125K Blackjack Tournament - LV Hilton - May 9-11

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by BJTguy, Apr 28, 2008.

  1. BJTguy

    BJTguy New Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 26, 2013
  2. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    LV Hilton tournament

    Yes you can get in "IF" you give them the play required on the regular tables and or machines prior to the tournament.

    If you are really interested in playing this event, I suggest you contact Les Thacker, casino host at the LV Hilton. Les will be able to direct you how much or long will be needed to be played to get invited to this tournament.
  3. BJTguy

    BJTguy New Member

    Thanks TXtourplayer.

    If anyone is interested I have called Les today and I was told that I need to play 4-5 hours a day for 4 days for $500 average bet in order to get this tournament.
    I asked him about $200 average bet and he told me that I will need to play 10 hours a day in this level.
    I was afraid to asked him about $100 average bet because I don't think that there are enough hours a day for this betting level in order to qualified for this tournament. :laugh:

    For those of you who are usually get invitation for LV Hilton BJ tournaments. Can you share with me what are your betting level? Hours play?
    Because I have a trip to Vegas and I want to know if it is really worth it to sign for their player club system.
    The main reason is because they host a lot of BJ tournaments but if they want this kind of action it is not worth it for me.

    I am sure that Les was exaggerating so advise from any experience player will be greatly appreciated.
  4. Fredguy

    Fredguy New Member


    The Hilton has 2 levels of tournies, plus the 100K suited BJ tounament held twice a year.

    The first level has a prize structure usually between 30K and 50K. The play requirements for this level are significantly less than for level two,

    This particular tournament is primarily for "high" roillers. For example,. I am never invited to these, but am always invited to the level ones.
  5. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Fredguy gave a pretty good summary of the Hilton tournaments. As to specific play requirements, that's kind of hard to say because the Hilton is not generous about sharing this information. Here are some rough guidelines if you play blackjack there:

    $25 to $75 average bet for 12 hours of play during a 3 day stay:
    Lower level tournaments (30K to 50K) will be available to you with rooms included. Full or partial comp will be made depending on level of play. Some players say playing for a total of 5 hours at $25 average be will also get you these invitations but with an entrance fee of $199 to $399 (room included) depending on the value of the tournament.

    $100+ average bet for 12 hours of play during a 3 day stay:
    Higher level tournaments will be available to you with rooms included. Full or partial comp will be made depending on level of play.

    Their "Casino Events" calendar (not on-line) going out several months does not show any $125,000 BJT (other than May 9) with a "required theoretical loss". They do have a $100,000 BJT in August which is an "invitational". This tournament has no "required theoretical loss".

    I am sure Les was NOT exaggerating.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2008

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