250,000 Tunica Event

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by fgk42, Mar 27, 2007.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Since I know a few members here have played at the Tunica Event in the past I had a few questions and was hoping for some answers.

    This hybrid format that they are having:

    1. They say there are two (2) rounds and the total scores are combined to find out who advances to the semi-finals. Forgive my ignorance but this implies accumulation correct? How many hands do they play per round?

    2. In the semi and finals does it THEN become TBJT?

    How is the Horseshoe Casino or Tunica in general - never been there?
  2. deltaduke

    deltaduke Active Member

    Tunica Horseshoe Tournament

    Question 1: Yes the 1st 2 rounds are accumulation. They will be 30 hands per round.

    Question 2: Yes the semi's and finals are TBJ. Unfortunately only one advance to the finals.

    Question 3: The Horseshoe is far the best of the Tunica casinos. They still pay 3 to 2 on single deck blackjack and always have 6 tables open for that game. Many double deck games, but since Harrahs took over poor penetration. Of course also many 6 deck shoe games. For tournaments the dealers are very experienced and friendly.
    In the Tunica area there are 8 other casinos within a 5 mile range. The Horseshoe is in the center of 3 casinos all within walking distance.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2007
  3. swog

    swog Elite Member Staff Member

    I'm an expert at these events. Played a total of four rounds, (two events), lasted a total of one hand each round. Got in my car, and drove 8 hours back home. Oh yeah, except for that wild card draw to the final table.
    This is straight off of their web site.

    Thursday, April 19, 2007 Early Bird Registration Guests can register during the early bird registration from 7:00p.m. 9:00 p.m. at the Bluesville Promotions counter where they will receive their table and seat assignments and a complementary gift. Friday, April 20, 2007 Registration Guests can register from 5:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. at the Bluesville Promotions counter to receive their table and seat assignments and a complementary gift. Saturday, April 21, 2007 Tournament Play Starting at 9:00 a.m., guests will play two rounds where the scores of both rounds will be combined. The top 45 players will advance to the semi-finals along with 4 wild card winners. * The wild card drawing will be at approximately 6:50 p.m. **Combined Scores for Round I & II Top 49 advance to Round III semi-finals** Round III (Semi-Finals) 7:00 p.m. Everyone that makes it to the semi-finals (excluding the wild card winners) will automatically receive $500.00 cash. The winner from each table will advance to the finals. Round IV (Finals) 8:00 p.m. 1 Table with 7 Players will win the following: 1st Place - $100,000 2nd Place - $50,000 3rd Place - $25,000 4th Place - $20,000 5th Place - $15,000 6th Place - $10,000 7th Place - $7,500
  4. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    for the info guys.

    30 hands of accumulation! Hmmm

    Do they deal from a shoe or DD?

    BTW who from BJT.com is going to play in the 250,000 event? :confused:
  5. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Fred you are still coming to the UBT Palms event right ?
    April 20-21,2007
    Or will it be the UBT Circuit Event at Barona April 18-19,2007 ?
    Or Both ?

  6. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    I've read some of the past posts on accumulation tourneys and wanted to thank people for the valuable advice, especially about setting the goals, etc.

    I havent' seen it addressed in the prior posts so I thought I'd ask it here.

    When you have two (2) 30 hand accumulation rounds where the totals are added together do you:

    1. Make an overall target of what you think it will take to be in the top 45 for both rounds combined?

    2. Do you make a target for round 1 and a separate target for round 2?

    3. Do you make a target for round 1 then based upon the totals make a separate target for round 2 which includes the base that you have from round 1?

    4. Do you just go for it in round 1, if you bust figuring you've got another opportunity in Round 2?

    Please throw out all tidbits.....
  7. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Set one target amount, and then you have two shots to achieve it. Go for the whole win in round one. If you succeed, you'll be minimum betting throughout round two. (Unless the posted scores are higher than you guessed of course.)

