2nd Aruba $540 Tournament Results

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by Hollywood, Oct 3, 2006.

  1. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    i'm finally back in the States, so here are the results of the 2nd Aruba $540 tournament last Friday:

    45 total entrants
    $21,825 prizepool (after 3% dealer tokes)

    1st place: Previn Mankodi, $10,900
    2nd place: Harry Fox, $4,365
    3rd place: Monica Reeves, $2,620
    4th place: Ken Smith $1,750
    5th place: Michael Castellana,$1,310
    6th place: Blair Rodman, $880

    notable semifinal eliminations: John Ressman, James Grosjean, Hollywood Dave Stann

    interesting trivia:

    knowing that he would be acting first on the first elimination hand, Blair ends up making an all-in move for his last 14k on hand 6, and gets a 14 vs a dealer 10. Hitting his hand, he received a 9 and busted out, but kudos to him for making both $540 final tables!

    Ken Smith receives the same fate; knowing he will be first on hand 16, he pushes all-in and busts out on hand 12.

    this moves to the button on hand 16 to Monica Reeves, so on hand 15 she pushes all in & again gets no love. sensing a pattern here? yup: the dealer at this table was red HOT!

    the final hand was very interesting (aside from the fact that it was only hand 16!!). Heads up between Harry Fox and Previn Mankodi, bankrolls are as follows:

    Previn 19,000
    Harry 34,000

    Previn acts first and makes a secret bet. Harry acts 2nd (no secret bet remaining) for 4500, keeping the high and low but missing the more optimal 14,000 bet which would have covered Previn's potential blackjack high as well as still retaining the low over him.

    Luckily for Harry, Previn "only" receives a hard 20, but against a dealer 7, Harry's hard 16 is in a world of trouble. Previn gleefully waves off, forcing Harry to have to win his hand (or hope for a dealer 20/21), and Harry ends up surrendering, effectively handing over the match. Dealer flips up a 10 in the hole and Previn completes the swing (his secret bet was all-in for 19k) to come in first place.

    Harry's a great player, so i asked him afterwards why he gave up the free hit on his hand, and he said he really thought Previn had only bet half his bankroll (rather than all of it, which he did), so he felt he may be able to lock in the win. I think he's probably kicking himself over this now, since if Previn did only bet half his bankroll, splitting his tens would have been his best play under the circumstances, not standing. To be fair, however, we rabbit-hunted the next card in the shoe & it would have busted Harry had he taken the hit anyway, so there was no way for him to win the hand. Sometimes swings happen & Previn got one when it counted most!


    ps: oh, do i need to mention the fact that EVERY SINGLE PLAYER at this final table is a blackjack pro? ummm... skill vs luck, anyone? ;)
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2006
  2. bahoozle

    bahoozle Member

    Thanks for the update AND for beating the dead horse!
  3. Counselorlee

    Counselorlee Member


    Way to go, Harry and Ken....


    F & L
  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    You didn't need to....

    No you didn't! With only 45 players, all of which were BJ Pro's or Team UBT poker players, I would hope all were - Pro's. :eek:

    You really shouldn't have, just like you didn't for BOTH of the MAIN EVENTS! ;)
  5. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    sorry, charlie; other than the 6 final tablists and the 3 notable semifinalist eliminations, all other semi finalists were amateurs, and the majority of the rest of the field (other than Joe Pane and one or two others) were amateurs as well.

    10-12 pros, 45 total entrants = 25% pro.

    but hey, who am i to beat a dead horse! ;) lol

  6. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Mathematical Formula

    So, from a strictly mathematical viewpoint, it goes like this:

    What Makes 100%? What does it mean to give MORE than 100%? Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%? We have all been to those meetings where someone wants you to give over 100%. How about achieving 103%? What makes up 100% in life?

    Here's a little mathematical formula that might help you answer these questions:

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

    is represented as:

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.


    H-A-R-D-W-O-R- K
    8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%


    11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%


    1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%


    2+21+12+12+19+8+9+20 = 103%

    AND, look how far ass kissing will take you.

