Perhaps this is misguided, since this discussion was already going strong over in the thread about TxTourPlayer's proposed new format. However, I felt that the multi-tier buyins made the issues at hand too complicated. So, I propose we move the discussion about how to define and calculate EV here. The definition problem is not trivial, even in a much simpler scenario. OK, here's our tournament structure... Round 1: 66 players pay $100 each. Two players advance from each of 11 tables. The result is 22 semifinalists and 44 losers. Rebuy Round: Only 42 rebuy seats are available for the 44 eligible. 42 rebuys pay $50 each to play 7 tables of 2 advance. That creates 14 more semifinalists. Semifinals: 36 players, 6 tables of 6 with 1 advance. Finals: 6 players plus one wildcard from all 66 round one entrants makes 7 finalists. The breakdown of prizes is unimportant. The prize pool totals $6600 + $2100 = $8700. Let's assume that the value of a seat in round 1 is to be called the EV of this event. What is the appropriate calculation? The simple approach a la Toolman1: EV = PP / NP Simple EV = $8700 / 66 = $131.82 What if we use the round by round calculation: Chance of advancing from round 1: 1/3 Chance of advancing from the rebuy round: (2/3) * (1/3) Chance of making the semifinals: 1/3 + (2/3 * 1/3) = 0.55555 Chance of winning a seat in the finals: 0.55555 * 1/6 = 0.09259 Chance of winning the wildcard: 1/60 (60 nonfinalists eligible for wildcard) Total chance of making the final table: 0.09259 + (1/60) = 0.109259 Value of a seat in the finals: $8700 / 7 = $1242.86 EV of round 1 using this method: $1242.86 * 0.109259 = $135.79 Complicated EV (assuming 100% chance of rebuy available) = $135.79 CORRECTION: As noted by London Colin in the post below, the correct Complicated EV is $133.87 Thanks! So, which should be the real EV? If your likelihood of obtaining a rebuy if needed is 100%, then $136.14 is the more appropriate number. (The following all relates to the error I made above, subsequently corrected by Colin. Skip if you please.) --- long pause while Ken figured and figured --- OK, I'm confused now. Why can't I reconcile these two values? I assumed that by multiplying the chance of winning the rebuy round by 42/44 and continuing the calculation, I would end up with the same answer as the Simple EV. I didn't. Win round 1: 1/3 Lose, secure a rebuy seat and win rebuy round: (2/3) * (42/44) * (1/3) Line 1 + Line 2: 0.54545 Win semifinal round: 0.54545 * 1/6 = 0.090909 Advance from semis or win wildcard: 0.090909 + (1/60) = 0.10758 Times final seat value: $1242.86 X 0.10758 = $133.70 I'll take a break and think about why that last answer wasn't $131.82. If anyone sees my mistake already, let me know. Then maybe we can move on to discuss which interpretation should be called what.
Think I got it Need to exclude the impossible combination - 'advance from semis and win wildcard': Advance from semis or win wildcard: 0.090909 + (1-0.090909)*(1/60) = 0.10606 Times final seat value: $1242.86 X 0.10606 = $131.82 And the same thing would presumably apply in the first version: Total chance of making the final table: 0.09259 + (1-0.09259)*(1/60) = 0.107714 Value of a seat in the finals: $8700 / 7 = $1242.86 EV of round 1 using this method: $1242.86 * 0.107714 = $133.87
Ah, Thanks Colin. I feel much better now. Now, on to discussing what our terms should mean. Expected Value or EV: I think this should mean the value of a seat in a particular round, or more commonly the value of a seat in the first round of an event. To be as accurate as possible, the calculation should use the detailed method. In practice though, use of the simple method is sufficient for most purposes. Perhaps we should clarify that circumstance by calling our result the Estimated EV. Equity: This term should likely replace EV in the ambiguous phrases "Positive EV" or "Negative EV". So, an event that retains some of the entry fees or rebuys for expenses would be a "Negative Equity" event. An event with money added to the prize pool would be a "Positive Equity" event. How about the event above? 100% equity seems to be the most clear description. Edge, or Player Advantage: In the other thread, Toolman1 was heading for this idea, although his calculation omitted the rebuy cost. The calculation is (EV - Cost) / Cost. Let's use the complex EV above ($133.87). Now we need to calculate our average cost. That is $100 + (2/3) * $50 = $133.33. The edge here is small ($133.87 - $133.33) / $133.33 = 0.00405 = 0.405% The fact that an edge exists here at all is because we have two people who choose to not rebuy. In a 100% equity event where everyone rebuys, the edge will be 0%. ------------------------------------------- All of the above calculations assume an average player. Perhaps more useful is the use of these ideas to estimate an EV when considering skillful play. By keeping records and estimating how much more likely you are to advance than an average player, you can tweak the advancement probabilities in the EV calculation to arrive at a seat value for your skill level. I published an article long ago using a player rating value to do this. My idea is outdated now, having been replaced by a better approach advocated by Monkeysystem. His approach is to calculate the average "failure to advance" rate, which works better in these type of calculations. So, thoughts on any of the above? Alternatives?
