$500,000 Sports Dream BJ Tourney

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by hepcat13, Jun 18, 2007.

  1. hepcat13

    hepcat13 New Member

    I've been playing standard BJ for a very long time at a variety of casinos and I always get generously comped and also invited to several BJ tourneys throughout the year. Up until now, I've always ignored these invitations because I told myself I'd rateher play my standard game; in which I do very well. Recently I was invited to the $500,000 Gaurnateed Sports Dream Foundation BJ Tourney at the new Planet Hollywood Casino (formerly Alladin). The package includes free accomodations and also a VIP cocktail party where players can mingle with superstar atheletes. The opportunity to hang with some of my favorite Sports Super Stars was too enticing to pass up, so I decided to finally enter a tournament. I really have no clue on where to begin on strategy. I've read the strategy articles on blackjackinfo.com, but is that it? Seems pretty basic. Am I over simplifying tournament BJ, or is there some more in depth strategy somewhere? Please help.
  2. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Well it depends upon whom you talk to I guess.

    Unlike your regular BJ playing tournament BJ (TBJ) is really more about the betting first, cards (and playing the hand second).

    A great example of this was demonstrated on last weeks WSOB episode on the final hand.

    There were 3 players left. All had max bets on the table. The first to act hit and busted out.

    Player #2 to act, Kami Lis, had a 9 (I believe but this is from memory so if I'm wrong forgive me). Rather than hit her hand and try to win she simply surrendered. That act guarenteed her 2nd place, and a chance to advance in the wild-card table.

    At that point the chip leader and last to act simply surrendered also. (He had an 18 or 19 I believe) and he made a comment that this was the first time he had surrendered a hand like that but it made sense because if he had stayed and lost that hand he would have been in 2nd place rather than first.

    Now that is just one of many examples that the experienced "pros" on this site could provide you.

    My suggestion is to read Stanford Wong's CTS as a primer because it deals a lot with the principles behind the betting and positional strategy. Another excellent resource is BJInsider - the archive section where there are GREAT articles from Ken Smith and others...

    Good luck with your tourney.
  3. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Actually, it was a 20 he surrendered. Nice play of course, and one that may have been overlooked by many players. When you have a lock, take it.
  4. hepcat13

    hepcat13 New Member


    Thank for the great and quick replies. I will read the book by Stanley Wong. It seems I have to reprogram my BJ thinking for tournament play. After a little more study on the subject, I can see that the details and learning curve can be pretty substantial. Thanks again and also, by any chance, if you are familiar with this tournament and if you have any info on the format, it would be greatly appreciated. I asked my host and she told me she wasn't quite sure, but would try to get back to me. I don't know if I could completely trust her word. Thanks again.
  5. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    In fact it can be overwhelming especially with the chip counting involved and all the rules.

    If I were in your shoes I would simply call the director of the tournaments at the event and ask for a copy of the rules. Most large tournaments have them printed and they should be able to provide them. Will they?

    With repect to that learning curve - it can be very steep. For my first few events I felt like that learning curve was Mt. Everest! Reading Wong was a good first step but there's nothing like hands on practical experience.

    If I may be so bold why not check out this link over at blackjack21.com:

    In addition to that area of blackjack tournament strategy I would recommend registering on their site. They have FREE BJ tournaments one-one and groups. While it may not be the most popular site it is a very useful site. In addition they have daily BJ tournaments.

    I think that Ken Smith hit the nail on the head - don't sweat it. Enjoy the experience and have some fun. If you find that you like the competition with other players at the table and the challenge of counting chips and computing the high and low then invest more time into learning the "details". Best of luck
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 18, 2007
  6. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    No information, yet anyway...

    After reading your post I called to find out about this event, but no one with any information was in when I called. I was ask to call back later today.

    I'll try to find out what the format, rules, and payouts if possible, along with when the event is.
  7. hepcat13

    hepcat13 New Member

    Tourney Info

    Well I know when it is and the payouts, because they are listed on the mailer they sent me, but I don't know the format. It is not on the flyer, seems they are being secretive for some reason.
  8. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    My experience is that trying to find out the rules in advance from most casinos is like pulling teeth. It's not that they are trying to keep secrets, it's that the vast majority of people you talk to simply don't know and don't want to make the effort to find out. Personally, I've given up trying, instead I try to pick up on any information posted on this forum.