    1+19+19+11+9+19+19+9+14+7 = 118%

    So, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that while Hard Work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will get you there, it's the Bullshit and Ass Kissing that will put you over the top!
  7. noman

    noman Top Member


    Get ready with your cyber red pencil.
  8. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    Dit de de

    What's the saying?

    Fighting on the internet is like the Special Olympics...even if you win you're still retarded. :joker:
  9. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I stand corrected, please forgive me, but where were these players during the main event since they ONLY had 145 players and 100 of those were online poker winners?

    And better yet where were the other BJ players who went down? Why didn't they play?

    By the way congratulation's for making the semifinals, with 45 players what was that winning 1st or 2nd from a table of 5 for one round, WOW! Don't forget that on your resume...LOL

    Don't worry Swog, this is my last post on this thread. I don't have to say anything else, my point has already been proven!
  10. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    measured response

    yes, tex, your point is now abundantly clear. let me put it in terms you can understand:

    10+5+1+12+15+21+19+25 = 108%


    S-M-A-L-L P-E-N-I-S
    19+13+1+12+12 + 16+5+14+9+19 = 116%


    T-O-T-A-L D-O-U-C-H-E-B-A-G
    20+21+20+1+12 + 4+15+21+3+8+5+2+1+7 = 140%!!!!

    apparently, you win.

  11. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Math correction

    Dave, I'm sorry this will be my last post to this thread, I have to correct you:

    108% + 116% = 224%, not 140%!
  12. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Believe Me


    Hollywood and I are the only ones who have the nerve to publicly tell you what a "DICK" you have been over the last few weeks. But trust me on this, they are many who are saying it to others anytime your name is brought up in phone calls, emails, private messages between members here or just conversations that happened in Aruba

    You have done nothing but damage your credibility and the truth is every one sees what this is all about.

    If you intend to have support for your tour I would recommend you start mending fences real quick because you are losing support every time one of your post appears. Many are even taken down by your friend Swog to save you further problems.You have caused many of the administrators here on this site to have to delete your post and censor you, so some have not seen all that you have written. But censorship is never a good thing but you have made its ugly head appear here.

    Live with the fact that all that is happening is good for blackjack tournaments from expanded TV coverage and a new magazine who's main focus is on the game we all love and want to play as often as we can.

    I'm not sure what your agenda is but if you feel like you are bullet proof than keep on firing away but for the good of the game tone it down a notch.

    The same people that you are firing missiles at are the people that will make or break your "Dream Tour". If it ever takes off you are going to be starting with one foot out the door and the other one on a banana peel.

  13. Stubbs

    Stubbs New Member

    Right on Joe :whip:
  14. elyssez

    elyssez Member

    Unfortunately, it has become an ugly situation. Well said Joep, and I commend you on your restraint.
  15. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Joep that is your opinion, run with it. Members on this site can sort out the truth for themselves. :cool:
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2006
  16. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Joe said....

    "Hollywood and I are the only ones who have the nerve to publicly tell you what a "DICK""


    You and Hollywood were gonna announce the good news about our deposit bonus promise at UB/Bet21 ....still waitin on that one.

    What do you want everyone to say??? Oh...things are going great..everything is perfect...??

    Why cant someone ask questions about real problems that have been encountered?

    Just because you recieve benefits from this site... does it mean we cant complain about real problems???

    I dont think anyone wants this game to go away...in fact you are the only one complaining about that...but the fact is... promises have to be kept! Any business that promises something and then renigs on that promise is killing itself...no person is doing it...they are doing it to themselves.

    You wanna pick on someone??? Pick on the guys who made an offer of a deposit bonus and then never made a provision to collect that bonus for the BJ players...

    Could this have been an honest start up mistake...certainly....but why is it taking so long to iron out? Its easy to answer questions about the good things...how about looking into the harder ones..or should we ignore this and hope that they will eventually do the right thing?

    As lead cheerleaders for Bet 21 you and Hollywood should be answering questions for your group and also taking back messages to your leaders about real problems your group is having...dont mock or ignore your critics ...rather a good employee trys to look at the true picture and make his company into something that the people want to break down the doors to get into and play.

