$3400 Global Player tourney, BJT members only

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by KenSmith, Jan 31, 2005.

  1. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    We're doing it again, and with better prize money. On Sunday February 13th 2005, we're holding a BJT-Members-only blackjack tournament at Global Player online casino.

    Entry Fee: $40
    Prizes: 100% payback plus $1000 added by the casino!
    Time: Sunday Feb 13th, at 3 PM Eastern.


    The final table prizes are 100% of the entries plus $750, and are distributed like this:
    • 1st place: 45%
    • 2nd place: 25%
    • 3rd place: 15%
    • 4th place: 10%
    • 5th place: 5%
    In addition, another $250 is paid out to some of the semifinalists who do not advance. On each semifinal table:
    • 1st place: advances to the final
    • 2nd place: $30 cash x 5 tables = $150
    • 3rd place: $20 cash x 5 tables = $100
    How do you participate? Check the Members Area here for information.

    Limited to the first 60 players who register.
  2. Springbac

    Springbac Member

    Global Player Link

    I Have Registered For The Wednesday & Saturday February Tournaments But I Can Not Find The Place To Register For The Members Only On 2/13. Any Help Would Be Appreciated.
  3. Jackaroo

    Jackaroo New Member

    Check Members Area

    See Ken's info in the members area.

  4. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    entering the tournament

    Springbac, entering this tournament requires more work than getting a green card to pick grapes in California, bear with me and it may help to print this. You have to log on at their software icon not the website, click groups in the upper right hand corner, click multi player then blackjacktournaments.com $3,400 Tournament, click register here then click pay $40.00 to enter. You will get a confirmation of registration and i recommend you print the confirmation. FYI there are 52 spots still open as this post is made, hope this helps. rookie
  5. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Good point

    Isn't jumping through all the hoops half the fun? :p
  6. Springbac

    Springbac Member

    global player

    I reaqlly feel stupid since I cannot even find their "software icon" Is it on their home page or elsewhere? :confused:
  7. Drbass

    Drbass Member

    Software Icon

    He's referring to the icon that appears on your desktop after downloading the software and installing it on your computer. It opens with a screen that asks you to do the member log in first. Then, after login, you will see a screen with Groups in the upper right hand corner. Hope this helps
  8. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    I was able to register by just loging in to the software, going to blackjack, and then selecting multiplayer. When it brings up the list of games you can play it also shows the tournments. If you select the tournament, it opens a pop up window where you can find a link to register. The link goes to a regular browser page where you can click on the register button and it gives you a confirmation that you are finished. You also get an email confirmation too, so it seems really easy.

    It didn't actually ask me to register, it was just a confirmation that I wanted to pay the entry fee and be registered to play.

    I just wonder though if it is a "closed" tournment if it shows up on everyone's list, or does GP already know that I am a BJT member?
  9. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    ptaylor, you were already a member of the BJT group, thus the game appeared in your list automatically. Members here who did not participate in the free-roll in December will likely need to go to Groups first, and add the BJT group. To get the password needed to join the group, click the 'Members Area' link at the top of THIS page.

    The whole process is very confusing, especially since for most of their tournaments you sign up in GP's Web Cashier, while the members-only tournaments are completely different, and you must find the actual tournament game under 'blackjack' inside the casino.

    GP guys, any chance we could make everything consistent, and do this inside the Web Cashier instead? If the Web Cashier 'Tournaments' button were smart enough to offer the BJT event to only members of the BJT group, this would probably be simpler for everyone. Don't change it for this tournament unless it's easy to keep registration both places. But for future events, I think that would help.
  10. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    Ken, what you said makes sense. I remember seeing a count of how many had already registered when I went to pay, but when I tried to find a count of registrations now I can't find it anywhere on their site. It would be nice if they would add something to the tournament page showing a running count of registrations. This would be helpful not only for this tournament but for all including the cruise one.

  11. Springbac

    Springbac Member


    Drbass, Thanks A Lot. I Finally Got There After Your Help. I Am Travelling & Had Not Downloaded Gp To My Laptop So There Was No Icon On My Screen. After Downloading It, Everything Became Easy. I Did Not Have To Go To The Cashier To Enter. Since I Have A Balance There I Was Able To Click On The Box & It Automatically Charged My Account & Registered Me. I Think There Were Only 16 Registered When I Did.
  12. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Corrected date in members area

    There was a typo in the date for this event mentioned inside the members area. (It read Sunday December 13th instead of Sunday February 13th.) It's corrected now. Sorry for any confusion. That's what I get for cut and paste. :rolleyes: (Thanks Swog, for pointing out the mistake).

    The correct date is Sunday February 13th, 2005.
  13. Drbass

    Drbass Member

    Glad you nagivated the Global maze

    Glad to help -- good luck in the tourney.
  14. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Get registered

    Two days to go before the BJT event. Remember, there's $1000 added money from Global Player. There are still plenty of seats available, as only 24 of 60 seats are currently registered.
  15. swog

    swog Elite Member Staff Member

    GP tourney

    If you have never played on line in a tourney...try it out ...it's pretty cool ...
    with the chat going on at the same time....and you can watch the other tables when you are done
  16. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    Watching tournament play

    GP has made it really easy to watch now. If you go to the leaderboard you can see who is playing at each table as the rounds progress. By clicking on the table number you can go to that table as a visitor and watch play. This is a big improvement over how they first started, where tables which you watched were issued in random order and you had to continually retry until you found the table you wanted to watch.
  17. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Minor change in tournament schedule

    The webpage at Global Player had 1 hour between each round in today's event. With 15 hand rounds, that's a lot of waiting around.

    Instead, we'll be running the semifinal round 10 minutes after the first round is complete. The final round will be 10 minutes after the semifinals finish.

    So, ignore the part of the previous schedule that says the semifinals are at 4 PM, and the finals at 5PM Eastern.

    The tournament still starts at 3 PM Eastern. That has not changed.

    The only thing we're changing is we're not waiting around after each round completes.

    Also, with 2.5 hours before the start, there are still 13 seats available for this tournament.
  18. DanMayo

    DanMayo New Member

    See you at the tables!

    And now there are only 12 seats left. (aka Omay :cool: )

    Good Luck Everyone,
  19. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Congrats Sandy915!

    The results are in. We had a nice turnout today, with 53 players competing. At $40 entry each, plus the $1000 that Global Player added, we had a prize pool of $3120.

    There were 9 tables of 5 and 2 tables of 4 players in the first round. Two from each table advanced to the semifinal round where 3 random wildcard seats were awarded. In the semifinals, one player advanced from each of the 5 tables.

    Here are the results from the final table:

    1st place: Sandy915 (aka TheLegend), won $1291.50
    2nd place: tgun won $717.50
    3rd place: smarty won $430.50
    4th place: Tooley (aka GMARTELLO) won $287.00
    5th place: Instigatr (aka Instagator) won $143.50

    The additional $250 in prize money went to the 2nd and 3rd place finishers in the semifinals.

    Congratulations to all the winners, and thanks for participating!

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