$100,000 Wild Ride Blackjack Tournament

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by Jim P., Jan 3, 2012.

  1. Jim P.

    Jim P. Member

    -I.P. Biloxi, MS.
    -February 24-26
    -$399.00 entry fee w/ two nights accomadations and commemorative gift.
    -$150.00 rebuy
    -No early bird price break on entry fee (-$100. on prior tourn.'s)


    1st: $25K Cash/ $25K Promo
    2nd: $10K Cash/ $10K Promo
    3rd: $6K Cash/ $6K Promo
    4th: $5k Cash
    5th: $2K Cash
    6th: $1500 Cash
    7th: $500 Cash
    Semifinalist not advancing receive $300. in Promo Checks.

    -All entry fees collected over $50K will be added to prize structure and evenly distributed into 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.

    *Cancel 24 hrs. prior or you will be charged the entry fee.*
  2. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    OK, this one has my interest. Pretty top-heavy but not overloaded with those silly promo chips. Anyone have a line on the format?
  3. Jim P.

    Jim P. Member


    -Quarterfinal tournament plus rebuy round.
    -Drawings held to populate round two from participants in rebuy round that did not advance.
    -Tournament structure(# of players advancing) is determined by management based on total player participation and scheduled times of play.
    -30 hands per round w/ count on 25th hand.
    -Semis and Championship round count on 15th hand as well.
    -Bankroll is $5K w/ limits set min. $25. to max $5K.
    -Rules state insurance will be taken in order.
    -One wildcard from all participants to the finals.
    -If you cant register on Friday you have from 9a.m.-9:59a.m. on Saturday 2/25 to enter.
    -Same damn date as the Fitz! Someone call Adolf and see if he will postpone +/- a week.
    Hope this helps...
    LeftNut likes this.
  4. nei

    nei New Member

    Hi, sorry for my ignorance. But, would you explaining how these tournaments work?

  5. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

  6. nei

    nei New Member

    Ahh thank you for that:)
  7. zenthran

    zenthran New Member

    Will be attending this, and it will be my first tournament. Very excited! BTW what exactly is a promo chip?
  8. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    I wish you (and everyone other BJT.com member competing) the very best of luck and good cards right when you need 'em.

    Looks like I won't be there. Airfares are insane (!) and my back cannot handle 2,000+ miles of driving the round trip. :cry:
    Sure do thank Jim P for his efforts in supplying so much useful info!
  9. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    A promo chip is a casino chip that cannot be exchanged for cash at the cashier. Instead, the promo chips must be played at the table.

    The best kind of promo chips are "play until you lose them". Another common variety are "play once, and the chip is taken whether you win or lose". In the latter case, you get only the winnings if there are any.

    Roughly speaking, the bad chips are worth about 50% of face value, and the good kind are worth nearly 100% of face value.
    zenthran likes this.
  10. zenthran

    zenthran New Member

    I try to look on the bright side of things, if I'm playing with the casino's money and will only collect winnings then any chips are good for me:)
  11. UncleAbe

    UncleAbe Member

    what type of promo chip?

    Any idea if I.P. promo chip are "good" ones - play till you lose type?
  12. Jim P.

    Jim P. Member


    -Prior tournament winners have not been issued play till you lose checks.
    Play once, win or lose, unless you push.
    -I have heard of some players having problems signing in. I was told that when you call to register they will reserve your room and registration will be a seperate process.
    Good Luck!
  13. tonyd1014

    tonyd1014 New Member

    is this an open tourney and where do you sign up and what casino, I cant find the feb 24-26th event, thanks

  14. gronbog

    gronbog Top Member

    That's because it was last February, 2012.
  15. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    I was confused too but I was looking at my Mayan calendar!:laugh:

    Billy C
    JC720M@AOL.COM likes this.
  16. george

    george Top Member

    maybe ?????:

    hear it might be march 15 16 17 ,2013 ?????:
  17. There is a 100K tournament (Blarney & Blackjack) scheduled at the IP for March 15-17, 2013. Register at 888-946-2847. Entry fee is $199. Semi-final players who do not advance get $300.

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