A New Era

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Joep, Apr 4, 2006.

  1. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    As the rumors continue to abound – legitimate or not - that I will be the new Director of Tournaments for the Boyd gaming family, in has become apparent that this entrance into the corporate world will be both a challenging and new experience for me.

    As those of you who have followed my posts here on this site well know, on rare occasion, a few of my posts, outside of the ones that cover tournament teaser solutions, or my numerous ones that help our new players with tournament questions, and those that inform my fellow members of tournament information - are usually said with tongue in cheek! Most of our members understand my sense of humor (a characteristic of both my heritage, past employment and where I was brought up!) and my poking fun at others is all done with good intentions. And, you have seen I get it back pretty good also – particularly as of late. You see my friends; I believe that if we did nothing but crunching tournaments numbers 24 /7 on this site it would not be but a fraction of the great site as it has become. What makes this site the best, is that you can not only pick the minds of all the top players who, not only post here and have been more than willing to share information, but at the same time, you are made to feel like your are part of one big family sitting around the dinner table poking fun at your “brothers or sisters”. But at the same time, learn what it takes to step out into a world outside of the safe environment of your family home in defending your position on controversial topics and learning how to both take and receive a joke.

    But “Will the corporate world understand my tongue in cheeks comments?” My suspicion is no and that I would be fired rather quickly. So with that thought in mind, I have now concluded that it might be best to send the “Joep” that you all have come to know and love, into a hiatus. You see, there is a lot of truth to the old phrase, “when in Rome do as the Romans do”. This, knowing my background and style, was not an easy decision for me! It will indeed be quite a test of my new found resolve, to not respond like I always have quite naturally in the past always being willing to duel swords - with tongue in cheek comments with “any and all” who picked up their sword. This would not likely be tolerated for long in my new world corporate world.

    So as of today, “Joep” has gone into retirement. And his successor will be Joep2

    No more dueling swords with a guy who dyes his hair and wears way too much makeup - It could be a Medical Condition or an alternative to plastic surgery!

    No more calling Rick a Fat Cowboy anymore. You will have to just ask his Horse!

    No more poking fun at a member who believes he can talk to the cards - Maybe he really can!

    No more calling the Stardust the “ Starbust “ after all some of us are still allowed to play there in their tournaments even if they don’t always return all the re-buy money .I hope to change that if and when I become their tournament director .

    No more questioning of a so called master of games who can’t count chips and wants someone to do it for him - possibly a vision problem!

    No more flame wars with players who come on here saying that there is no skill in blackjack tournaments and that it is all luck - If only casinos thought that!

    No more making light of someone who wants to toast to everything because he gets all his drinks for FREE because he belongs to every Kings & Queens Club in town. I wish we all could drink for FREE!

    Now, as Joep will be in retirement, Joep2 will be a new member here, and as such will only respond to all posts in a proficient and professional manner without malice (although the occasional warranted “tongue in cheek” comment may appear – as they do from our other proficient posters). I will pledge to still try to help all new players with any questions they have.

    In exchange for this “change in lifestyle”, all I ask that no one tries to “BAIT “Joep out of his retirement. He could only be a flaming post away! Please help Joep2 in his new venture in dealing with how to be a corporate suit and not get fired. You see, being self-employed as an AP for the last 9 years, this will be a tremendous challenge for Joep2. And I do need some help now, Can one of you lend me an alarm clock and can one of you remind me how to set it? Be nice to the New Joep - Please!!

    612 Posts and gone ( Maybe )
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2006
  2. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    A Toast to "A New Era"

    Well then, in the spirit of the post above, I would like to be the first to propose a toast to Joep2 and "A New Era"!! Free or not, the first drinks are on me!! - at the IP reception banquet of course!

    Last edited: Apr 4, 2006
  3. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    Aww, that's no fun. Just as Jeckell needs his Hyde and Luke Skywalker needs his Darth Vader, Hollywood Dave would never be who he is -- makeup, platform shoes, hairdye and all -- without Joep to keep him in line.

    Down with Joep2!

    -holly d.
  4. dreamer

    dreamer New Member

    April Fools is Over...


    This ain't gonna work...

    Somehow, I can't envision you as a "Suit" or even in a "Suit". Please stick to the original, one and only, "Joe Pain in the Ass"...

    Besides, you don't really wanna get your ears lowered, do you?


    P.S. "Still Talkin with and Workin the Cards"!! The CURRENT "Undisputed, self-proclaimed and publicly acknowledged, one and ONLY, BAD BOY OF BLACKJACK WITH CLASS... (LMAO) :laugh: :celebrate :whip:

    P.S.S. I hear that Hollyweed can't find anyone to write the "Foreword" for the FAIRY Tale he's supposedly working on...
  5. dreamer

    dreamer New Member

    Screw Retirement...

    Joe Pain in the Ass...

    I forgot to tell you that I want you to SCREW RETIREMENT of JOEP, and get your ass back here NOW... (LMAO):mad: :vomit: :dude:
  6. richgarcia

    richgarcia New Member

    I just bought a brige in Brooklyn

    but I'm smart enought to recognize an "April Fools" joke. Joe, noone believe you:laugh: :flame: :confused:
  7. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    April Fools Joke?


    It's an extremely long post but are you suggesting it took joep 3 days to type it? It was posted April 4th.

    I know the real scoop, joep as an AP is working every angle including changing his identity to somehow get BigTex to buy him dinner. Jeez I hope this works and a sex change operation is not the next step.

    BigTex step up to the plate, maybe only a super sized "Happy Meal" will ressurect the real joep. If you can't get it comped I'll send you a 2 for 1 coupon.
  8. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    But if that did happen, it could lead to the film of the year... 'Brokeback Blackjack'

    Ok, ok...I know jokes with the word Brokeback in it are too common, but I still couldn't stop myself. :joker:
  9. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    donkey alert

    Do you sit up very late at night trying to come up with the most ridiculous sh*t you possibly can, skip? Be careful with that, if you strain too hard you'll get brain bubbles and pop a blood vessel.... :laugh:

  10. Rogue

    Rogue New Member

    Say it isn't so!

    Aww Joep,

    I've really enjoyed reading your sarcastic-wit infused posts and will miss them. :sad:

    If you really are telling us the truth...then I wish you luck--for I think you will need it.

    You ask us not to bait you...

    ...but these last few(?) words seem more like your setting down a challenge than asking for help! ;)
  11. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Take the bait

    It’s almost a month since Joep announced his departure and I for one have missed his post’s.
    Can anyone give us an update on when the original Joep will be back?
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2006

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