$25,000 Online Tournament

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by fgk42, Dec 5, 2006.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Ok, there is no tourney scheduled - yet. I need your help, your ideas and opinions. Hopefully with enough input we can convince the online sites that this could be possible - I think.

    I would like to see a monthly 25,000 tourney available. Now in order to make this happen there would be a 500 buy in and a minimum of 50 people. Whoa Nellie I hear the skeptics say – I ain’t gonna pay 5 bills for an on-line tourney. And while that may seem like a hefty amount this is how I propose it can be done:

    Feeder satellites every day for $20 buy in. The winner gets an entry to the next daily feeder which is the $100 buy in. The winner of the $100 tourney gets an entry to the monthly $500 buy in event. Now second place in the $20 gets $40 cash while the second place in the $100 gets cash of $200.

    If they did five (5) daily $20 tourneys it would only require two (2) people paying full fee into the daily $100 tourneys – something I think is very doable. Then with 30 winners of the $100 daily it would automatically provide 30 people for the $500 entry.

    Now if you happened to win more than one you would be entitled to get cash instead of the entry, same as the St. Kitts daily tourneys.

    So what about it folks, I would appreciate some feedback from YOU. Any and all comments are welcome. Would you participate? Do you think this is doable or am I just crazy? Would a more reasonable time frame be every 2 or 3 months for the $25000 tourney or is this just unrealistic?

    Should I just be satisfied with the daily 1,000 and 2,500 tourney's?

    PS. My wish list - Only require a minimum of 30 people. Assuming only 30 people qualified/paid it would be a net 10,000 drain. Therefore you get a total of 10 of these $25,000 tourneys for the price of one (1) 100,000 freeroll! In addition the house gets a rake on these tourney's vs. nothing for the freerolls. hmmmmmm
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2006
  2. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Damn fine idea!!

    Problem is, who's gonna host it? ultimatebet.com? blackjack21.com? They both still take money from the US don't they ;)? I know which you'd prefer...


  3. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    Single Table

    Are you talking about single-table events for the feeders? (I notice you have set the total value of the payout to be 7 * the buy-in.) Otherwise, the amount of prize money / number of next-level places on offer would have to be dependent on the number of entrants.

    It seems to me that satellites only make sense if they somehow offer more value than simply using the same buy-in money in a normal tournament and then making the choice to parlay your winnings. Otherwise, all you have is a restriction on how you can spend the money you just won; i.e. you must use it to enter a particular tournament on a particular day.

    [Or does the value come from paying 10% vig only once, on $20 or $100, instead of repeatedly all the way up to $500?]

    How about feeders in which the cash payouts are as normal, but first place also wins a substantial discount on the cost of a buy-in to the next level?
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2006
  4. sabrejack

    sabrejack New Member

    I think a $25K tourney would be great.

    I hope that funding mechanisms don't mess up the viability of the few remaining sites though, as that will inhibit folks wanting to invest the cash in play to get into them.

    I will also say that I enjoy very much more playing with the (mostly) knowledgable fields of players as you see in bigger money tourneys. The minions playing freerolls are just annoying. It's like millions of army ants, playing badly, but winning because there are so many of them that a few break through and get real lucky.

    Maybe getting the word out to players who really enjoy the game at a higher level (through sites such as this one) could deliver enough players to make a $25K tourney happen... Keep stirring the pot, fgk!
  5. toonces

    toonces Member

    I don't know about $25,000, but I bet if Bet21.com offered a monthly $20,000 Guaranteed tournament with a $500+$40 entry fee and a 30 person minimum, they would end up with at least 30-35 people entering to take advantage of the possible overlay.

    I agree with the earlier poster that for the most part, that full satellite tournaments don't work. But what might are simple steps for higher tournaments.

    Also, why not have satellite Sit-n-goes at different levels with small or no entry fee that only pay off in tournament dollars (which they get an entry fee off of later).

