$25,000 Online Tournament - Part III

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by fgk42, Feb 23, 2007.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Oh BOY!

    The Second 25,000 tourney hasn't even been played yet - 27 hours to go and Bet21.com has announced:

    March 31, 2007 - ANOTHER 25,000 tourney!

    Three months in a ROW!

    Already there are 61 people registered for the February tourney with a minimum of two more to be added tonight with the satellites.

    There are 2 BJT.com members who have won not 1 but 2 satellites! I know of a third myself ;)

    What a great overlay - 5 entry for 215 prize.

    Now monthly 25,000 tourney's

    Maybe, just maybe we should try for a quarterly 50,000 event? :eek:
  2. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Nice Positive Post

    Like I stated early this morning over on the other thread that turned into another bash Bet 21 thread.They are doing the right thing for "ALL" of us and a good positive post like yours FGK is what this board needs more of,and less bashing of something that has been proven is good for our community.The small problems that exist in all business especially ones that are still in their infancy are to be expected.I know the majority here sees the whole picture and its a picture we should embrace not try to kick to the curb.

    Lets no forget with such a small number of players needed for the tournament to run and with Bet 21 guaranteeing 25,000 that have all but said we are committed to the blackjack tournament world and its future.They have put their money behind their words.As in any local mom & pop store if the community does not support it it will not be there if we turn our back on it.

    Ask yourself where else can you play blackjack tournaments TODAY on-line from anywhere in the USA.The answer is nowhere except the site that takes the most abuse from a very small majority of our members.

    Your silence gives them the courage to continue their smear campaign. I will always make sure the majority is heard from,feel free to join in and add your input and keep your ability to play a choice you make and no one else makes for you.

    Last edited: Feb 23, 2007
  3. sabrejack

    sabrejack New Member

    Thumbs Up!

    I'll jump on this positive bandwagon for sure. These tourneys are truly great--I have not a bad thing to say about UBT/B21.

    I also have not a bad thing to say about TX's tourney plans either.

    The more the merrier--thanks to all who try to put these things together, promote them and play in them.

    ALL good for BJT, period! Isn't having playing opportunities here, there and everywhere what it's all about?

    P.S. Also glad you're back and posting at the site Joep...
  4. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I'm looking forward to tomorrow night's event. I haven't played any of the satellites, but I'll be buying in tomorrow. I had to miss last month's because of a conflict. (Darned World Series of Blackjack!) :laugh:

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