12 days of BJ tournaments!

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by TXtourplayer, Aug 22, 2006.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Yep, you heard me correctly! Tulsa Cherokee will be offering 12 days of blackjack tournaments starting Oct. 28th - Nov. 11th.

    From what I have seen, the entries will be from $50 + $5 to $100 + $10 for most of these events.

    I told you that Eric Woods (Tulsa's Tournament Director) was listening to me about what the players wanted and boy is he giving us what we want!

    He is even offering "ladies" events.

    I do know starting bankroll will be $500.00 and min. bet is $10 and max. is $200 - $300 (not sure).

    Two re-buys will be offered for every person in every tournament. (Nice).

    I will find out more details and post them as I find out.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 22, 2006
  2. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Plus poker tournaments...

    I just found out that during the same time Cherokee is holding their Poker Fall Classic, and the WPT Boot Camp. There will be several tournaments every day for poker and blackjack.

    Eric is calling me later today with more information.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2006
  3. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Change Of Heart

    Tex glad to see that you are OK with a 10% vig. ;) . Thought you were against anything higher than 7 %

    Don't say it is OK because the buy in is small. 10% is 10% no matter how you look at it.

    With that being said, 2006, like a lot of have been saying for over 1 year now, is going to be a big year for tournament players.

    My personal opinion is that everyone now is trying to jump on the UBT Tournament train of excitement, as they now see it is get on board or be left in the dust.

    This is great news !!

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 22, 2006
  4. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Bad Timing

    Rick when you had the tournament director's ear did you miss telling him that when he picked these dates it falls right in with the UBT Tour stop in St Kitts Oct 28-Nov4 .It would have been nice to be able to play both series of tournaments, UBT and his, as opposed to having to make a choice.

    What we don't want, are tournaments competing against each other, as all this could do is hurt attendance for both events.

    It's a great time, let's not ruin it with bad scheduling.

    UBT announced their dates way in advance of these dates.You should have told him these were bad dates for most of us.

    Unless of course he wants to compete against the UBT

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 22, 2006
  5. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Fee's are fine with me...

    I never had a change of heart. I have no problem with a casino charging a fee to cover their expense (they are in business to make money after all). Joep I was the first person years ago to suggest that BJ tournament charge a fee and I caught hell over it back then.

    As a matter of fact I believe I was the first person to try to host "OPEN" events for all the players based on charging the players a fee. I also was the one who pushed for multiple tournaments while players where in from out of town so we could have more chances to play on a single trip.

    My concern was not about the percentage fee I heard about, but the amount of the fee. I couldn't understand why it should be so much to cover the expense of the tournaments. I later even posted that it was a casino expense and not UBT (as posted on this site).

    Remember Joep no one knew about all the other satellite events and extra $500 + $40 mini-tournaments when I posted about the $200 fee.

    I am not slamming UBT or the casinos charging a fee, I only questioned the amount, not the percentage. Tinker did bring up a good point though. If the UB poker players are paying $5,000 and have a $200 casino fee why would UBT players paying only $2,500 be paying a $200 fee?

    I wasn't going to bring it up, but since you did I'll ask.
    Is this correct? I am only asking based on what Tinker posted, I know nothing about the poker side of the Aruba trip.

    I am all for the UBT and any other casinos or groups trying to promote backjack tournaments. I am trying to get my sponsorship for the first 5 UBT events, if I wasn't supportive of the UBT I wouldn't be trying to make it to those events.

    Joep, I even told you last week on the cruise that if we could get 60 + players on next year's cruise I would be willing to host satellites for the UBT.

    I may not always say what some players want to hear, but I promise you this, I always try to promote any and all blackjack tournaments for both the players and casinos as long as the players are treated fairly.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 22, 2006
  6. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Possible qualifiers in the evenings?

    If Tulsa signs with both the WSOB and UBT maybe we can get them to host qualifiers for the main events of an evening time during these 12 days of regular tournaments.

    Wow, just think 12 day with one to two events each day, Blackjack tournament heaven...LOL.
  7. maxwell

    maxwell Member


    I See That The Tournaments Are In The Casino Listings Already
  8. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I didn't make the schedule....

    Joep I just found out about these events, as I said in my earlier post I am trying to make it to the first five UBT events.

    As far as the Tulsa schedule I believe the poker events have been set for a long time, the blackjack events are something I was just sent today.

    I can't see Tulsa trying to mess up the UBT if they are going to be the mid-west UBT stop that you mentioned on the radio show.

    I am sure they were just trying to offer their customers other tournaments than poker during that time span.

    Actually this could be a good thing, any players who don't get to make St. Kitts will have another option for blackjack tournaments now.

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