    For example:

    7-player Sit-n-go for $6.50. Top 2 players get $22 in Tourney Dollars. $1.50 overall to house

    7-player Sit-n-go for $16. Top 2 players get $55 in Tourney Dollars. $2 overall to house

    7-player Sit-n-go for $32. Top 2 players get $110 in Tourney Dollars. $4 overall to house
  6. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Perhaps the experienced poker players here can help narrow the "best" favorite, most popular funding method for games that they play.

    I suppose you can get 30 people to throw down $500 plus for a shot at 20,000...but you need 40 ...:)

    What do the poker players do??? Lots of big money games there...are they plunking down the full entry fees or are they playing sats for the larger tournamnets....??

    Personally I can t see me laying out too many $500 dollar bills at least regulary but I would certainly be taking plenty of 20 to 50 dollars shots at the pot and even more 10 to 25 dollar shots...

    I like the tournament dollars idea but the payoff has to be higher than normal if I am going to be limited in my options as to what to do with my winnings...

    Anybody watching the huge poker games going on right now? How are these being funded? What kind of turnout are they getting?

    I just logged on to Bet 21 and there are 18,000 plus players there right now....if everyone threw in a dollar....;)

    Personally I would like to see these sites step up to the plate a little more....I understand that they had free rolls and that was great but the fact is (in the game I played last Thursday for example) all 6 finalists are unfamilar names to the blackjack part of the site...Im guessing they are ALL poker players....

    I have never seen any of these names playing any raked BJ games!!!! They took at shot at the free roll and hit! Good for them but what did that teach the tens of thousands of potiential players who gave it a shot and missed? This game is hard as hell to win???? Maybe.

    UB/Bet 21 needs to promote this game! How to best do that? Well I personally enjoyed the promotions Golden Palace had before they chickened out of the business....special games ..for example a $1000 guarentee with $5 buyin......yep probably not a money maker but with this return you will get the poker groups attention....and lets face it ....you need people playing this game in large numbers in order to get big pots!

    hammer em with Christmas specials, New Years...etc....soon they will learn the game ...it will be more fun for everybody and the bigger pots will eventually happen...

    Hey ...Im not knockin poker..and I really try at that game but even when Im doing pretty good and I know patientce is in order...IT Gets dead boring ....these guys would welcome a change once in a while I think....

    I see Scotty Nyugen(SP) and a few others not on the pro team at the BJ game occasionally...ITS A FUN GAME....the word just needs to get out.

    I think we are doing our part ....the investors are on the button and the clock is ticking down....Im here waiting for my turn ...and truthfully Im entering zzzzzzzzzzzzzz 's into my chat to hit you with my hurry up!! lol

    LETS GO!
  7. quantum1000

    quantum1000 New Member

    New Bet21 25,000 (Guranteed)

    It looks like the folks at Bet21 have been reading your posts.
    Today they just posted a new 25,000 Guranteed EBJ Tournament to be held on Jan 27. Here is the breakdone:

    Satellites Being Today (Dec. 18) $5 + 0.50 (1st place = entry into 25,000 EBJ)
    Plus additional entries for every $215 of prize money. Min 30 players Max 168.

    25,000 Guaranteed Tournament $200 + $15 (Min 30 players)
  8. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member


    Great tournament! Figures to be an overlay for the players and with the $5.50 satellites, affordable to all. Let the good BJT times roll.:D :D :D
  9. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    hey guys

    two $5+$0.50 feeders got canceled today because they couldn't get 30 players - the feeders are 100% equity and feed into a tourney which will certainly be positive equity - let's get some players for this - they ran today's feeders at 8:30 PM and 10:30 PM, Eastern Time - don't see others scheduled now - but keep a look out - lets load these up with bjters
  10. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

  11. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Holy Crap!


    I leave for a short period, turn OFF the computer and come back see these feeders for a $25,000 Online Tourney!

    This is GREAT.

    Of course I have to start playing in them - but to have this out there is fantastic.

    Thank you Bet21.com and keep it up!
  12. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Yep....its such a good idea and yet tonights events were canceled again due to lack of participation...

    I think we are sending the message loud and clearly to UB/Bet21....5 bucks is to much to risk for a real shot at 25,000 dollars....maybe everybodys just planning on buying in at the end???? Ya right..

