4 Free Show Tickets in Las Vegas

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Joep, Apr 24, 2007.

  1. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    This week on the radio show we will have the Tournament Director for the Venetian on as a guest. We will speak with him about the upcoming Venetian UBT Tournaments that are scheduled for his casino both in May and July and they also hold UBT format tournaments every Friday night from 8PM to 2 AM. Kenny and I will be giving away 4 tickets to the Gordie Brown show at the Venetian. If you haven't seen this show its one you should not miss.Tickets are worth $90 each.

    Links to the show


    or www.worldblackjackchampion.com

    past shows can be heard at www.lasvegasadvisor.com

    phone numbers to the show

    Toll Free 866-820-5528

  2. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member



    If I win the tickets. Does that include my airfare to LV...:)

    PS The last Bet21 show on the AC site does not download. Can you fix it.

  3. DER145

    DER145 New Member

    He is correct when he says this is one you should not miss. Saw Gordie Brown in Feb on my last trip. This guy blows Danny Gans away. Best by far of the impressionists I have ever seen.
  4. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Hmm. Some interesting questions I'd ask if I were allowed:

    1. How do you decide when to schedule your BJT? When is this decision made and do you take any other tournaments into consideration when scheduling events?

    2. How many people do you expect for the circuit event and for the UBT Stop event?

    3. Is there any possibility of knowing what the prize pool will be for these events? Would you consider adding money to the prize pool and comping some of your high rollers into these tournaments?

    4. Will you be hosting satellites with an entry to the main UBT event in July - similar to The Palms?

    5. The tickets that you are giving away - what is the expiration date? With a prize package valued at $360.00 that is very generous of you. Can it be exchanged for Bet21.com bonus money? (threw that in for you GHermanski :laugh: )

    6. Is the Venetian planning any additional circuit events or tour stops with UBT/EBJ?

    7. How long will the Venetian continue to have the Friday Night SNG's? Any plans to possibly include Saturday's too? Maybe Saturday afternoon's?

    Final question, not to the guest but to the show's host - Do you have to have a personal relationship with one of the hosts to win this prize package? The person who answer's your calls - are they picking random calls or is it a RCG (random call generator). :joker:
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2007
  5. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    I knew you had a sense of humor but you out did yourself here. :cheers:
  6. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Radio Guest


    Have a shot at trying to get Barney Frank on the show (or at least a telephone interview).

    It would be interesting.

  7. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Kenny and I are actually working on that as I post this. He would be a very interesting guest and someone who our audience would have a lot of interest in hearing from.

    Calling Washington is not as easy as it sounds but we are trying.

    Andy you can see the letter that I wrote to Mr Franks office under the thread that covers his bill.

    Last edited: Apr 26, 2007
  8. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Nice program Joe.

    Wow I didn't realize how "bad" the Palms was.

    Interesting comment I heard from you Joe Pane, "The Palms thinks they are everything but when they treat you like that people are gonna leave and go to the competition."

    I agree with you on THAT POINT. I wonder Joe, does that concept apply to ALL companies?
  9. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Tell us more about the Palms. I'll be gone for the weekend but I'd like to read about it when I return.

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