    With a prize pool of $500,000 this looks like a huge tournament. This tournament is already listed on the CALENDER on this site but without details. I'll assume you have the numbers right so how about editing the CALENDER with whatever info you have. Others may also edit the CALENDER with whatever info they have and you may end up with a more complete picture. By the way, the CALENDER still lists the casino as the Alladin, but I'm sure it will be changed to Planet Hollywood soon.
  9. hepcat13

    hepcat13 New Member


    Thanks for the reply. The calendar listing was actually posted by me. I listed it as Alladin because Planet Hollywood was not an available choice. Hope someone can find some info. From the flyer it looks as though it is an all invitational tournament with no fee for entry. I know I was told entry and buy in for myself was free. The info that I posted on the calendar was all the info I could find.
  10. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Thanks for reminding me about the name change. The Casino List has been updated.
  11. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    What I was able to find out....

    I'm not sure why $500,000 was mentioned, here is the prize money.

    1st = $50,000
    2nd = $20,000
    3rd = $10,000
    4th = $ 7,000
    5th = $ 5,000
    6th = $ 3,000
    7th = $ 2,000
    8th = $ 1,000
    9th = $ 1,000
    10th =$ 1,000

    Registration is on Friday 22nd, Round 1 will be played on Saturday 23rd at 10:00, 11:00, & 12:00. Then Round 2 at 2:00, 2:30, cocktail party at 6:30 - 7:30 and Sunday at 12:30 will be the wild card drawings, Round 3 at 1:00, Semifinals at 1:30 and Finals at 2:00.

    Now what is funny is they told me each table will play 6 players per table and play 21 hands per table, but if you noticed they are only allowing 30 minutes between rounds (see any problems here...LOL).

    This is an invite only event, but will offer unlimited re-buys at $300 for the first round and $500 for the second round, (don't ask me how they are going to do this, I just wrote down what I was told).

    They are expecting 150 players and will be using 8 tables. All prizes will be paid in chips (regular table chips, no promo chips).
  12. Buckztr

    Buckztr New Member

    Planet Hollywood Tourney Action

    It'll be my first tournament also this weekend.
    A man named Dan apparently 1 of the directors spoke briefly with me about the rules.
    At registration we will receive details.
    6 decks
    stand on all 17's
    min bet 100.
    max 5000
    21 hands
    6 players per table
    no surrender
    no odd bets except for insurance
    everyone starts with 5000 tournament tokens..
    I came here for help with my play also..and am getting it.
    thanks a bunch.
    I have no clue what the average bet will be.
    If you had these rules and you wanted to pace yourself what would be your unit bet ? or do we use units anymore for betting strategy..?
    looking for experienced advice.
  13. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I got invited tonight, but...

    When they told me about the re-buys and rules, I lost interest.

    One of my old hosts from another property is now over at Planet Hollywood, and I was told I could get in this event if I wanted.

    The party and over all event sounds like a blast, however the tournament it's self doesn't sound that inviting, so I can't see the last minute airfare to Las Vegas for this event.

    They're suppose to have 50 plus NFL and ex-NFL players for this event.
  14. hepcat13

    hepcat13 New Member


    I apologize for the misinformation. It is a $100,000 tournament, not $500,000. I don't know where I got that figure. I see that Tx is not interested because of the rules. Are the rules bad? and if so why? what should my strategy be in this format. Thanks for any advice.
  15. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    It's worth playing

    I'm sorry hepcat13, the event isn't that bad, hell for free entry no event is bad. I would perfer a few different rules, but the rules are the same for everyone and once again it's free.

    I just can't make it out there this week, between the Blackjack cruise next month and trying to get more locations for the TBJPA/TBT I am pretty booked up.

    Now had it been for a $500,000, I may have tried to sneak out there for the weekend...LOL.

    Now that I know I have a contact at Planet Hollywood I'll probably start trying to make some of their tournaments, and I was told they have some planned for the upcoming months.

    I suggest you go play, and best of luck to you.

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