    What is it though....I see people dumping money hand over fist at the regular BJ game on Bet 21....I dont play this game for anything except for the odd change but I love to watch guys rolling $200 a hand on the game ...terrible odds, not a dime of comps....duh!!!!

    But we cant get 30 people to support a shot at 25,000....???

    Im dumbstruck really! Or maybe Im missing something....
  13. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    No Rando, you're NOT missing something!

    I missed the 8:30 game last nite because I was in the 0800 game, round 2 and playing on a SNG & waiting for the Bet21.com 9:00 game. I figured I'll just do the 10:30 game.

    In the 10:30 they cancelled due to lack of participation BUT they had over 600 in the STUPID FREEROLL where you can win what? A trip to Vegas and/or an iPod? What the hell are people thinking about! I've got 3 words for that:


    Unless people wisen up and quickly, the only games will be the 1.00 and 5.00 tourney's. Personally I refuse to play in any more freerolls - it's NOT worth my 120-240 minutes playing lotto-blackjack anymore.

  14. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    1248 vs 22

    The 10:30 25,000 Satellite Tourneywas cancelled AGAIN for lack of 8 people.

    Nevertheless 1,248 people are willing to spend zero, nada, zilch, zip for a FREEROLL with a grand prize of a playing in ANOTHER tourney with over 1,000 people for a trip to Vegas. Talk about NEGATIVE EV!

    Meanwhile the 10:00 tourney, cost $50, had a respectable 39 players, of which only 15 were playing at 10:28 meaning that 24 COULD have spent 1/10 for a chance at 25,000 vs spending the $50 for a portion of 5,000!

    Am I missing something? Has the world gone crazy! Am I just pissed because I finally played and didn't make it to the final table?

    The madness - the insanity!


    Heck I'd give $5 to those in need just to get the tourney going :mad:
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2006
  15. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Problem with the satellite game is it pays only one spot. If they payed entry fee to a couple more it would go better. The free roll is a challenge because of the vast number of players. Also the free roll could be considered a test to see if EBJ is a luck game. If it is a skill game everyone here should be able to defeat it and place in top 6. I think you are just scared to be beat by so many plops FG, LOLOLOLO.

    I will very likely be in the 1000 grntd and the satellite tomorrow. Ive had a transfer on the wire for days now, must be the holidays or something. Or the IRS is making a move on me!
  16. sabrejack

    sabrejack New Member

    $25K qualifier time change

    I have written B21 to ask that they move the second $25K satellite to another time besides 10:30 p.m. EST. The first one at 8:30 p.m. EST always seems to go (not a good time for me), but they rarely if ever get the 30 players to make the second one happen. Prob. because those who are interested are busy playing other games. Maybe if a few of us write them, they'll change the time. Maybe something in the daytime like 4 p.m.?

    I'm glad they have these anyway although they are hard to score in, with only spot and all. But hey--it's a $215 saving so that should be somewhat hard to win...
  17. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Its 5.50 to win one what??? one$217 dollar seat or thereabouts??

    Is this not a good bet?...maybe they can have the 7 seat version too....like 35 a seat or so....or is it better to just pay the full entry fee??? Or will this event be canceled too???

    The free rolls are fine if you dont mind wasting hours to be beat in the 3rd round ...one moves on bang out....Ive done that 3 times now at UBT and its becoming less fun.

    But people are chucking 5, 10 , 25 , 50 , and 200 dollars a hand in the regular BJ game...not tournament but regular BJ...and of course losing their azzes right off....

    Reachy....fire up the egg head....what are the numbers...???

    I got a 1 in 30 shot at $5.50 a head
    or I got a 1 in 7 at 31.00 (I dont know the exact number )is it the same as 6 $5.50 games???so I would have a 6 time better chance???

    Or is the answer to buy in the full amount?

    or dont play this game at all because it doesnt seem worth taking a shot at the $25,000???

    Whats the answer?

    Im sure the execs are awaiting results of this experiement they are offering....

    Does anyone play poker in these type of games??? How do they normally do? Do they fill the sats...or are they buying in for the full amount?

