Why play the TBJPA format?

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, Mar 25, 2007.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I have had a few players contacting me, asking why they should play the TBJPA format and what was going to be so special about it.

    Below is a list of positive reasons I prefer the TBJPA format.

    1. Open to all players.
    2. Afforable to all players.
    3. Payouts spread more evenly and to more players.
    4. Two players (minimum) advance from every table everytime till the finals.
    5. Guaranteed re-buy and two re-buys for all TBT events.
    6. Lower maximum bets for more strategic play.
    7. Surrender
    8. And hopefully soon we will be hosting events throughout the country trying to expose tournament blackjack to new players and keeping travel expenses down for those who are already hooked.
    9. The TBJPA will try to get all it's members the best possible room rates and any other discounts it can for it's members.
    10. Wild cards will be award as needed and the players will be given their wild cards so it is up to them to put it in the raffle bin.

    I hope to see most of you at the River Palms in May.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2007

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