Nov 11, 2003
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-- Feb 19, 2021

    1. johnr
      Ken, I have both your Ebooks How to win more Black Jack tournaments. My friend thinks he had a paper copy of the first one. Was some of them printed on paper?
      Thank you
      John Nelson.
      1. KenSmith
        @johnr I made exactly one printed copy, for my friend Richard Rockwell who was such an inspiration to my early tournament efforts.
        I know that a few people have gotten copies printed themselves, but there was never a paid copy for sale.
        Oct 16, 2021
    2. KenSmith
    3. Eric Hasslock
      Eric Hasslock
      Hey Ken,I have been invited to a private tournament that's being held this weekend. It is a very unique tournament in that it's a Tri-Table Tournament. (One round of Blackjack, Baccarat, and Roulette.)How can I copy and paste the tournament rules here or attach a PDF of the tournament rules? I simply wanted to ask what your opinion or take is on how I should best approach this tournament strategy wise.
      1. KenSmith
        I recommend posting a thread on the forum about this. You can attach a pdf of a photo there, and will have the benefit of more people weighing in. The optimal strategy will heavily depend on how the rounds are used. If it's a cumulative chip count, that's quite different than other ways of structuring this event.
        Jan 11, 2021
    4. UncleAbe
      No tournaments at Iron Horse Casino, They've been closed up for awhile now and doubtful they will ever reopen. They were in trouble even before the pandemic. Here in Washington State, we've gone in a few short years from more tournaments than you could shake a stick at to none at all or close to it. I used to be able to play nine tournaments a week. Now I sit on my hands and reminisce about better days.
      1. KenSmith
        Sorry to hear that. That seems to be the trend everywhere. I’m afraid the pandemic might be the last straw. I’ll mark the iron horse as closed and cancel the event listings.
        Sep 4, 2020
    5. Jascan
      It is with great sadness I report that one of our long time Players has passed away. Tom Karl was one of the original St Louis Players that traveled the Midwest. He and his wife, Jan would play tournaments together and enjoy the camaraderie and the competition of his many friends around the country...but I wanted to let the many people in our group. know of his passing. RIP Tom...
    6. KenSmith
      Thanks Judge Jim, and welcome aboard. Good luck in future tournaments!
    7. Judge Jim
      Judge Jim
      I'm new here.
      Is great and I appreciate it.
      Last night(7/17/14) I played in my very first BJ tournament at the Rising Star in Rising Sun, IN
      I won! Thank you Ken Smith for your work! I learned a lot by reading your articles.
      To my knowledge there aren't many tournaments in my area but I hope for more opportunities in the future.
      1. KenSmith likes this.
    8. KenSmith
    9. Counselorlee
      Ken, what are "points" and how did I 18?
    10. Nabob_127
      Ken there is a 30K bj tournament on Valentine*s Day wkend with a buy in of 299.00 and the winnings will only be promo chips from what I got from the reservation dept. However I have not spoken to a host or pit boss or any one who can confirm this for she says it is invite with 3 day rooms comp. IDK. Let me hear from the bj world plz. tyvm. This is being held at the tropicana in vegas.
    11. double down d
      double down d
      Any postings for November tournaments?
      1. KenSmith
        Check the Event Calendar. At the top of your screen, click on Tournaments and look around. You can easily change the search options to suit you.
        Oct 22, 2013
    12. Pine Tree
      Pine Tree
      Hi Ken
      I have a question about "Private Messages." Are they private, or can anyone access them?

      I just sent a "private message" to Sandy Eggo in which I mentioned she was going in for a short hospital stay. She had freely told me about her upcoming hospital visit, but she didn't indicate that the info was for general distribution. She might not even care, but I don't know. I sent my message to her and wanted to check it, so I clicked on Private Messages in the upper right corner, clicked on Sent Items and then clicked her name as Recipient. I was able to read my message to her and a message she sent to "Thomas," and a message she received from "Underdog 92019."

      I was shocked to see that other people might be able to see the message I sent to her in which I mention her going into the hospital. I had also sent her some tips on the Hawaiian Gardens Casino blackjack tournament that I didn't want to make available to everyone.

      So, are the Private Messages private?
    13. PhxSam
      I see some long time tournament players on 6/5 tables saying its ok
      because they double BJs. How bad is that?
    14. ANDY 956
      ANDY 956
      Hi Ken,
      The post reply message function does not appear to be working correctly from my end.

    15. ANDY 956
      ANDY 956
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