$50,000 - Caesars Indiana - 9/29/07

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by toolman1, Jun 2, 2007.

  1. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    I just posted, on the CALENDER, a series of satellites for a $50,000 first prize event at Caesars Indiana. The finals are on 9/29/07. Satellites starting in June, 2007, only cost $30 - win 2 rounds and you are in the finals.

    All you mid-westerners - COME ON DOWN. Oh, others are also welcome! :D
  2. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Retraction - Don't Bother To Come On Down

    I attended the first satellite on 6/6/07 and I posted this summary in the CALENDAR listing of this event.

    The 6/06/07 event was a little disorganized which is
    typical for Caesars Indiana. Right from the beginning they
    started late hoping against hope to get enough people
    signed up to fill up the first session. This didn't
    happen. None of the sessions were completely full and the
    last session was less than 1/2 full. So as a result
    everything was off schedule right from the start. Another
    side note: the worst dealer there was also the one dealing
    the second round (final table) for most of the 6
    tournaments. What were they thinking.

    I originally thought this series would be successful but
    after considering the rules which overly favor the
    ploppies, I think this tournament is headed for disaster.
    The rules I'm talking about are NO MAX BET, ONLY 15 HANDS
    and BJ PAYS 2:1. Also, this tournament carries an
    undesirable EV.

    So, badly run, bad rules, EV should be better, and bombs
    away player attitude prevails. It's typical Caesars
    Indiana. Also, looks like the Finals Prize Pool will be
    reduced due to a lack of players making the EV worse.​

    I may not have covered everything but I think you get the picture. I did forget to mention that the first round of each tournament had plans for 7 players per table. With only 1 advancing, 7 players make it that much tougher to advance.

    Now if anyone thinks I only criticize UBT formats, think again. I'll critize anything I don't like. I know no boundaries. Bad situations are bad situations irregardless of who sets them up.
  3. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    What a shame

    That's too bad for a couple of reasons. First, because you wasted your time dinking around with a Mickey Mouse BJT. And second, because the upper Midwest has very little for the BJT aficionado and this one sounded like it might help fill the gap. :(
  4. sea7bass

    sea7bass New Member

    Full table

    If Caesars had six spots on the table then the tournament would have been full the first few sessions. Caesars had us packed in seven deep. The last few sessions not even close to being sold out.

    I hate the sign up/pay process. Wait in this line, then stand in cashier line, then get back in the original line.

    They also had these new tournament chips. Those chips were horrible. Very, very slick.
  5. E1010

    E1010 Member

    Caesars of indiana Blackjack tournament
    And don't forget they are obssesed plyers keep their hands on the table all the times so players can keep all necessary items on the table like cough syrup , nose drop tissues 'etc so that God fobid if you put your hand in your pocket they will have a fit!

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