5000 Guarentee Tourney

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by fgk42, Oct 21, 2006.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Ok people, don't forget 2nite - Saturday October 21, 1100 PM EST

    We only need 30 people for the tourney to take off. Payout is as follows:

    1st 1,585
    2nd 1,134
    3rd 806
    4th 642
    5th 478
    6th 355

    Assuming only 30 people show up your odds of cashing are 1/5 or 20%. Odds like that don't get much better.

    Cya at the tables
  2. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    how much?

    What's the entry fee? Mind you it'll be 4am for me and I'll still be out on the town then :cheers:

    'ave itttt!!!!


  3. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Amigo Fredrico que pasa?

    Buenos dias! Donde esta la tournamente del la free role? A la case de Palicio de Oro? Del casa de UBT?

    Gracias amigo

    Last edited: Oct 21, 2006
  4. ProfGlitch

    ProfGlitch New Member

    I made it to round three, against Shawn Rice, MrOvertight, and one guy I didn't recognize. I need some hand analysis:

    Final hand.

    Shawn was at 23000, I was at 31000, MrOvertight was at 37000, and random guy was at 38000. All four of us have our secrets, and all four of us use them. I believe I was 2nd to act, Overtight was 1st, Shawn 3rd...

    I bet 8500. No one busted, and the dealer popped a 26. Shawn bet 11500 and doubled his lucky 10. Overtight wen't 10000 (I think) and the random guy went high as well. I ended up getting eliminated with 39500.

    Did I bet wrongly, pre-deal?
  5. cherub44

    cherub44 New Member

    I actually probably would have bet 7,500. It forces Shawn to win, and puts you ahead of BR1 & BR2 if you win and they don't. Of course, with that bet I wouldn't have advanced either. ;) Without knowing what any of the hands were it's hard to say anything else about the hand. Like was doubling a thought for you at the time?
  6. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    If you lost it was wrong...

    Really all we can try and do is make the best bet for our situation, if we win it was right if we lose it was wrong...lol

    I can think of two possible bet's I would have made:

    1) $7,500 which if you win and any of the other players lose or push you win. By betting $8,500 BR4 could have pushed while you lost and been eliminated. Which really isn't any different than what did happen.

    2) $15,000 bet, you take a chance with a higher bet and if you catch a bad hand surrender it back it you need to and still stay above BR4 should they push.

    I perfer the first option, but it is up to each individual.
    These are just two options in my opinion.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2006
  7. sabrejack

    sabrejack New Member

    Must have both: S&L!

    Happened to be watching you guys, PG, and I thought you played it right. I also note that Shawn Rice caught an amazing stroke of luck on an all-in a few hands earlier, and a BJ or two just when he needed some extra juice in the last ten crucial hands as well--i.e. he was one lucky SOB to still be there at all (he did place correct bets and play strategy as well of course--not taking away from him there).

    POINT: Playing with skill is not enough in this crazy torture-chamber-of-foolishness we all engage in night after night (how's that for dramatic). You MUST have the luck on your side that night AS WELL!

    C-Ya soon I'm sure somewhere...
  8. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    how many advance?

    Sounds like you were trying to avoid the drop rather than win the table. I'd have done Tex's 2nd bet plus $500, £15500 for the reasons he outlined but in addition it covers and all-in win by BR4


  9. ProfGlitch

    ProfGlitch New Member

    There were four players left, it was an elimination hand, and three advanced. I -was- trying to avoid the drop ;)

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