Ken: Since your original post on this thread contained some errors that you noted, could you repost your calculations with the correct numbers and without referring to any corrections. The way your post now stands, I'm having a hard time following the flow of numbers.
Sure, here is a cleaned up version without the error issues above. Round 1: 66 players pay $100 each. Two players advance from each of 11 tables. The result is 22 semifinalists and 44 losers. Rebuy Round: Only 42 rebuy seats are available for the 44 eligible. 42 rebuys pay $50 each to play 7 tables of 2 advance. That creates 14 more semifinalists. Semifinals: 36 players, 6 tables of 6 with 1 advance. Finals: 6 players plus one wildcard from all 66 round one entrants makes 7 finalists. The breakdown of prizes is unimportant. The prize pool totals $6600 + $2100 = $8700. Let's assume that the value of a seat in round 1 is to be called the EV of this event. What is the appropriate calculation? The simple approach a la Toolman1: EV = PP / NP Simple EV = $8700 / 66 = $131.82 What if we use the round by round calculation: Chance of advancing from round 1: 1/3 Chance of advancing from the rebuy round: (2/3) * (1/3) Chance of making the semifinals: 1/3 + (2/3 * 1/3) = 0.55555 Chance of winning a seat in the finals: 0.55555 * 1/6 = 0.09259 Chance of winning the wildcard: 1/60 (60 nonfinalists eligible for wildcard) Total chance of making the final table: 0.09259 + [(1 - 0.09259) * (1/60)] = 0.10771 Value of a seat in the finals: $8700 / 7 = $1242.86 EV of round 1 using this method: $1242.86 * 0.10771 = $133.87 Complicated EV (assuming 100% chance of rebuy available) = $133.87 So, which should be the real EV? If your likelihood of obtaining a rebuy if needed is 100%, then $133.87 is the more appropriate number.
It's very much ingrained in my mind that when people use the terms 'edge' or 'advantage', they are referring to skill-derived EV, over and above the average player. Might using them as you suggest here add to the ambiguity? And do we actually need a third piece of terminology? If equity has a sign, positive or negative, then it can surely have a value. You could say that +0.405% is positive equity, and the magnitude of that equity is 0.405%. (That would make the term 100% equity, meaning zero, problematic, though.) The slight problem I have with the whole idea that EV must only refer to the dollar value of a seat is that it masks the fact that, conceptually, and in terms of some of the ways calculations can be done, EV (in the broad sense that can be applied in any domain, not just TBJ) is precisely the right word for the thing that quantities such as the above 0.405% represent. E.g., When we say that a single hand of BJ has an EV of -0.50%, we mean that for every dollar bet, a player expects to lose $0.005. In the same way, the +0.405% figure means that for every dollar of entry fee handed over, the player expects to win $0.00405.
