$100,000 Feast of Cash Holiday Blackjack Tournament - Golden Nugget Las Vegas - Las Vegas, NV

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by The_Professional, Nov 7, 2013.

  1. The_Professional

    The_Professional Active Member

  2. The_Professional

    The_Professional Active Member

    would you guys who are attending like to get together of an introduction?
  3. 21PLYR

    21PLYR Member

    I was wondering if anyone at the tournament was a little disappointed , in this tournament, I was, I dont think that you should have to rebuy to be eligible for the wild card drawings, I mean really, be in it for a thousand and make it all the way to 7th place and get 500 , the house needs to kick some money in the pot and give us incentive to rebuy, and I think there should be a better way to start the position button instead of just assigning it to the #1 seat , that just lets the house assign their best customers to seat #1 and they have a huge advantage . and was I the only one who noticed that when the watch was being raffled off , one of the girls came up to add tickets to the drum, ok could be late entries, I guess, and the cards she had she was fluffing them, so they were no longer a flat card , like we all filled out upstairs in jewelery store, they were now for lack of better term fluffy, easy to feel when you are picking one out of a drum, and easy to find . and they seemed to be more paper than card , and surprise surprise they drew out a flluffy card to win the watch,of course you would rather give it to one of your good players ( big losers ) than just give it to someone who does not lose big in the house , just sayin and just asking , that is what I saw , and the sheet said had to have entry filled out by 230 pm , so why were you adding tickets in LATE anyway . what does everyone else think
  4. Moses

    Moses Active Member

    I have been playing the Golden Nugget tournaments for several years. I think that their tournaments are the best run of any tournaments in the country. They randomly assign players to seats at the tables, so the button at first base is fair for all players. It certainly is not an advantage to have the first seat. The management goes "out of their way" to assure fairness. So long as the tournament is conducted fairly, everyone has an equal opportunity. There were 270 entries, so the casino made money on this tournament. Of course they provided three meals (one dinner and two breakfasts) for each participant, and fully or partially comped rooms (three nights) to a majority of players.

    We all have our preferences of tournament formats, but if the tournaments are fairly run, then every entered player has an equal opportunity. We just have to look at the number of entries and the total purse to determine whether any tournament is a good value for the entry fee.
  5. 21PLYR

    21PLYR Member

    Best run tournament in the country , well maybe , name another tournament in this country worth playing, and I guess you dont get the point on the button moses, its not the seat you sit in, its your playing position on hand # 20 the last hand , makes you play last , I have played in tournaments where cars were given away as a bonus for tournament winners as well as tvs, stereos, etc for table and session winners, all the while ,the hotel putting on a huge dinner every night as well as open bar, and they still made money, so dont tell me that the golden nugget went above and beyond, I dont think you would know a great tournament if you seen one, oh and guess what, ask any restaurant manager ,food and drink is very cheap, and as far as fair, the guy sitting to my left had his coach resting his arm on the back of my chair, coaching his buddy openly on moves to make double down etc and it was allowed , the dealer even heard it and said are you helping him, he said yes and it was allowed . this was a average ran tournament at best, and I question the integrity of the drawing and the seat assignments , would like to hear from someone who is not in love with the golden nugget and hear their thoughts.
  6. The_Professional

    The_Professional Active Member

    Here are some comments. The random seat assignment occurs only on the first round. Following that, everyone advances gets to pull a card for seat assignment. So, the casino has no control over the latter part. I believe this system is used mainly for its simplicity. The number of players most of the time changes before the last hand as players bust out, so it is hard to predict who will play last on the last hand. I like the structure of this tournament because two people advance up to semi-final. I questioned also the integrity of the first night drawing, simply because it is not done in front of everyone. The other drawings are probably ok, as I got called couple of times. You can never trust or distrust these things 100% though. I also think it is being run quite efficiently. This time, however, the place was so tight and crowded that it became physically impossible for them to push back spectators and thus possible coaching could not be completely controlled. I do agree with the comment about the casino not putting enough money. I think this tournament is quite expensive for 500 and re-buy for 500 and also 500 super-rebut. The average player pays 1080 and they get about 275 players (some are comped but this is to casino benefit). So, the casino is making too much money out of this and they should pass some to the players. I am thinking the equity of this tournament might not be worth the trip in the future.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2013

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