$10,000 BJT this Thursday at Harrah's Atlantic City.

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by BJTguy, Jul 7, 2008.

  1. BJTguy

    BJTguy New Member

  2. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Good deal for the invited players...

    Harrah's AC allows everybody to play in the weekly qualifiers, but unless you win one of the weekly events or you are an invited guest you can't play in the main event, is this correct?

    Guy9bundles if I am reading the flyer correctly the Harrahs AC event is simular to the way the Oklahoma Bj tournaments use to be run. All prize money came from losses from everyone that played, but only certain invited players were allowed to play in the main tournament.

    So then all the players who play and contribute to the over all prize pool, that either don't win or get an invitation just helped build the prize pool for all their VIP's. Now that is a great deal and overlay for those invited guest anyway.

    To be fair Harrah's should re-word their flyer and just say it is open to any players who haven't qualified, but at a set entry fee. Why build the prize pool for their VIP's with the possiblity of not get to play in the main event yourself, (that is without qualifying).

    I could even see if they qualified the final table (6 - 7 players each week), but only the winners, just doesn't sound like it that great of a deal for the average player.

    If a player has helped to build the prize pool, then they should be intitled to play in the main event, since their invited players can play and may have never contributed a dime into the tournament.

    Also I noticed they have a $20 entry fee AND a $100 buy-in with the prize money based on 100 entries each week. That breaks down to $2,000 in entry fees and a $100,000 in buy-in's. Now not all the buy-in's will be lost, but less say 25% of the buy-in's are dropped to the casino, that is $25,000 each week + $2,000 for entry fees = $27,000 with only $10,000 going out to the players = $17,000 the casino drops each week. Now multiply that time the 9 weeks of qualifiers they are hosting and that = $153,000, but the casino is only giving away only $100,000? Where's the rest of the money? This is also not adding in the re-buy's entry fees and their buy-in's.

    I'd be curious to find out how many players they actually get each week? To make a guess, I'd say that the average turnout for weekly events around the country is around 50 - 65 players. Then with re-buys I could see the weekly events getting enough or close enough to award the weekly $10,000 prize, but what about the $100,000 main event? Will it be guaranteed without a full 100 entry fee's each week?

    I hate being negitive, but this event sounds very heavy in favor of the casino and their invited guests. One other point to make here, I am not sure about Harrah's AC, but other Harrah's properties have shown their VIP's more favors when it comes to re-buying as well. One property only allowed their VIP's the chance to re-buy all other players were just SH-T OUT OF LUCK!
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2008
  3. BJTguy

    BJTguy New Member

    From what I understand this weekly tournament is by his own and as an additional prize to the winner they give invitation to their BJT on August 30th.

    Actually I think that Harrah's is losing in this event because the prize pool is $10,000 and the entry fee is $120, I don’t think that over 83 players will attend this event on Thursday night at Atlantic City.

    Let me know if I am wrong because I am planning to participate in this event.:)
  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    If your up there why not?

    I'd try it if your going to be up there anyway, but I wouldn't make a speical trip for it. Now if your a diamond or 7 star card holder I'd be going up there for the freebie, why not.

    Good luck if you play, just win first and then you don't have to worry about getting an invite or not.
  5. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Go for it!

    Absolutely, if you're close enough to play in the weeklies, go for it! Since Harrah's bought the Windsor casino, if they did this there I'd be all over it like paint on a wall. Depending somewhat on the format, of course.
  6. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    Maybe it is a good deal

    TX, I think you misplaced a decimal point, 100 players at a $100 buy-in each is $10,000 not $100,000. Assuming your hypothetical 25% casino win of buy-in money a $2,500 weekly drop times 9 weeks equals $22,500 not $153,000 total money contributed by the players towards the $100,000 final.

    The $20 entry with a $10,000 prize fund based on 100 players and all re-buy money added to the prize fund for the 9 weeklys plus entry to the $100,000 final for the winner of each weekly sounds attractive and an overlay to me with or without a live money $100 buy-in.
  7. $10k not guaranteed

    If you read the fine print, you will see that the $10k prize package is
    based on 100 entries. In most of their previous buyin tournaments in AC,
    the Harrah's casinos were unwilling to pony up any prize money. They simply would give back the entries collected and pocket the fees that they collect.
    So, you probably won't be seeing an overlay in their weekly tournaments, instead you will be seeing an underlay.

    Also, I suspect that the "buyin" is not a real money buyin, but simply what we think of in other tournaments as an entry fee. Most likely, you will be playing with funny money chips.
  8. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    Kelly, I did read and say in my post the numbers I used were based on 100 entrants as the fine print states and as TX's post was based but none the less, are you saying;

    The $100 which is called "buy-in" is actually an entry fee and the $20 entry fee is actually "Juice" paid to the casino.

    I stand corrected if I don't understand New Joisy English.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2008
  9. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    My bad!

    Last edited: Jul 8, 2008
  10. Restating My Comments

    Forget the terminology that Harrah's uses. It just confuses people in the blackjack tournament world but is generally accepted practice in the poker tournament world. I believe that you will be paying $120 to play in the weekly $10k tournament. $100 of that (plus all $50 rebuys) go to the prize pool for that week. The other $20 goes to Harrah's for running the tournament. I was also trying to point out that they are not guaranteeing that the prize fund in a weekly tournament will be at least $10k. If they get for instance 50 entrants and 10 rebuys, the prize fund will be $5500 (50*100+10*50). If you search through the archives here, you can find reports about earlier efforts that Harrah's made to run buy-in tournaments in AC (World Series of 21 for instance). Those were dismal failures attracting almost no customers, and I see no reason for this series of tournaments to be any different.
  11. BJTguy

    BJTguy New Member

    I participated in the event yesterday so I am following up.

    I have updated the calendar with the format.
    See attached link.

    07/10 event

    1. 38 players participated so everyone advanced to the semi final.
    2. A prize pool of $10,000 is guaranteed and the prize pool for yesterday was 1st – 3,400, 2nd -1,900, 3rd - 1400, 4th - 1,000, 5th - 900, 6th - 800, 7th -600.
    3. I was told that if the entries total will be over $10,000 the prize pool will be distributed differently (even 7th to 14th place will get paid).
    4. Harrah's stuff was very friendly.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 26, 2013
  12. BJTguy

    BJTguy New Member

    07/17 Event

    At yesterday's weekly BJT Harrah's didn’t make the difference for the $10,000 prize pool.
    There were about 50 players therefore the prize pool was about $5,000.

    But with Harrah's management running the show you can never know, next week they can do things differently again.
  13. Fredguy

    Fredguy New Member

    Harrahs, Atlantic City


    Thanks for the update.

    A couple of questions....
    1- Hybred Format ? Exactly what does that mean here ?
    2- Number advancing per round ?
    3- Any countdown hand ?
    4- Surrender offered ?
    5- Anything else you can add to the details ?
  14. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    I updated the Calendar to clear up the questions on the hybrid format and number advancing. Can't answer the other questions you have. Maybe guy9bundes can answer your remaining questions.
  15. BJTguy

    BJTguy New Member


    1,2 See event details
    3. No
    4. No
    5. Let me know what else you want to know:).

  16. Fredguy

    Fredguy New Member

    Harrahs, Atlantic City

    Thanks to both of you for the prompt and complete information.:)

    I will probably try this a couple of times in August.

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