    Im thinking these execs will make some decisions regarding this game if it bombs out....its a small excuse that the timing is bad....maybe for 30 players or so....but WTH is everyone?

    Hey if nobodys buying my Maple Nut icecream then what do I do? Take it off the menu right...

    I could understand if this was such a bad bet....

    Im begining to think that this game is overpopulated with cheep bass turds.....

    <100 people play the game ....perhaps the stakes are a little high ...

    I think they need to offer smaller guarentee games and some speed rounds like Golden Palace did for it promotions....This was really a surpurbly run introduction ...its a shame that its life was so short and so most missed the events....Whoever designed the events and the promotions really did a great job...Bet21 should review that startup....

    Or maybe the game should just go away ...you all vote by your action.

    Frankly Im getting tired of having to play all the pros ....even down to the $5 dollar events sometimes...Im having all the disadvantages of going up against the seasoned and tested slammers and yet I dont get no invites to the big top shows....;-)

    But I keep on trying!!!

    Lets go .......dive into this game. It involves some luck... it involves some skill... but anyone can win....I played at a table from hell the other night....everyone a pro..big name TV stars and all except for me and Attny Tess ...I won my table with names like Ken S, Dave Matthews, Krazy Kanuck,Blair Rodman all there ...

    Lets go.....poker has not just the big flash stars but also stars like Gus Hansen,and other lower key guys that go together to make a great show.

    BTW...the last two weeks have been terrible for me in this game and yet I came up with the top score at that "killer" table.

    If this game goes away and all the games dry up....... no one who didnt play can ever complain.... you only need to look in the mirror to see the problem...
  18. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    I’m hoping that this lack of participation is just due to the Holidays and people not knowing about it. Lets face it how many promotional e-mails have YOU gotten from Bet21.com?

    I get e-mails from UB all the time. Same for UBT touting their upcoming schedules.

    From Bet21.com? None! So unless I log on I don’t see it. Their marketing leaves MUCH to be desired! If I were in charge this is what I would do:

    1. Send e-mails every week to all people signed up to Bet21.com and Bet21.net touting the promotions
    2. Put a blurb on the Bet21.net TV commercials mentioning how you too can quailify for a chance at $25,000! It works for Publishers Clearing House right?
    3. Mix up the times for example 8:30 & 11:00 Monday, Wednesday and Friday with 5:00 and 12:00 on Tuesday, Thursday. On Saturday and Sunday have the $5+$.50 every 4 hours: 8, 12, 4, 8 & 12.
    4. Drop the $1.00+$.01 tourneys because NOBODY plays them.
    5. Ditto for the $5+$.05 non satellite tourneys

    Come on people, try it, you’ll like it!
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2006
  19. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Bad idea

    4. Drop the $1.00+$.01 tourneys because NOBODY plays them.
    5. Ditto for the $5+$.05 non satellite tourneys

    The problem is the game has evolved into a high rollers game. It is necessary to keep the 1 and 5 games because it sparks interest in the game. It is necessary to keep the free rolls to draw in new players. Ill tell you one thing for certain, right now the game is saturated, at bet21, with high rollers. Anyone who would risk 100 in S&Gs is a high roller. Anyone who would pay 50$ twice a day to play a tourney is a high roller. Anyone who plays 10 20$ games per day is a high roller. The events on land have been high roller. The future events are high roller. You are never going to bring in new blood that way. This is the very reason 5$ standard tables are filled in the casino its entry level to draw in new demand. You cant start at the top and work down when trying to establish demand. Now back to the 5$ satellite game. The reason they cant fill a game is the game players are high rollers why would anyone ready to play the pro players all day long in 100$ S&Gs not just pay the 200$ entry fee to the big game? There is very little demand for a 5$ game because the players are above it or think they are above it finically. The key is to make demand for the 5$ game. Ill tell you the first thing to do. Banner the game on the free rolls. KISS.
  20. Prospect

    Prospect Member

    About those 7:30 PM Tournaments

    They should make the 7:30 freeroll and the $5.50 satellite at different times. The reason is that it is likely that these two touranments draw players from the same pool.

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