Las Vegas Hilton get-together

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by esposo, Mar 17, 2006.

  1. esposo

    esposo New Member

    re Bradley's Godfather quote

    Bradley, et al:

    I was so inspired by your Godfather reference, that I was tempted to call IP and tell them:

    "My offer is this: NOTHING. Not even the entry fee for the tournament, which I would appreciate you putting up personally!"

    However, I'm already entered in next week's tournament at LV Hilton. Anyone else in that one?
  2. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    LVH tourney

    I'm in that one as well. I plan to register at the earliest opportunity in hopes of playing in the first session.

  3. esposo

    esposo New Member

    LV Hilton meet?

    Chips, Thrasht, anyone else at LV HILTON next week:

    How about a meet up at the buffet Thursday evening? Is 7pm too late? I'm driving in from L.A., and might not arrive much earlier than that.
  4. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    You're already invited - a LVH meet too?

    You have already been invited to the IP get-together per my post above! Looking forward to meeting you. I suppose we need to set up a meet and greet for those of us at the LVH tourney too. How about 18:00 in the Star Trek Bar Area on Thursday after registration (that time and venue had already been proposed by someone to me privately)? My description remains as posted above!

    Last edited: Mar 17, 2006
  5. esposo

    esposo New Member

    LVH Meet

    OK - Star Trek bar it is at 18:00 on Thursday. I'll just have to go to Warp speed on the I-15!
  6. thrasht

    thrasht New Member

    thrasht is in the house

    Chips, esposo- I'll be at the Star Trek bar as will "the Storminator".
  7. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    Additional Identification for both the LVH and the IP!

    I'll make a point to have a glass of Maker's Mark (over ice) in my hand to aid in my identification!

  8. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    Recommended LVH Meet and Greet Time Change

    Let's make that 19:00 at the same venue, so that those who would like to can Listen to the Ken and Joe "Be in Action" Radio Show

  9. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Will stop by to say hello

    Chips thats great if you make it 7 pm.That will allow for Kenny and I to drop by since the radio show studio is right by the Hilton.
  10. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    LVH Get-together time change official!!

    That would be an added pleasure - not only the radio show, but a "live remote appearance". Am looking forward to both, as I'm sure others are.

    Please consider the official time now at 19:00 for all who wish to attend.


    - my stature, aspect ratio, beard, hat and libation of choice however, remain unchanged!
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2006
  11. mariad

    mariad New Member

    I am there

    I will be hard to miss.. :)

  12. Joep

    Joep Active Member


    In that case so will I :cool:
  13. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Posts in the Imperial Palace thread also contained mention of a get-together for the Las Vegas Hilton. At chips' request, I've split the threads to limit confusion.
  14. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    Las Vegas Hilton

    Count me in for the Thursday 7 PM get acquainted gathering at the LVH, I'll be wearing a black baseball cap and probably be standing or sitting by the bearded guy (Chips) with the green cap. For further identification purposes Chips will be drinking Pepsi in a short glass over ice with no bubbles, I'll be drinking 7 Up in a short glass over ice and an olive. Looking forward to meeting/making new friends and sharing time with old friends.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2006
  15. noman

    noman Top Member


    Chips: Certain I can't persuade u into a Dewars's or Johnnie Walker Black,(okay red, maybe blue). if u insist on Maker's Mark, that great Kentucky blend, I'll buy you one, as long as u're wearing u're promised moniker.
  16. 2 for 1

    I have some 2 for one coupons if you want or need them so you can buy him two for the price of one or get one for yourself at no additional charge.;)
  17. mariad

    mariad New Member


    So is that a nice way of telling me to stay home? :cry:

  18. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    Proper Whiskey vs. American Whiskey

    Looking forward to meeting you Noman - have had reports about you from our mutual acquaintences. I have been known to sip a bit of the golden elixer now and then as I am of Scottish decent - and truth be told, I am a theme drinker - when watching James Bond, I have a martini shaken, not stirred and when watching John (Marion) Wayne, I have bourbon and branch. When in the British Empire (of which the sun shall never set), I have a single malt - neat. And and Raffles in Singapore, of course I have a sling. I would be honored to have a drink with you - whether or not you get a twofer from BP! In fact, the first shall be on me. Having said that, I do tend to drink Kentucky's finest by choice in the winter months and red wine with my red meat at dinner - the way that God intended Americans to drink! Hope you have found the sister thread and we can do the same at the IP!!
  19. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Now I'm Confused

    How did you draw that opinion that I would want you to stay home ? My comment was that Surveillance would have a hard time missing me also .Please do come it would not be a party :celebrate unless you were there . After all there could never be to many Italians at any party, as far as I'm concerned
  20. noman

    noman Top Member


    British Petro:

    Would enjoy sharing a coupon with u as well, maybe I could pry a secret tip or two from u. U know for the waitress.

    And just to reveal the state of my scattered brain, far as I know, I'm only at IP. Missed the start of the Hilton thread for that date, in spite, once again, of the holding my hand tip from K.S.

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