A Public Plea!

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by GHermanski, Nov 23, 2006.

  1. GHermanski

    GHermanski Banned User

    I have lurked here for a long time. I was first introduced to this forum when I watched the "World Series of Blackjack" on Game Show Network and saw it mentioned when Mr. Smith was introduced. Most of what I've read here has been very valuable and useful information. But Joe Pane's antics over the past few months have made this forum unbearable. I don't want to get into a war with Joe. I'm just asking him to knock it off immediately and behave like an adult human being. And if he cannot do that, please Ken, suspend his account and bar him from being part of this community. He's been a bully, attempted to defame and discredit others, and brought any meaningful discussions to a halt. I cannot understand how the people behind the UBT have allowed him to continue with this behavior. I am not a big player and I really wouldn't play in their events anyway, but as long as he is in any way associated with UBT they will not get one penny of my money. I encourage all of you to do the same. Ask Ken to suspend Joe until he demonstrates that he can behave like an adult and do not participate in UBT events until they distance themselves from this immature child. I'm sure I will be attacked now. I will not respond. But Ken, if you want this forum to be taken seriously, do not let Joe destroy what you've dedicated so many years to building up.

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