, these decisions are dictated not by the odds of the possible outcomes, but by whether you are ahead or behind, whether you need a swing or want to correlate, etc.
  16. daniel.valentine

    daniel.valentine New Member - Multiplayer Blackjack Tournament

    Since Get21 was mentioned in this thread we find it reasonably appropriate to respond, with all due respect to forum members
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 18, 2007
  17. newbie

    newbie New Member

    I thought we couldnt' card count with online casino's because they shuffle after every round. Including
  18. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    You are right.

    I guess they had decided to be extra careful. I believe that they have since removed the offending reference to card counters. :joker: :joker: :joker:

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