1,000,000$ multiplayer blackjack tournament prize pool @ www.Get21.com

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by Jacky-get21, Aug 16, 2006.

  1. Jacky-get21

    Jacky-get21 New Member

    www.Get21.com need some advice. We are about to launch what we hope will be the hottest arena for online blackjack tournaments at www.Get21.com but we wanted to get some input from people who have played in online blackjack tournaments before.

    Your advice on what makes a great blackjack tournament, about our website in general, and about the things we have already included will be very helpful to us. It will be easier to implement some of the changes you suggest before we launch rather than after. So please give us a hand to make this the hottest online 21-tournament arena on the web!

    You can post here if the forum allows it or you can email me privately at Jacky@Get21.com

    Thank you,

    www.Get21.com support team
  2. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    Website looks professional and well thought out. Unfortunately no idea what the games interface is like. Would be nice if they needed some beta-testers *nudge-nudge, wink-wink* I'm your man!!!! ;)

    Looks like TBJ is going to blow up online. Yeeehaaaaa!


  3. Jacky-get21

    Jacky-get21 New Member

    www.Get21.com looking for the blackjack experts

    Well , thank you for your great comments. It seems like you are a pro BJ player , maybe you can share with us your BJT experience . I'm sure that you can help us with our beta launch.

    Since we are gonna start with beta launch we sure need as many players who can test our application to help us bring it to be T-H-E G-A-M-E for all BJT adapted .

    So keep in tauch with me here or at jacky@get21.com
  4. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Me, a Pro BJ player, if only...

    I'm afraid not! Highly enthusiastic amateur player more like.

    Can you be more specific in what "advice" you are looking for? Is it technical, play-based, rules, aesthetic, logistical?

    For starters

    MTT at various times during the day to cover all time zones (I'm in UK)

    20-30 second timers on all play and bet decisions. Longer on final hand, 45-60 seconds.

    Advanced play - place you bet or play decision in advance with the abilty to change your mind once you have made a decision. At bj21.com once you have made an advanced play you can't change it.

    Be ruthless in disconnecting players who aren't at the table and they are timing out on every hand thus slowing the game down

    Don't forget to allow double for less and insurance for less on all hands, not just the last

    Games should be min 15 hands IMHO

    Have a good chat room and allow chat on the tables including visitors

    Plenty of Freerolls

    A league - award points for position and display a weekly, monthly and yearly league based on that (see blackjack21.com and global for ideas onthat)

    Easy to use betting interface - a slider or even the ability to type in your bet

    Avatars - Allow players the option of chosing an avatar to represent them at the table

    More to come no doubt....


  5. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Hey Jack,

    Be careful what you ask for around here!

    Reachy - great suggestions and I'm sure there are many more to come. :laugh:
  6. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Time to bet

    I think the max should be 30 seconds. 20 seconds isnt bad at all. For one at 45-60 it would take an eternity to play final hand. Anything over 30 seconds I could do a page of calculus to figure perfect bet against every player. At 20-30 it puts the pressure on. One thing online games lack is pressure, one way blackjack21.com adds pressure is with the 20 second clock on betting. There they have the chip totals right in front of you, you dont have to count chips. In many if not all the 28 live games I have played in you have 30 seconds to count chips, yours and opponents to make right bet. JMO, but 30 seconds is maximum for any bet. Maybe the perfect time is 20 for all but last bet and then go to 30.


    Last edited: Aug 16, 2006
  7. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Time bank?

    OK what about this. 30 seconds decision time per bet/play. You have your own personal 30 second time bank that you can dip into when your initial 30 secs times out. The time bank isn't replenishable.

    E.g. your turn to place a bet, 30 seconds goes by you time out, time bank initiated, you make decision 5 seconds into the time bank leaving 25 seconds left. Next go, play decision times out at 30, time bank initiated takes another 15 seconds to decide, leaving 10 seconds left in time bank.

    So you could save it up until the last hand or use it whenever.

    Just a thought.


  8. pergo56

    pergo56 Member

    Congats, The site looks great so far, can't wait to try it out. I would like to add a couple of things to Reachy's comments. First, service after the sale, no one wants to wait two or three days for a response to a problem. Secondly, please no pop-ups during tournament play.:)

  9. Jacky-get21

    Jacky-get21 New Member

    Here is what we have on the BJT Platform

    Thanks for your input! Here are some answers to your questions.

    You can decide how many hands you want to play, there are different tables with different amounts of hands to be dealt, lots of free rolls and you can easily open a table and bring your friends to play. I like the idea of the avatars, it seems nice that everyone can represent themselves and as far as I know it’s in development.

    There is chat on the tables, later on there will be a chat forum as well.

    All in all it’s gonna be a pretty cool BJ platform, you will see!

    I would like to understand what it is an advanced play …. Can you bring up more details?




  10. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Advanced Play

    Just means you can decide on your bet or play action before it's actually your turn.

    E.g. your 4th to act, cards have been dealt and you have 19. You know you're going to Stand so you click "Stand". You can do this before the others have decided what they are going to do. Likewise if you know what bet you're going to place you bet during advanced play. I suggest you go and have a game or 2 at blackjack21.com to see it in action.

    Hope this helps.


  11. Jacky-get21

    Jacky-get21 New Member

    well now i can insure you that we have an advanced

    Now i can insure you that we have an advanced play in www.get21.com

  12. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    It's good to know that your site allows players to select their play without having to wait for action to get to their spot.

    Before this terminology gets picked up and reused by someone else, let me weigh in on this idea...

    At Blackjack21.com, to make a play before it's your turn, you must click a button labeled 'Advanced Play'. While it's nice that they have this option, this is poor way to accomplish the function.

    First, "Advanced Play" sounds like a synonym for "Expert Play", which is not what they mean at all. But, there's no need to change the label on the button. Instead, just do away with it altogether! Why not just have the normal hit/stand/double buttons available all the time, even before your turn comes up? That's a much simpler approach.

    So, in the future, if we need to refer to this feature, I propose we call it 'preselecting your play', and I strongly encourage that we kill this "advanced play" moniker before it spreads.
  13. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Ken, first we had you chance the members from senior to elite. Now the confusion with advanced play? Killjoy!

    BUT SERIOUSLY. I agree with you and I would propose using your terminology preselect for the "advanced button". I think you need to have a button that people hit in advance rather than letting people hit the stand/hit/DD, etc anytime they want. I really like the pre-select feature and wish Global had that also. It allows the game to move faster and allows me the opportunity to multi-task.

    As far as features/likes and dislikes. How about having a last bet button that puts up your last bet while still allowing you to add &/or subtract from that total. On BJ21 when you hit last - zip bam boom you're locked in without being able to change it. Last bet on Global puts up the last bet and allows you to add to it. Maybe it's a minor detail but it's a pet peeve of mine.
  14. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    you should be able to deselect the preselect if you change your mind.


  15. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    In a perfect world I agree. Nevertheless I'm not sure how it could be done from a programming point of view. Plus making the preselect a "permanent feature - i.e., not changable, makes one leary of using the feature sometimes. Overall I would love to have a preselect button on Global and think that for all new TBJ sites it would be standard.
  16. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Check box

    That's what they do on the poker sites. Check the check box to preselect, uncheck to deselect.



  17. UTVolfan

    UTVolfan New Member


    I agree with Reachy. Poker sites have had this feature for quite a while, using check boxes.

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