1 to 10 spread?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by slim100_us, Jan 25, 2005.

  1. slim100_us

    slim100_us New Member

    I have a question about playing in a tournament with 42 hands, and a bet spread of 1 to 10 ($50.00 to $500.00), and two people advance from the table.

    How far should you let BR1 & BR2 get ahead of you, before you bet more than the minimum to try to catch them?

    Should you be patient until about ten hands to go?

    Should you only really worry about BR2 and let BR1 get way ahead seeing you just need to beat BR2 in order to advance?

    Should you try to keep up with BR1 if he gets say 1 max bet or 2 max bets ahead?

    Comments :)


  2. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    This is a good question Slim. I am anxious to see what others have to share on this subject. If you haven't read Ken's comments on this, here is his link..


    I have found that I probably have waited to late to make a move more often than moving to soon. A lot depends on how the leaders are playing their hands. If they are just playing minimum bets and waiting, I think you have to make your move earlier, otherwise you won't shake them out of making the minimum bet and being able to leverage a small bet against one of their large ones.

    The other side of your question is also interesting. If you are sitting BR1, when should you change your bet from the minimum? Do you wait until someone gets within a max bet of you or do you try to match bets at some point to keep the margin between you?


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