$960,000 mistake!

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by TXtourplayer, May 22, 2004.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    The final hand of the final table of this years MDII tournament might be the worst played (BET) hand ever. The table leader (BR5) has around a $600 lead over (BR3) on the last hand. BR3 has to bet before BR5 and makes a maximum bet of $2,500. BR5 bets only $2,000 (I can only guess his thinking was if they both win he still wins by $100).

    As the hand plays out BR3 doubles down, now BR5 has to double down his hard 16 for the full $2,000 and catches a 3 for 19. I can't remember the whole hand, but both end up winning and because BR5 only bet $2,000 instead on matching BR3's maximum bet of $2,500 ended up losing the million dollars first prize by $400 in funny money.

    The extra $500 meant nothing to BR5, if he had bet it BR3 would have needed a swing to catch him, but by not betting it allowed BR3 to pick up and extra $1,000 with his double down and made up the $600 deficit go ahead by $400 and of course win the $1,000,000 dollars first prize.

    It is so easy to sit here and find fault in BR5's play on the last hand, but the pressure to act with a million dollars on the line, the lights and the TV cameras on you is enormous. Hopefully next year I can have a chance to make the wrong bet and still walk away with $40,000.

    My congratulations to all the finalist in this years MDII tournament.

    How did I do? Same as last year, out in the first round two years in a roll. Both years combined beat by $350...ouch! Both years I have a player not show up or showed up late to the table, both years I have the lead at the count, both years I have first bet on the last hand, and both years I have some hit a Blackjack on the last hand and another double down while the dealer bust's, and last year I won the same amount in the finals...ZERO!

    Last year the double down was on a soft 13 and they caught an Ace, this year was even more fun watching the player double on a hard 17 and catching a 3. May I have some cheese with my whine....LOL
    Last edited: May 22, 2004

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