    Don't forget to adjust your target in round one down by the starting bankroll of target two though. In other words if you start with $1000 twice and your target overall is $6000, that means your round one target is $5000. If you bust out, then your round two target is the full $6000.
  8. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    Be sure to check out round one scores

    Usually they will post scores after round one so you can see where the cutoff is after just one round. You can adjust your target based on first round results some, but beware, usually round two scores are a lot higher since a lot of newbies realize they have to score big in round two and invariably there will be some hot tables with a lot higher results in the second round. Also watch out for rebuy's/add-ons and how they will affect the scores. This is the first time I have played where they allow add-on buys in round two, so that has to raise overall scores by the add-on amount.
  9. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    I'm guessing that the ploppies will not realize the importance of the re-buy and will therefore skip over it, without thinking, to save themselves the $500. I expect this will be especially true of the local ploppies that get a fully comped buy-in. Just my thoughts.
  10. tgun

    tgun Member

    hope you're right toolman1

    I hope most players will opt to save the $500. My thought was that if one person buys the extra chips most others would have to do the same.

    I hope they add the extra money to the prize pool.

  11. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Don't hold your breath on this one. Seems like the prize pool is guaranteed and none of their literature says anything will be added. But we can always hope. ;)

    tgun, looks like you are planning on attending. I'll be there, anyone else?
  12. Moses

    Moses Active Member

    Count Me In

    I will be there.
  13. Jim P.

    Jim P. Member

    Double Check

    Just got off the phone w/ casino hostess 'Betty' @ Binion's, Tunica. I was told there is now a waiting list ten deep to enter this event at this time. Betty also informed me that if you pay the $1000. entry you will pay $109. a night for rooms @ the Grand! Fri & Sat. night accom.'s ='s $218.00 + tax added to your entry fee. Just wanted to give anyone playing that is not compt. and staying a heads-up.
  14. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Great to hear the tournament is full especially with the UBT competition at the Palms for the same weekend. Let's hope this encourages other Tunica casinos to sponsor open tournaments with large prize money. :D
  15. Just thought I would pass on a wish for good luck to all our BJT members playing at the Horseshoe this weekend. We're hoping for some good news later. I wish I was up there with y'all but this is Rodeo Weekend in my little town. Our population will swell from about 500 to over 5,000 on Friday and Saturday night. The entrance to the rodeo arena is about 200 yards from the front door to my bar. I thought it might be prudent if I stayed here and tried to keep the cowboys from getting too rowdy. Sometimes they have an odd desire to ride a horse up into the bar. :eek: Can't have that.
  16. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Horseshoe update...

    I was just called from Tunica by Bigfun37 and he told me Toolman is currently in the semifinals, good luck Toolman, go get'em!

    Bigfun37 told me the cut off for advancing was a little over 21,000 in chips, (he wasn't sure of the exact amount).

    I am getting play by play for the last three hands while I am posting this. One player just went out giving Toolman last bet with only three hands to go.

    Next hand Toolman takes insurance, the only one to do so and the dealer had the BJ, SWEET!!!!!! Nice going Toolman.

    Last hand, Toolman is BR2 going into the last hand.
    Toolman goes all in and catches 7/3 vs dealers face. He catches a 10 for 20 and the dealer flips an 8...Toolman WINS!!!!!!!

    Why to go Toolman, he is now in the finals....

    I'll post back as I hear more, go get'em Toolman, bring that $100,000 1st prize home!
  17. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    When's The Final?

    Go Toolman!! :1st: :celebrate
  18. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Final three hands at the Horseshoe

    Bigfun37 just called me back with three hands to go.

    Another finalist is Dan Dupont.

    The count with three hands to go has Toolman as BR3 and Dan BR5. Toolman has soft 17 hits and ace for 18, Dan hits (unknown hand) and bust, vs. dealers picture. Dealer draws to 18.

    Toolman pushes, Dan lost.

    Two hands to go, Tooolman splits his bankroll and catches a 9/3, Dan 10/7 vs dealers 3. Toolman hits, 2 for 14 stands. dealer draws to 17.

    Toolman lost, Dan Pushes.

    Last hand: Secert bet

    Toolman all in $3,100, Dan $4,500

    Toolman 20 with all in, Dan 12, dealer has 8 up.

    Dan DD on hard 12 and caught a 9 for 21. Dealer has a ace for 19.

    Final postion

    Dan WINS 1st $100,000

    Toolman - 4th $20,000

    Very nice guys, Congratulations to both of you! Thanks to Bigfun37 for calling me with the Tunica updates.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2007
  19. thrasht

    thrasht New Member

    Congrats Toolman

    Nicely done on your fourth place this weekend at Tunica. Hope to see you at Laughlin or Tulsa next month. Congrats again Toolman.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2007
  20. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    WTG toolman

    Nice haul!

    He's on a roll, folks...

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