Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by Dakota, Apr 4, 2020.

  1. Dakota

    Dakota Top Member

    OK Everyone... Here are 2 new upcoming blackjack tournaments. I have no detailed information yet so I will wait to post them on the "Tournaments" site.

    Flamingo, $150,000. June 18-21. Possibly the same as the most recent Harrah's tournament, but unknown. I received this via email.

    Treasure Island, $25,000. May 16. I received this via telephone call. Frankly, I question whether casinos will be allowed to open by that date.

    This is a start!!
    BughouseMaster and PitchMan like this.
  2. noman

    noman Top Member

    Over all it will be interesting to see how Vegas casinos respond when they reopen. Will they be "tight" to maximize and squeeze profit, or loose to attract pent up yens.
    After 9/11, when many people were afraid to fly, the casinos(in Vegas) were very loose with their offers to lure people back. Of course that was well before many mergers and consolidations and MBA optimizations. GTO has been prevalent in Vegas Casinos long before it became popular in poker. I have hopes for a "loose" strategy with many invites for a variety of tourneys. and comped rooms. Would I bet on my hopes. No.
  3. BughouseMaster

    BughouseMaster Active Member

    I hope you're right, noman! I'd love to see them be loose! Maybe CET will finally start sending me well-deserved offers to my acct after putting in several hours at $150/hr avg bet and I dont have to keep reaching out to my host contact to get me in the $150K events!

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