2013 Fitz $20K First Place Guaranteed BJT dates

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by PitchMan, Mar 11, 2013.

  1. PitchMan

    PitchMan Top Member

    Does anyone have the Fitz scheduled BJT dates for 2013?
  2. george

    george Top Member


    just called host said dont know maybe june or july !!!!!!;)
  3. BughouseMaster

    BughouseMaster Active Member

    Sorry, but where is Fitz?
  4. PitchMan

    PitchMan Top Member

    Tunica, MS
  5. george

    george Top Member

    new guy, new rules ????

    heard adolf is gone, new guy said maybe june, didnt know time or rules,
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2013
  6. george

    george Top Member

    maybe not

    sams town tunica is june 14-15, hope fitz knows this, you can't play both,the times won't let you,:) sams town tunica is also having one april 12-13,
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2013
  7. PitchMan

    PitchMan Top Member

    I spoke with Fitz this past Tuesday. I was told there will be a tournament in June but the date hasn't been set yet. I was on the property last night again and there were several new faces conducting the one hand blackjack event. I think Rodney is still heavily involved in the Blackjack and Three card events. I hope so.
  8. george

    george Top Member

    i hear

    someone told me june 7-8 check it out
  9. PitchMan

    PitchMan Top Member

    That is correct George. I was on the Fitz property yesterday and I was told that the date is firm - June 7-8. I'm assuming all rules, hotel rooms, etc. are the same in the past. I'll be in touch with my host within the next 2-3 days making reservations. I'll post more information here if there are any changes.
  10. george

    george Top Member


    talker to becky she said dates were june 14-15!!!!!! same as sams town very sad times you cant play both check it out;)
  11. PitchMan

    PitchMan Top Member

    Thanks George. I have a call into my host, for yet a third response. Hopefully her's will agree with the 6/7-8 dates. Makes no sense for them to schedule the events head to head. It hurts the players, and it sure appears to me that it diminishes the intended positive affect for the house, which I would think is the only reason they put these tournaments on..

    She will probably respond to me later today but I thought I'd send this on in case she doesn't. I'll post again as soon as I get her answer.
  12. PitchMan

    PitchMan Top Member

    I'm sorry. I was told last Friday by Rodney, who was running the tournaments until recently that it definitely was to be held on 6/7 and 8. But I just found from my host that it will be 6/14 and 15. I don't know why Rodney would have the wrong info, but he obviously did. I may try to play both, but I am for sure playing Sam's Town. It stinks that Fitz scheduled this one, knowing that it conflicted with one right down the road. It seems they are playing a game of Chicken, and everyone loses, especially the players.
  13. george

    george Top Member


    your right i too will play samstown for sure ;)
  14. Moses

    Moses Active Member

    I will play Sam's Town also.

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