    Personally...I hope this game goes GANGBUSTERS!!!!

    Thats why I want it to work perfectly.....Im willing to bet that I have played this internet game more than any one individual since it opened... I see some problems....all fixable....but you cant fix anything if you believe there is nothing to fix.

    I dont think Rick has any ulterior motive...you guys just like pi$$ing contests.

    This game and his game dont compete...both are good for each other as one may draw intersts to the other....actually Rick is small potatoes ..he knows that ..you know that....any well run game is good for all who are interested in this.

    But lets face it...the B and M's have failed us ...or at least they havent worked very hard to bring us a great game....

    Now someone has a great , great idea....Id rather not see some half assed internet site kill the game!!! Dont kill your critics....fix your problems....a site that promises a book, a bonus, and ignores bugs in its initial weeks isnt exactly nurturing its new baby....its ignoring its start up problems...

    Anyway....I think it would be great if we could all get on the same page here...

    Everyone is edgy becasue of the bad news this week. Personally I think this will be loopholed in time. Its sad that it came at this introduction, but it certainly should serve as a wake up call for those who think wait and see is always the answer.

    This has been the one-two punch week for our game....lets not start snapping each others heads off ...we are gonna need all the good thinking we can muster in the months ahead.
  17. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    you're absolutely right. i posted awhile back that i had sent in a series of comments & concerns over the deposit bonuses, and was told that they were 'working' on this and that an answer would be forthcoming. i believe anthony curtis over on lva.com has mentioned this, too. un fortunately as of yet we haven't heard a resolution to the matter, and as you pointed out with the incredible news this week, other issues are certainly taking some focus right now.

    i wish i had a more satisfying answer for you, but i don't. i can promise to keep you informed as soon as i hear something more concrete, so i understand if there is frustration in the meantime. i think the bulk of the issues Joep and i have had with Tex of late have less to do with these types of glitches and slow customer service, and more with what has seemed to many in the pro gambling world as a much uglier & baseless series of attacks that are founded more in personal issues (publicly denied by him, of course) than anything else.

  18. PuppetMaster

    PuppetMaster New Member

    The New PuppetMaster

    I am a long time viewer and first time poster.

    I just have to say that Txtourplayer/BigTex/Rick Jensen must be having the time of his life posting to Joep and Hollywood Dave. He must be sitting back drinking beer and laughing himself silly.

    BigTex you are the puppetmaster and you've been pulling Joep and Hollywood's strings for about a month. You pull one or two strings and say jump and they say how High. You make one comment and they fall in-line like the good puppets that they are.

    I now call you the master puppetmaster and look to your direction as you are the Yoda of the puppetmaster world. I look forward to Joep and Hollywood responding to this post as they will then become my puppets also. Having two masters will be more than they can take.

    Now remember my little puppets no more nasty name calling. Don't make me have to pull all your strings. The PuppetMaster
  19. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Identical Twins

    Hollywood I finally figured it out now,thanks to the Puppet'Douche"Boy

    You see when Rick says something and then denies it it wasn't Rick that said it it must have been Big Tex and then when Big Tex says something and he is proven incorrect he denies it again because it wasn't he that said it it was that other guy you know TxTournplayer.

    Look at this we couldn't figure it out but a wooden boy who sleeps in a cardboard box under the sink has uncovered the Texas "I didn't mean that" I was just busting on you saga .

    In one other note last night Rick/Tex/ or whoever he was last night bet on the skill to win over the field on the final table of the St Kitts tournament.


    Just like the puppets do .They will make a great couple but chances are the post are coming from the same computer ;)

  20. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member


    ok i admit it, douchekitty and i are one in the same. its all true. but that's not all: i'm sorry to have to tell you all this, but i need to clear my conscience:

    Joep and i are the same account as well. And --

    Tx Tourplayr and i.

    its all true. they're all fake accounts, created by me for fun and sport.

    now you know, puppetmaster -- lord help us all --


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