$10K Blackjack PayDay at Betcom

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by KenSmith, Nov 26, 2004.

  1. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Here's a new online blackjack tournament I just learned about..

    It's at an online casino and sportsbook called BetCom.

    Entry Fee: $50.
    50 hands, betting $5 to $1000, with a bankroll of $1000.
    Multiple Entries allowed.

    The format is accumulation, with the top 6 scores on each of the two qualifying days going into the final round. There's a leaderboard so you can check your progress.
    The two qualifying days run like this: (All times Eastern)
    Friday Nov 26th 10 PM - Saturday Nov 27th 10 PM.
    Saturday Nov 27th 11 PM - Sunday Nov 28th 11 PM.

    Those twelve players plus 3 wild-cards play in the playoff round on Tuesday Nov 30th, 8 AM to 11:59 PM.

    The nice part: Prizes look excellent:
    1st = $5000 / 2nd = $2500 / 3rd = $1250 / 4th = $750 / 5th = $500
    6th - 15th place get a free $100 NBA Finals proposition bet.

    Access to more details, and the leaderboard is available at their site.
    Click here: BetCom
  2. Ev

    Thanks for letting us know about this opportunity Ken. I read the info on their website, but I didn't see any indication of how many players were expected. Since it sounds like the prize money is guaranteed, if there is less than 200 players, there should be an overlay (unless I misunderstood the promotion). I am guessing there is no way of knowing how many will play?
  3. gflan

    gflan New Member

    Question about the Leaderboard

    I was checking out this tournament but the only leaderboard that I can see (before signing up) is one that lists only names and no scores. Will I be able to see the scores to beat while I am participating?
    Thanks. GF
  4. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Doesn't look like you can see scores

    When I looked at the tournament yesterday, I saw the empty leaderboard and assumed they would post both name and score. But, as you note today, only names are listed. That makes this a lot riskier venture for players, having to guess where the cutoff is.

    I'll probably still sign up and try it in the early evening, but without knowing either scores or number of participants, I'm not nearly as interested as I was before.

    If they happen to display scores after you've signed up, I'll let you know here. But I don't expect that to be the case.

    BJYEEEEK New Member

    New to Online tourneys

    Is it usual to see the score posted? I haven't entered a BJ tourney before online....

    BJYEEEEK New Member

    I See scores there...? to qualify $3,025

    Is this waht ur talking about?
  7. gflan

    gflan New Member

    Leaderboard scores added

    Yes, thanks for the heads up. The scores are now posted, not just the names. Guess I'll give it a try!
  8. Springbac

    Springbac Member

    Leaderboard & Site Evaluation

    Obviously this is their first attempt at a tournament. I found the account establishment, sign up, & log in very difficult even though a casino host very kindly phoned me several times after establishing an account. I found navigating to the tournament site a multiple step process that should be simplified.
    I have a cable connection and found the site to be very slow in the playing process. I was even disconnected once & told to check my cable connection. There was nothing wrong with my connection but I had to go completely through the acces process again.
    Also, I found their graphics quite poor compared to many other sites. The layout is poor & the screen cannot be moved to make the bottom figures more readable. Nor can one tell how many chips are in play without looking at the bottom of the screen. And the hand status figures displayed with both player & dealer are very small.

    I have just finished playing & am listed as third on the leaderboard but I have not seen where actual scores are posted. Any direction pointing me there will be appreciated.
  9. Springbac

    Springbac Member

    Hand count remaining

    Please note that their rules count a split hand as two hands. I do not know when the deduction is made to the remaining hand count. But when I was getting down to the last two hands remaining, I received a notice that I had played all 50 hands, even though the screen had shown 2 hands remaining, & then went to zero. This was a real surprise.

    BJYEEEEK New Member

  11. gflan

    gflan New Member

    Hope this helps-link to main page

    I have not played yet and may wait until tomorrow although I did make my first deposit. Here is a link to the main page where the leaderboard is listed:

    Since I don't seem to be able to make it "link" - you can use Ken's link below and click on the 10K BJ Tournament area, this will bring you to the leaderboard (you may have to scroll down to display it)
  12. Springbac

    Springbac Member

    Tournament Standings

    Thanks for the steer to the standings.
  13. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I'm in the finals

    Well, unless something extraordinary happens during the 1 hour of grace time after the official cutoff, I've advanced to the finals in this event. I'm in second place at the moment, with a total of $5840.

    I did have to enter three times to accomplish that, so my cash outlay is $150. But, since a seat in the finals is worth more than $700 on average, that's not too bad.

    I did notice that the login screen leaderboard shows all top players, whether they've finished their 50 hands or not. The leaderboard displayed inside the casino where you click to begin play shows the 6 highest players who have played all 50 hands. A useful distinction to know.
  14. Springbac

    Springbac Member

    I got lucky

    Congratulations Ken on being 2nd. I am fourth on the first try. I was down to $250 & just played wildly to rebuild to $5750. As you have heard so many times, it is better to be lucky than good. We shall see what Tuesday brings. :)

    BJYEEEEK New Member

    ..I wish i would have played today..no competition

    qualified yest. but there is no competiton today.....low scores...
  16. Springbac

    Springbac Member


    Just wait, there is still 6 hours to go. And it is not to late for you to enter today for another $50. Maybe with the present $1600 sixth place cutoff it would be a good investment.
  17. Springbac

    Springbac Member

    Money on the table

    I qualified with $5750 but it surely did not carry over today. The first 10-12 hands were really good when the small bets were out there. I had a coupke of BJ"s & some doubles to get up to about $1700. But then things just as bad as they had been good. Nothing worked & about hand 36 I became a zero.
    If anyone has not played yet, be careful when depending on the hands remaining counter. It lags far behind the hands that have been played. I experienced this in the prelims & decided to use a counter during the play process. I found their remaining hands to be inaccurate. They stated that splits counted as two hands but did not state anything with regard to pushes.
  18. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    It's been so long ago that I don't even remember what place I ended up in for this event, but I do know that I won an NBA Finals prop bet of $100. I picked the San Antonio Spurs at the awfully low-sounding odds of 3 to 1. Well, thanks Spurs for the extra $300 this week!

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