Fitz Tunica Feb 25-26, 2011

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by deltaduke, Jan 5, 2011.

  1. deltaduke

    deltaduke Active Member

    I just added this tournament to the calender. This time the casino is adding $25,000 to the tournament pool. Hooters restaurant is cosponsoring the tournament. They hated to go heads up with Sams Town, but this was the weekend Hooters wanted. In an earlier post I said it would be possible to play both this and Sams Town, but it would be virtually impossible. Sams Town semis and finals would be played the same time as the Fitz 2nd round and rebuys. It would be hard to play both at the same time.
    Steve Phillips and Billy C like this.
  2. Counselorlee

    Counselorlee Member

    Advance promotional information from Adolf at Fitz-Tunica states the following:

    Date: February 25 and 26, 2011

    Entry fee: $150 initial buy-in with 2 optional $150 re-buy opportunities. Two free nights are complimentary with tournament entry.

    Friday night registration from 5 pm - 8 pm. Early Bird Round 1 - Friday night, 8 pm.


    1st - $20,000 - Guaranteed
    2nd - 40%
    3rd - 25%
    4th - 15%
    5th - 10%
    6th - 7.5%
    7th - 2.5%

    All money collected in entry fees and re-buys will first go to fill the $20,000 first prize. The reminder of the entry fees and re-buys will fill the 2nd - 7th places.

    For reservations and more information call: Guest RSVP #: 1-800-766-5825 and ask for the Host Desk Extension, 8450.
    Billy C and LeftNut like this.
  3. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member


    Now the question for me becomes---------does the purse justify a drive of over 700 miles and expenses?
    I presume first will pay more than 20k but????????
    Also, if these dates are accurate, the calendar isn't!

    Billy C
  4. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I've corrected the calendar dates.

    Obviously Adolph has listened to several of the players' recommendations lately. Notice that rooms are automatically included, not based on play. And you can't argue with $25,000 added!

    C'mon. Let's seriously get behind this one. As I stated for the last event I attended there, this is one of the most fun formats I've played with so many shots at advancing.
  5. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    You being there (will you?) is an added incentive as I haven't seen you for something like a hundred years. Think I'll do this one providing I can drive out of the northwoods in February.
    I'll need to find out their cancellation policy for that reason.

    Billy C
  6. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member


    Tunica casinos are typically comp generous so I think you'll get the third night by playing a "reasonable" amount.

    Billy C
  7. Counselorlee

    Counselorlee Member

    Updated Fitz BJ Tournament

    Updated Events Calendar - Most notable change is Entry Fee. $150 from $300 :D. So...ya'll come!
  8. leilahay

    leilahay Member

    even we are considering it & we have more than double Billy's drive. january in nevada, now perhaps february in mississippi. the gypsy life lol.
  9. BJT with Hooters Girls?

    This looks too good to pass up!
  10. TLR

    TLR New Member

    Can someone tell me when the Saturday and more importanly, Sunday start times are for the tourny?

    Thanks, TLR
  11. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I thought I had replied to the question about event times already, although my information is not based on current details. If I recall correctly from previous tournaments, this event ends on Sunday at around 1 pm.

    Now, the bad news... The $25,000 add is not happening. Hooters is still sponsoring the event, but the big added money is not part of the deal.

    This is now a 100% cash return event.
    I'm still planning to attend, and I encourage the community to support this event.
  12. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    How can they be called a sponsor then? I'm curious what their involvement is.

    Billy C
  13. TLR

    TLR New Member

    "This is now a 100% cash return event."

    I see: Prizes:

    1st=$20,000 (Guaranteed)

    Do you know if this is still the case?

    If 1st place is not guaranteed and now rolled into the cash return I can't personally see myself attending.

    Thanks, Tim
  14. PitchMan

    PitchMan Top Member

    As of last Friday night when I talked with Mark, $20K is guaranteed for first place. He and Adolph have made several changes as a result of player input. They work hard to have a very good tournament. If we don't support good tournaments like this one we can count on hearing even more complaints about not having good tournaments to play in, because without player support they will go away. I'll be there. I ecourage you to call and sign up soon so they will have some idea of participation well ahead of the event. If we'll just turn out in good numbers we can avoid concerns about 2nd through 7th place payouts, and maybe even take 1st up some. It's up to us!
  15. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    I appreciate what you're saying but the sad truth is that turnout is dependent on the purse. You surely understand that someone like myself can't justify close to a 1500 mile round trip drive plus other expenses with the diminished purse size.
    I was planning to participate, but now must reconsider for that reason.

    Billy C
  16. PitchMan

    PitchMan Top Member

    Sorry Billy C, if my comments seemed to be pointing a finger at you. My intent was of a much more general nature. As I myself do, I often hear others wish outloud that there were more good blackjack tournaments in the MS/LA/OK areas, and I just realize that the expected longevity of repeat BJT events as well as purse sizes are dependent upon participation. I gotta admit, as brittle as this old carcass has become as the years have passed, the longer 1500 miles has become - But then, seeing my kids, grandkids, and a competing in a good blackjack tournament (most times) give me the adreneline required to attempt things I wouldn't otherwise :) Best of luck to you where ever you play!
    Fredguy likes this.
  17. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    Thanks and good luck to you. I was looking forward to this event. Haven't been to Tunica for something like 6 years and would like to return.
    It will happen someday!

    Billy C
  18. Counselorlee

    Counselorlee Member

    Fitz and Hooters "All Cash" BJ Tournament Feb. 25/26th Update

    An added "twist" to the upcoming Fitz tournament...

    "After the completion of the 15th hand, we will offer a $50 table rebuy for an additional $2,500 to be played in the remaining 5 hands."

    Ya'll come. le/feiii

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