A lesson about watching your chips

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by ptaylorcpa, Dec 22, 2008.

  1. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    An interesting event occured which is worth sharing. At the final count where only one player advanced to the next round, two players were sitting next to each other with large chip stacks. Obviously one of them was the winner, but it was to close to call with so many odd chips stacked in front of them.

    The floor person came around to count their chips and proceeded to sort the chips of player one into stacks to facilitate the count. She did the count and announced player ones count.

    The floor person then proceeded to sort player two's stack into piles to facilitate the count. In sorting the stacks to count, some odd chips were put next to player one's odd chips which were between the two players.

    While counting player two's chips, player one protests that her chip count was wrong. The floor person stops and proceeds to count player one's chips again and comes up with a few more chips than her first count. The difference being the odd chips between the two sorted piles which now appear to be neatly arranged into one pile and claimed by player one.

    The floor person then proceeds to count player two's chips and low and behold player one wins by just a few chips. Player two protests saying that some of the odd chips that were between the arranged piles in front of each player belonged to him and that the original count made for player one was correct and that player two was the winner if some of those odd chips were counted in his stack instead of her's.

    The tournament manager comes over and the situation is explained to him and he immediately calls security to check their tapes and determine how many chips in the disputed middle stack belong to each player. As we all wait, there is naturally a lot of discussion in the crowd that has gathered about how some chips managed to mysteriously move into a single stack during the count.

    Fortunately the eye in the sky confirms the suspicions of everyone watching, that player one had somehow gotten some of player two's chips mixed in with hers during the confusion that was created in the way the floor person stacked the chips so closely together, so player two advanced instead of player one.

    Player one didn't protest and no accusation was made of cheating although it appeared obvious that an attempt was made.
  2. Lil Sissy

    Lil Sissy Banned User

    Wow interesting story. Can you share with us where this took place?
  3. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    When and where

    Golden Moon Friday night tourney

  4. How interesting. Thanks for the heads-up. I plan to go up there this Friday. The Baboo is playing in a slot tourny and I plan to play the BJ tournament if they hold it.

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