A couple of ideas...

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by Reachy, Jul 11, 2006.

  1. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Me again I'm afraid!

    A couple of ideas to improve/increase online BJT.

    1) Could Global/Blackjack21 please start a ranking system or league. The league could be run on a monthly basis with qualification to the league based on a minimum number of S&Gs played and points awarded to the winners; 2 for 1st and 1 for second. The top 5, 10 or 15 each month get to play in a tourney with a big prize. You could also do a mega tourney at the end of the year based on monthly performance.

    I'm sure Global would see a lot more action as long as they published an regularly update ranking list. It would give the games a little more edge as people would be playing for bragging rights as well. We would see who are consistently the best players and it would help players to see how they fit into the grand scheme of things.

    2) A online gaming site that did both poker and elimination TBJ. It would be much easier to migrate players from poker to TBJ that way and lets face it online poker players have got to be the No. 1 target market for online TBJ providers. I'm not sure who is the top poker site but imagine if PartyPoker or Pokerstars also did TBJ. It'd be LARGE!!!!


  2. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Been suggested already...

    Reachy I sent Global-Player a proposal that would rank the players in a weekly, monthly, and yearly format.

    They declined the proposal.

    The idea was to rank players based on their winning percentage on their daily games with a minimum number of games (12) played to rank them for the weekly prize.

    The monthly would work the same way with a minimum of (3) weeks played.

    The yearly would be based from minimum of (8) months of play.

    All working on the highest winning percentages and paying cash prizes each day, weekly, monthly, and yearly.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2006
  3. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Did they give a reason?

    Why did Global turn it down? Can't see why it'd cause any problems. Is it a technical/software issue?

    Also what did you think about the poker & TBJ-in-one gaming site? Any value in that idea?


  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I can only assume

    I assume they thought they would be losing money by limiting the amount of games some players would play per week. I would think that it would actually pick up play by the other players who would be willing to play a few more games per week if they felt they could win th eweekly bonus.

    As far as Poker/BJT combinations on-line, they are coming (if the on-line gambling bill is not passed making all internet gambling illegal).

    By the way the hearings for internet gambling are going on now. On CSPAN - US House of Representatives (Dish network it is channel 201) if you would like to watch it live.
  5. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Stay tuned for the poker and TBJ idea. I expect we'll have an announcement soon.
  6. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    It's all happening

    Looks like the next few months are going to be busy ones in the world of TBJ!!!

    That's most excellent.



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