2 Tournaments in 1 day? Bad idea?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by toonces, Jun 18, 2007.

  1. toonces

    toonces Member

    Is anyone playing the Golden Nugget tournament and/or the Venetian UBT over the weekend of July 13-15? My guess is that GN is having Rd 1 last all day on Saturday, while UBT is running everything but the finals on Saturday. Any opinions on whether it's a good or bad idea to try playing in both?
  2. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Two thoughts:

    1. Don't forget the IP tourney too!

    2. Good or bad idea I'm planning on doing it

    Cya there
  3. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    I think its a bad idea, focus on one only. Because you are toonces I vote UBT...Good Luck!
  4. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Why not add the Hilton's $1,000,000 qualifier to the schedule? Then there are 4 events to go to in 4 days:
    Golden Nugget
    Imperial Palace

    Now that's some juggling! :eek:

    Seems to me that each event will suffer because of these conflicts. Be interesting to see what happens.

    fgk42, get your running shoes on. On your mark, get set, oh I forgot where I'm supposed to be! :eek:
  5. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Check the times and your schedule

    There is no problem playing in multiple events as long as you make sure you have no conflicts between the two (or maybe three). I actually like the idea and do it whenever possible. Lets say you only sign-up for the Venetian and are the first one out after 8 hands, this gives you another event to play in for sure.

    The Venetain is scheduled for 12th - 15th, so registration will be on the 12th so play should start on the 13th and if your still in the 14th.

    The Golden Nuggett and Imperial Palace both will start registration on the 13th with play beginning on the 14th and 15th.

    The best combination would be to play the Venetain and Imerial Palace events because of how close they are, but make sure what your schedule is at the Venetian for your round (if your still in, hopefully you are), when the Wild Cards will be called, and when the later rounds are scheduled. Then you can check on playing one of the other events and schedule your 1st round inbetween the Venetian.

    If possible schedule your first round in such away that you may be able to play a re-buy at GN or IP if needed as well.

    At most places you can get the starting time you need if you just ask them nicely. I do suggest you get to the registration early so you can pick the time you need.

    Good luck, at whichever events you play.
  6. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Trust me I HAD considered that also. However given prior posts and descriptions it is my opinion to skip the LVH event. It just doesn't meet my requirements.

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