Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by privador, Jan 24, 2007.

  1. privador

    privador New Member

    Has anyone can tell me,are these bots beatable.Seems to like they are very strong.I played with rookiebot and i didnt see he made any error...
    Not mention about beginnerbot or probot..
    Any ideas?
  2. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    TBJ at WillHill?

    Are they running tournaments over there?


  3. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    Not New

    It appears to be just a skin for GameAccount. I believe there are several to be found.

    When GA first launched, the robot players were terrible and there was a brief feeding frenzy among the few players who knew anything at all about tournament blackjack. But there were clearly some hasty upgrades to the robots and their play improved.

    I stopped playing them a while ago. My only measure of how well they currently perform is that the rankings they have gained from their play against (generally quite poor) human opponents is fairly similar to my own.

    It may still be possible to identify and exploit quirks in the way the robots play (i.e. particular scenarios in which they predicatably and consistently make the same false move), but in general I'm doubtful it's possible any longer to have enough of an edge to overcome the vig.
  4. pergo56

    pergo56 Member

    No U.S. players!

    GameAccount no longer allows U.S. players at their site.
    I tried to log on yesterday and it said that the “account has been closed”, there was no explanation as to the reason. I did contact them and I was told it was because of the new U.S. law and the Netteller problem. I am so glad I removed my funds last week. I’m going to miss the freerolls.


    PS. The botts are playing better but they are beatable, I have seen them do some dumb things.
  5. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member


    That doesn't sound very friendly. They announced some time ago (via their affiliate programme) that they were going to stop taking US players. I took it for granted they'd be informing the players too!

    So would you be the one individual that signed up via my affiliate link?;) Have we ever played each other at GA?

    They used to do incredibly dumb things all the time, but then they seemed to plug most of the leaks in their logic. You have to consider the fact that the bots will unerringly carry out there (sometimes faulty) logic on every single hand, whereas a human player will make occasional careless mistakes. And we need to maintain an edge of 5% to break even.

    I'm managing an edge of about 12% against the human opposition, but it would appear that the bots are too!
  6. pergo56

    pergo56 Member


    No, I was never notified about the U.S. players not being able to play any more.

    Sorry but I signed up prior to you post for the affiliate link. I do seem to remember playing you in one of the freerolls (you got lucky and knocked me out) but most of my playing time was probably when you were sleeping (0200 and 0500 GMT). I went by the name of DRP_21.

    I am unable to retrieve the data from my player history at the site so I don't have my player stats, but I do know I couldn’t seem to rise above their rating of Amateur.

  7. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    No problem. I'm just curious. I'm able to see a report that tells me there was just one taker. But who could this mystery individual be? :)
    Ah, I was forgetting about the time difference. Luck is something I've been short of lately. I obviously used it all up in our encounter!
    I just looked you up, so to speak, your final ranking was 1633. Modesty forbids me from mentioning mine. ;)

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