The error is in the re-buys Ken, Thanks for re-posting your "cleaned up" calculations. It's raining pretty heavy here so I spent the better part of the last hour watching the rain (very relaxing if one in not in it) with your calculations in hand. Once the rain stopped and true to form with my signature line, I solved the reason why the "complicated" method did not match the "simple" method for calculating EV. When you did your calculations for the re-buys you assumed that all players that lost in the 1st round would re-buy. This is an error. Only 42 were able to re-buy not the 44 that were eliminated in Round 1. That difference of 2 players reduces the prize pool by $100 when using the "complicated" method which in turn reduces its EV. On the other hand, the "simple" method took into account that $100. As proof, I have copied your last post below and noted my calculation changes in RED. The EVs for both the "simple" and "complicated" methods are now identical as you originally suspected they should be. So I can draw 2 conclusions about the "simple" method as long as players are not added after the first round: 1) Since both methods produce the same EV, there is no need to go through complex and error prone procedures. The simple formula "Total Prize Pool / Number of players" will give the right answer every time. With a few "tweaks", the "simple" method can be used for a tournament where players are added after the first round and these "tweaks" will result in substantially less calculations than the "complicated" method. 2) Everything is automatically taken into account: including re-buys, wild-cards, how players advance, and rules of the game. 3) Can be used "on the fly" when at a tournament with 100% reliability.
I agree 100%. However, we are stuck with this "standard" terminology just as we are stuck with a way of playing BJTs which I personally consider AWFUL. So we have to live with it as we are powerless to change it - see my signature line.
Pp/np You’re right toolman1. As you said, as long as no new players are injected (paid or not paid) the EV for an average player is PP/NP assuming that they all have the same chances of playing, which if not possible is best represented by an average. In Ken’s particular scenario we need to differentiate two groups of players in the subgroup of reentries: 42 that were unlucky to lose in the first round and has gotten to play in the rebuy and 2 players that theoretically wanted to play in rebuys but didn’t get to do it. But for a representative of all players it is as you wrote 2/3 x 1/3 x 42/44 S.Yama
Oh bother. I've managed to complicate matters further by somehow omitting a statement that I intended to be part of the initial premise. I intentionally left 2 losers without rebuy seats, but intended to state that there would be at least two players who would CHOOSE to not rebuy. In that event, there is a legitimate difference in the two calculations. There have been events where the difference would matter. Think back to the Stardust events, where "favored" players would be given early round times that insured the ability to rebuy. Second-tier players were given later playing times with no guarantee of a rebuy. Nonetheless these examples seem too contrived to unnecessarily muddy the waters. The simple calculation has much merit, and need be supplanted only under extraordinary circumstances. (Unfortunately that is not true once you decide to use a skill rating. Then the longer process is required to assess your overall edge.) The other points made in this thread about terminology are well-taken. I like the proposed use of SV instead of EV.
That was more or less what I understood you to mean. Would it be legitimate terminology to call this result a 'conditional EV'? (i.e. it is your expectation, conditioned on 100% probability of being able to rebuy?) It seems to me that what you have done is set up a framework, a procedure in which various variables are available to be tweaked. Give them all their default values - Probability of getting a rebuy = 42/44 Probability of advancing from a table = 1/3 Probability of drawing a wildcard = 1/60 - and the result is the same as the simple calculation. Modify one or more, based on some specific information, turn the handle, and viola! - your personal EV for the tournament. (You might wonder how the wildcard probability could change; maybe you notice that a proportion of losers routinely don't hang around for the drawing.)
