$10,000.00 Match Play?

Discussion in 'Tournament Blackjack Players Association' started by TXtourplayer, May 18, 2007.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    This is what I was asked to try and put together for 16 players. After I stopped laughing, I realized they were serious. After talking about who we thought would play in an event with such a large entry fee I came up with 8/9 players, but I was told we could get 16 with no problem.

    Well if they can get them, then I am willing to host the event. The only thing I told them I wanted to do was to post it on BJT.com to see if anyone else would want to play in it.

    If I can get the 16 players confirmed by the first of August I will be willing to host the event in Laughlin the day before we start the satellites for our next TBJPA/TBT events.

    The event will be open to anyone willing to pay the $10,000.00 event fee and will be open for spectators to watch, however the matches will be roped off about five foot from the tables, (I don't want the players bothered for this kind of money).

    All TBJPA rules will apply, however head to head match play will be the format.

    I figured that if they want to play this match why not host it along with the TBJPA/TBT events so that any TBJPA members not wanting to pay that type of entry fee may at least get to enjoy watching this BIG match play event.

    Now will it really happen? I know I can't afford a $10,000.00 entry, but if we get 16 players who can and are willing to do so then I'll surely host it for them.

    Anyone interested in playing contact me by PM on this site or at rick@tbjpa.com
    Last edited: May 18, 2007
  2. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    Bring it on.

    I'm in, contingent on final approval of the exact rules format... I doubt an event like this will get off the ground, but if you build it, I will come.

  3. tirle_bj

    tirle_bj Member

    I'll try

    We need to set up rules that will minimize the luck factor, e.i. for given couple of players there should be at least 11 matches (each match could be 15 hands or so). The one who will win 6 matches first - goes to the next round. I would like to participate in the event like this even with single elimination format and only one winner.
  4. arlalik

    arlalik Member

    Count me in

    Actually I am impressed with an oportunity like this.
    I agree with Tirle_BJ that we need to play multiple matches to find a real winner (similar to other sport events like Tennis). It can become an Annual Event if this one going to be successful.
    Go for it Rick.
  5. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Damn, we have some gamblers here...LOL

    At first I was asked about just holding a single elimination 16 player bracket and I was the one who suggested we play a double elimination bracket format.

    However after reading the above posts I really like the best of scenario such as 2/3, 3/5 matches and possibly go back to single elimination of the series with best 3 of 5 or best 2 of 3 matches on a double elimination bracket.

    At least the players would be getting a few rounds played for their $10,000 entry and as tirle_bj pointed out it would minimize the luck factor by hosting the matches in a series format.

    Very good suggestion, God I love postive feedback, very nice indeed tirle_bj! Double thumbs up on that suggestion!
  6. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    How about best 4 out of 7?

    After talking with several players and taking the amount of time needed for such an event and the size of the entry fee, I have decided that a best 4 out of 7 match play series, single elimination (against the same player for each round) would be the best series format. I think this would diffenately minimize the luck factor (which is a must for this size entry).

    Here is a tenitive schedule of the matches:

    4 tables:

    Wednesday, August 14th, 2007

    10:00 am: First round matches would be from the top half of the bracket matches 1 & 4, from the bottom half matches 5 & 8, all four best 4 out of 7 games for the match.

    2:00 pm: First round matches with matches 3 & 4 and 6 & 7, again each match will be the best 4 out of 7.

    5:00 pm: Second round matches 9, 10, 11, & 12 will be played. Same 4 out of 7 format.

    Thursday, August 15th, 2007

    10:00 am: Third round matches begin (all four remaining players will be in the money). Same 4 out of 7 format.

    1:00 pm: Final match, 4 out of 7 format.

    Due to the amount of sessions in each match, I decided that two days would be required to play this format correctly.
  7. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    I'm confused, but I think I'm starting to see the light.

    By 'Matchplay' I had assumed you were talking about the rare format used in the 80's where both players were dealt the SAME hand, but alternated betting/playing decisions on that single hand to produce potentially different outcomes. In fact, I believe Anthony Curtis is still the reigning 'World Matchplay Champion!'

    Matchplay is a format I've talked about ressurecting with the UBT and even for my own TV production ideas for a long time now, and by its very nature eliminates the need for a long series of matches -- after all, its not like anyone can complain that their opponent received all the blackjacks while they received nothing but stiffs!

