$50,000 Blackjack Tournament - Gold Strike (Tunica) - Robinsonville, MS

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by PitchMan, Oct 12, 2014.

  1. PitchMan

    PitchMan Top Member

    Discuss the $50,000 Blackjack Tournament event at Gold Strike (Tunica) in Robinsonville, MS.

    Does anyone have a full set of rules for this tournament they'd share? Or, someone who'd know more than the sheet the hosts office personnel has access to?

  2. george

    george Top Member

    last time I called they said called 662-357 1111 ask for special events.... talked to Alicia she's the boss of the toutnament now at that time she told me the rules ... think they were the good rules like before all the kids games , you could call Alicia at 662-357-1272 , she will help you ..think I'll save my money for sams , see you there
    deltaduke likes this.
  3. PitchMan

    PitchMan Top Member

    Thanks George....
  4. deltaduke

    deltaduke Active Member

    Called and talked to Alecia as George suggested. It is a regular elimination tournament with probably 2 advancing 1st round. Play will start Friday night, but one 1st round will be played at 12 noon Saturday. Must register from 10am til 12 on Saturday to get this round. I considered going to Iowa, but this made up my mind, and I'll stay here at the Gold Strike.
    george likes this.
  5. george

    george Top Member

    good deal , you will save a lot of gas , if you are going to the beau for dec 7-9 , you can book a room at harrah's thru kayak.com for $32.44 a night right now , I'm booked now , can cancel thru dec 4th,good luck at gold strike, will see you at sam's
  6. PitchMan

    PitchMan Top Member

    My thanks to you both. The one day play thing turned me around. I'll be there at 9:30 AM on Saturday to try to be sure I get in the Sat Noon round. I was told last night by the host office that the finals will be at 7:00 PM Saturday, so that's enough for me to make the drive over early Sat morning. It's been a long time since I played Gold Strike tournaments but the one day format would make me show up for most if not all of them. I'm betting there are others who feel the same way. Good luck to all.
  7. george

    george Top Member

    had I knew about sams ......I would have been there , have to wait till the next one.....so how did your one day go , hope you were a winner
  8. deltaduke

    deltaduke Active Member

    Be glad you were not there. It was a typical Gold Strike carnival game and not a blackjack tournament as advertised. It was possible, and may have happened, that you could win the tournament and still not gotten a part of the purse. Not written in the rules anywhere, they had 2 final tables instead of one. They took the high and low score on each table and added them together. The high score from this was the tournament winning table and they took the purse. This was not announced or in the rules beforehand. I, and many others, attempted to get our entry fee refunded and withdraw after finding this out, but to no avail. They stated the only rules that had to be announced or written was on the play and not the format of the tournament. I started to call the gaming commission and complain, but ended up just saying the hell with it and leaving.
    Also the one day tournament would not work as all rebuy spots were claimed after Friday night rounds, so if you waited to Saturday, you could not rebuy.
    Gold Strike tournaments have become a joke and members should beware of entering them until they get a new tournament director.
    george likes this.
  9. george

    george Top Member

    O.K. so guess I will play at the Beau, Dec 7-9 , can also play weekly one at the Palace & the Beau ,at that time , one on Monday , one on Wednesday , Goldstrike and Sams need to think........
  10. Rwl8418

    Rwl8418 Member

    I was actually in the area and was asked to help run this tournament and the structure was indeed terrible so I understand your frustration. With that being said, you need to realize that standard table tournaments that you are used to are dead. Instead of giving constructive criticism you prefer to complain about it on a forum that has 300 total members. I cared what you guys had to say and tried to keep things entertaining for the masses (non tournament players) as well as fun and challenging for you guys. With comments like this though, you might have to stop and wonder why no casino anywhere these days even caters to tournament players. Just an FYI... for as bad as the tournament was, Gold Strike still had 200+ guests participate in the event.

    Just for facts sake...

    I, and many others, attempted to get our entry fee refunded and withdraw after finding this out, but to no avail - Only 2 people did.

    Also the one day tournament would not work as all rebuy spots were claimed after Friday night rounds, so if you waited to Saturday, you could not rebuy. - We took in the majority of our rebuys on Saturday.
  11. deltaduke

    deltaduke Active Member

    I understand your frustration. The only statement you made that I agree with.
    the structure was indeed terrible so I understand your frustration. The only statement you made that I agree with.

    standard table tournaments that you are used to are dead. If they are dead, why did the casino you recently was transferred to increase the number of blackjack tournaments they offer. All of which are standard table elimination tournaments.

    as bad as the tournament was, Gold Strike still had 200+ guests participate in the event. All of which thought it was a regular tournament as your rules pamphlet and advertising seemed to indicate.

    Only 2 people did. Maybe only 2 were vocal enough about it. You just closed your ears and ignored the others.

    We took in the majority of our rebuys on Saturday. I was number 2 in line to register Saturday morning, so I suppose I got the 2nd available seat. I had no intention of rebuying, but a member of your staff told me all rebuy spots were sold and I couldn't even if I wanted to.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2014
  12. Rwl8418

    Rwl8418 Member

    Delta Duke,

    I am not posting on here to argue with you regardless of your opinion as everyone is entitled to their own opinion in the first place. I am simply trying to help you guys (tournament crowd) understand that unless more people show up to the events then things will change towards a more friendly tournament structure.

    "standard table tournaments that you are used to are dead. If they are dead, why did the casino you recently was transferred to increase the number of blackjack tournaments they offer. All of which are standard table elimination tournaments"

    - They increased the number of table tournaments because of the new VP coming from Gold Strike. They are adding a few more tournaments, but they are also moving forward with the Head to Head style that they pushed on Gold Strike. Once again, last nights tournament had a total of 84 guests. Compare that to the 201 that showed up to Gold Strike... You can see why they are gearing tournaments towards the casual player and not a tournament player. In general, Tournament players don't spend the kind of money that make a tournament successful for the casino. Combine that with the lack of participation from the tournament crowd and it doesn't take a genius to figure out why casinos are either doing away with the majority of the tournaments completely or making them more friendly for the casual guest.

    The point I am trying to make is that if you don't want casinos doing away with your beloved tournaments completely, you need to reach out to the appropriate people and give suggestions on what would make YOU GUYS as a whole show up to the events. I understand that people have lives, and no one can personally attend each and every event a casino will throw, but when tournaments consist of 2% tournament players, and 98% casual... they are going to gear tournaments to get the casual guest into the building. This means crazy and unique structures that keep the interest of the casual player. Some will be hits like the team structure I threw a few months back, and some will be bad such as this past weekends.

    On one final note, I will make sure Gold Strike puts the structures in the rules so you guys can know one way or another if the structure interests you.
  13. Moses

    Moses Active Member

    I do not mean to argue, but I played in the Beau Rivage tournament last night. There were approximately 150 entries, not 84.
    george likes this.
  14. george

    george Top Member

    I like the Beau , just don't point or string bet ... so did you win

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