25k Joe Pane Kudos !!!

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by BJFAN4, Feb 24, 2007.

  1. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    No, Joe did not win it but he did a very nice thing during the first round of the 25k tournament. On hand 23, after losing most of his chips, he was left with 1000 chips and could have influenced where the 25th elimination hand button would be by busting out a made hand or playing the hand normally by standing. He did the right thing and stood, even though the outcome meant nothing to him.
    I was quite surprised by the comments made by the player who ended up on the button on hand 25. The comments were to the effect that Joe could have helped.
    Nice one Joe. I dont always agree with you, but on this one you get a "well done" from me.;) ;) ;)
  2. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Thank You

    Thank you BJFAN yes we do not always see things the same way but I happen to know you and your family a long time and I do have the utmost respect for you as a person.You are always a gentlemen.

    I do feel an obligation to play like a professional since some consider me a "PRO" so doing something unprofessional would not be good for the game that I try my best to promote every day. Plus I do play under my real name and my integrity is important to me.

  3. Archie

    Archie New Member

    I'm glad you point that out BJFAN, because players who gives free passes think they're making a favor to the whole table, which might be true for BRL, but unfair most of the time to BR1. Another point of ethiquette the pros and top players like Joe and you show would be staying at the table until the end and not leaving the building when, for all practical purposes, they are eliminated even when they have enough chips left to make a bet. This is very annoying. Acting like Joe did is called respect and "savoir vivre".

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