I want to address the issue of how the number of available seats and number of players doing a re-buy affects the SV, if at all. For discussion purposes, I’ll continue to use the hypothetical tournament we have been referring to on this thread. Below is a partial reproduction of that tournament incorporating all of the calculation corrections we have previously noted with the re-buy formula highlighted in RED for ease of reference. I also took the liberty to change “EV” to “SV” (Seat Value). To save space, I stopped at the point where the re-buy calculation is made since the rest is not germane to my discussion. **************************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************** The hypothetical tournament: Round 1: 66 players pay $100 each. Two players advance from each of 11 tables. The result is 22 semifinalists and 44 losers. Re-buy Round: Only 42 re-buy seats are available for the 44 eligible. 42 re-buys pay $50 each to play 7 tables of 2 advance. That creates 14 more semifinalists. Semifinals: 36 players, 6 tables of 6 with 1 advance. Finals: 6 players plus one wildcard from all 66 round one entrants makes 7 finalists. The breakdown of prizes is unimportant. Let's assume that the value of a seat in round 1 is to be called the SV of this event. What is the appropriate calculation? What if we use the round by round calculation: Chance of advancing from round 1: 1/3 Chance of advancing from the re-buy round: (2/3) * (1/3) * (42/44) = .21212 **************************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************** Now let’s concentrate on the re-buy formula: If we take the re-buy formula of (2/3) * (1/3) * (42/44) = .21212 and multiply out the fractions on the left side to have just one fraction we come to 84/396 = .21212. Now, to make that fraction have meaningful numbers, we divide the numerator and denominator by 6 to arrive at the fraction “14/66” So now the re-buy formula can simply be presented as: 14/66 = .21212 The number “14” (numerator) represents the number of players that will advance from the Re-Buy Round. The number “66” (denominator) represents the number of players in Round 1. Note: No numbers in this formula refer to the number of seats available to the players in the re-buy round which is 42. My proposal: Use the fraction 14/66 = .21212 to represent the re-buy round calculation. The numerator will always be the number of players that will advance out of the re-buy round and the denominator is the total number of players in Round 1. What I find interesting here is that the same rule applies for determining a fraction for the Round 1 play. In this case the fraction is 1/3. That is the same as 22/66 with 22 being the number of players that will advance out of Round 1. The probable objection to using this single fraction: There is no provision for those who chose not to re-buy which reduces the players in the re-buy round. No provision for that is necessary because the probability of advancing out of the re-buy round will always be .21212. Let's take a look at what happens if only 35 players decide to re-buy:The original formula is: (2/3) * (1/3) * (42/44) = .21212 The (2/3) is the reduced fraction from 44/66 So the original formula is actually (44/66) * (1/3) * (42/44) = .21212 The number 44 (in each of 2 of fractions) represented the number of players that wanted to re-buy. So let's assume only 35 of the players decide to re-buy. The formula becomes: (35/66) * (1/3) * (42/35) = 1470 / 6930 = .21212So we are stuck with the number .21212. Then we say .21212 is the probability of winning the re-buy round. If that's the case then there is only one number that can be multiplied by .21212 to have 14 players emerge from the re-buy round and that number is 66. Therefore, the number .21212 represents the PORTION OF THE ORIGINAL PLAYER POOL of 66 THAT WILL ADVANCE OUT OF THE RE-BUY ROUND: 66 * .21212 = 14. No matter what we do, if the math logic is correct, that answer will always be .21212 or 14 players out of the original 66. So, the number .21212 can never change (for SV calculation purposes) regardless of the number of players in the re-buy round. One exception - if too few players re-buy, additional wild-cards for Round 2 may be needed (if the tournament rules permit) but that does not change the SV. So my conclusion is that the calculation for the re-buy round remains at 14/66 = .21212 regardless of the number of players that sign up for the re-buy round. In reality, this is because if the tournament starts with 66 players, SV is only affected when the estimated prize pool is adjusted by the re-buy money estimate - not because more or less players are trying to advance through the re-buy round. When play began we don't know the future. There are 66 players competing and the chance of winning, say 1st place, is always 1/66 at the beginning of play. Yes, a given player's probability constantly changes as the play progresses while that player wins or loses at various points but at the start, any given player's chance for first place is always 1/66. Remember, SV is an estimate for the average player at the beginning of play and most of the time, unless the Prize Pool is fixed, it will not equal an SV that is calculated after a tournament is run and all the numbers are certain. NOTE: I will be in and out of town over the next 10 days or so. If any member’s response needs a response from me, just hold tight, I will respond when I can.