    I'd still be happy to play a $10k Heads-Up series of matches, which I think is what Rick is referring to, rather than true 'Matchplay.' In that case, lets change the language used to describe it since 'matchplay' is already taken! lol

  8. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Mano Y Mano....

    When I first read the proposition I thought it was a mano mano tourney like we played at global player. What a fun game that was. But I see this definition for Backgammon

    <What Is Match Play?

    When backgammon tournaments are held to determine an overall winner, the usual style of competition is match play. Competitors are paired off, and each pair plays a series of games to decide which player progresses to the next round of the tournament. This series of games is called a match.
  9. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Head to Head matches...

    Sorry for any confusion, the format will be head to head matches with each player each receiving their own hands and the hands will be rotated after each hand between the two players.

    Each session pitting two players per table, in head to head series of the best 4 out of 7 matches in each round.
  10. duro

    duro New Member

    is it open or invite ?

    would it be open or invite ?

    count me in!
  11. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    For $10,000 entry? It is open to whichever 16 players put up $10,000 first...LOL.

    I have a few more suggestion;

    1) Play 14 hands, so first base will have last bet on the final hand.

    2) Winner of prior game starts second in the following game, so they bet first on the final hand.

    3) Should the players be tied at 3 games each, they will draw high card to see who starts first on the final game.

    Any other ideas to improve this event?
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2007
  12. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    How many players per table?

    I was basing the Head to Head matches with just two players per table (for a $10,000 entry, my opinion that’s all I would prefer to play per table).

    But, should we play 4 players per table (2 matches on each table) it would cut the time in half and we could increase the number of matches played.

    Example: instead of the proposed best 4 out of 7 we could play the best 6 out of 11 matches for advancement.

    Another possibility for playing more matches within a shorter time frame would be to lower the hands to 10 or 12 hands in each session.

    All the above suggestions are to try and take as much of the luck factor out of this $10,000 event.

    Bottom line is these are just suggestion I am offering for the 16 players who decide to pay and play in this $10,000 entry fee event.
  13. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    Is this a 10grand +1000$ for a house fee of 10%? I hope so. It would be great for the casino and the dealers should do well off tips. Mostly I say this because there is no snowball chance in hell Ill be playing :D
  14. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    About 6.25%

    The house will be getting $10,000 flat for this event, which is a little over 6.2% vig. No tips will be taken out for the dealers, that will be left up to the winners. At this entry price range the players know to take care of the dealers and feel they will be tipped fairly.
  15. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    Why not just call it "heads up" like the do in poker? And they have World Heads Up Championships...


  16. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Really it's not even named...

    This event isn't even named, it was designed for 16 players willing to pay the $10,000 entry.

    It will be a head to head compatition, but to advance it will be based on a best of series of matches in each head to head compatition.

    In poker the head to head matches are only one single match to advance.
  17. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    I think

    Match Play is the correct title using the definition I found for a backgammon head to head tournament. A Match being a series of head to head games.

    I really hope this works out. Great for the upper level players. Great for TBJPA. Great all around. That makes me wonder, is this a TBJPA event?
  18. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Not really

    We will be using the TBJPA rules though. This event is just something a few players asked me to host for them. Orignally they asked about hosting it on a cruise ship.

    Should the August $10,000 head to head matches be successful I have already have another location that has asked me about hosting one at their location.

    Problem is how many players are there willing to plop down $10,000 for the entry fee multiple times per year?
    Last edited: May 21, 2007
  19. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    Barney, as HD said "Matchplay" is a term already used for a different BJ format. Maybe Matchplay is a better description, maybe not, but poker already uses the term "heads up" to define a mano a mano situation so surely it makes sense to borrow from that? Actually I don't care either way, but, you know....


  20. tirle_bj

    tirle_bj Member

    Analogy with poker

    Yesterday I was watching 2007 Heads-up Poker Championship in Caesar's Palace and that was "best two out of three format", which means dispite of much longer sessions they go 'til one wins two out of three sessions.
    Two previous years (2005, 2006) were held with the same format.
    So, I agree with Reachy to consider event as a "Heads-up BlackJack Championship".
    With 30 second time limit per decision (exept for the last hand) 15 hands can take over 30 min, but realistically it's gonna be approximately 15 min. For comparison at Global Player it was about 6 min.
    Now if we play "best 6 out of 11" format realistically it'll take no more than 3 hours.
    For this kind of Event and Entree Fee this is not very much.

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