200 players 15 hand - high total $$ in 15 wins

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by Coffeeman, Jul 29, 2008.

  1. Coffeeman

    Coffeeman New Member

    Hi all

    The start $ is 200. 10 min and 100 max bet. One top prize and 4 = 2nd thru 5th. Rest of the players are losers. My thoughts are to bet big at the start, maybe $50 per hand then raising bet if a couple wins allows. Goal would be to bust or get up near $1000. If lucky enough to get there, then cool it till hands over. I'm wondering if 5 times start bank is enough to shoot for in a 200 person tournament, as luck of the draw seems to be the game. There is no play off, high $ on 15 hands takes top.

    Any thought welcome.

    Thanks ....Coffeeman

    By the way this is my first post here.
  2. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    This is pretty close to a pure "crap shoot". Your best strategy is to try to play the last session. Then observe the earlier sessions and note the highest scores you see. Then try to beat that.

    Turning $200 into $1,000 with a $100 max bet will be difficult to say the least. With only 15 hands, if you start out with $50 bets then you are not leaving yourself enough hands to bet $100 in order to meet your goal. My suggestion is to bet $100 right out the gate. Be aggressive (but not stupid) on Double Downs and Splits. If you are fortunate enough to meet your goal, then revert back to minimum. Remember, in order to make $800 in 14 hands with $100 bets means you must win 11 hands while losing 3 - excluding Blackjacks and Double Downs of course. Not easy to do.

    If entry is cheap and transportation costs are small then go ahead and have some fun. Otherwise, stay home with the dog, a bottle of beer and a wide screen TV. :D
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2008
  3. Coffeeman

    Coffeeman New Member

    Good point about last session play and watching scores as they progress. I picked the $1000 because I estimated one lucky person out of 200 players will probably score high. Geeze, even a monkey might get a high score if you have 200 of them playing. Of course, if I am playing there would be at least one monkey playing. Never played in tournament before. Betting a $100 at first seems better than $50. Why not be in place if you happen to be the lucky monkey.

  4. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Couldn't Resist

    Hey, I resemble that remark! :laugh:
  5. Coffeeman

    Coffeeman New Member

    As usual the host got the info on the game wrong. Below are the rules.

    The rules, the game and the outcome. There were about 100 players. No entry fee and top was $20,000. Second-Fifth was $1250 each and Sixth-Fifteenth $500 each. Ladies only. My wife has never played BJ in her life. She likes and plays a lot of video poker. Our thoughts; why not enter? Can't lose anything. There would be a final round with top 15.

    She practiced on bj info basic strategy game. Had about 10 hours play. We practiced about 1 hr with live cards. I dealt her four hands and she made the play and checked with chart on ones she was not sure of. I was surprised as she picked up basic fast.

    Beginning bank was $20,000 and could bet $1000 to $10,000. She played on 5 player table, 3 of players never played before. She opened up at $2000 and lost first 2. Then she won 4 in a row and raised her bet to 5000. She lost that one. The rest of the play she doesn't remember except she doubled on eleven at $5000 bet and lost that. The last bet she played $10,000 and won with 20. Final score was $28,000. The cut for final round was 35,000. I guess the loss on the DD was all that was needed to make the money round.

    The final round scores . 88,000 - 67,000 - 66.000 - 60,500 - 60,000 - 52,000 - 48,500 - 45,500 - 45,000 - 42,000 - 41,500 - 40,000 - 38,000.

    Last edited: Aug 9, 2008

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