Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Joep, Dec 19, 2004.


Who is the Rookie of the year

Poll closed Feb 17, 2005.
  1. Michelle Richards

    4 vote(s)
  2. Gflan

    6 vote(s)
  3. Angie Moneytaker

    1 vote(s)
  4. Hollywood Dave

    0 vote(s)
  5. None of the above

    4 vote(s)
  1. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Michelle R. a member here had the freeroll of the year.On Thursday night she won Fiesta Henderson weekly BJ Tournament for 1,000.Signed up for the Hilton with the prize money and made the Sweet 16.She has only played in about 10 mini's winning 2 of them, and this was here first tournament with a entry fee over $25.In the Semi's she was the leader with 2 hands to go.She suffered back to back swings on the last 2 hands or else she makes the Finals. Considering her short playing time she seems to have all the tools.Do i hear rookie of the year !!!! ;)
  2. cmonseven

    cmonseven New Member

    Angie Moneytaker!!!!!!!

    I noticed my name was Italicized. If it was a hint to vote for me, please make my name bold, red, and flashing in Vegas lights with a big red or green flashing arrow pointing to my name. What do I get if I win? :D
  3. cmonseven

    cmonseven New Member

    Way To Go Gayle

    After Gayle's magnificant win once again, I would like to change my vote to Gayle. She deserves the title for sure!!! Nice Job!:)
  4. gflan

    gflan New Member

    Thanks everyone

    I sure wish I'd known that all it took was to establish an on-line account with the nickname lucky(gem)! Sunday's win meant alot to me...I finally broke the final table jinx and definitely had my share of luck...sorry tahoe.
    I'm happy just to be nominated for the rookie of the year ...I don't know Michelle but both Angie and Dave definitely deserve to be up there too!
  5. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    i vote Joe P for rookie of the year!

    Thanks for the love, baby, but i think Joep erred in putting me on the poll instead of himself... cuz i ain't no rookie! i do spend Sundays teaching Joe the finer points of blackjack tournament strategy, he's coming along nicely but still some room for improvement. oh well, as long as his checks don't bounce, i guess i'll keep schooling him... ;)

    -holly d.
  6. Joey G 703

    Joey G 703 New Member

    Hollywood Who !!

    :confused: I dont know who this Hollywood guy is but if the Joep that you are referring to is the JoeP that i know there is nothing about tournaments that you can teach him when he speaks I LISTEN.
  7. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    Tournament Pros????

    :D We should resolve this dispute as to who is a tournament expert. Hollywood, how many tournaments have you actually won, excluding your fantasies? Joe, care to share the same info? I think that if you list 2 first place finishes you will settle the issue. :confused:
  8. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Hollywood Silence

    BJFAN 4 I personally want to thank you, and on behalf of the rest of the Blackjack Tournament.com Family I want to thank you.You have actually found a way to keep Hollywood Dave quiet.Who knew that all we had to do was ask him how many BJ Tournaments he has won.Since i really don't think its my place to answer for him,but i will do this i will spot him 15 wins or 300,000 + dollars or if he would like i will give him both and he still will be eating my dust.Comparing Joep to Hollywood in BJ Tournaments would be like Hollywood audition for a role in a movie against the likes of Al Pacino,Robert Dinero,Or Harrison Ford.Some people just dont know their limits. :p
  9. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    Calling a bluff.

    :p Glad I could help. Over to you Hollywood. :D
  10. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member


    As far as I'm concerned, the score between JoeP and me is 1:1... since we've only been in two tournaments together.

    i guess we'll need to play a tie breaker in the near future. How's the Hilton Finals this May sound? ;)

    (you DID qualify already, right?)

    -holly d.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2004
  11. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    Mucking your hand?

    Season's greetings to all, particularly to Kenneth for running a great site, Joe for providing the play by play and Hollywood for the levity.
    :) :)
  12. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Sounds great!

    I suggest we have an all-BJT final table in May. I'll volunteer for one of the seats!
  13. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Still no real reply from Hollywood

    Hollywood you must have missed that line in the script were you were asked how many Tournaments you have won.We are all waiting for you reply.Don't be ashamed to say zero (0).In your response asking me if i have qualified for the Hilton this year,i will just say this i am the only player to have qualified all 3 years and in doing so have made the Final table all 3 years WITHOUT ANY WILD CARDS.Know when you are outclassed & out played.If you want any lessons i might be able to help. You look like someone who has potential that's why i included you in the rookie contest. :rolleyes:

    p.s. by the way your record against me is 0-1 you need to win the table to post a win .Nice try in pumping up your record this is not Tinsel Town its the (World of Blackjack Tournaments) where results speak for themselves there are no casting couches here. ;)
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2004
  14. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    Take a chill pill

    "outclassed & outplayed" -- you really need to put the crack pipe down, man. it's still 1:1 between us, my friend; i don't know where you made up the 'have to win the table' rule; you advanced once & i advanced once. but that's beside the point.

    i didn't answer the specifics of your queries because 1. i'm not your -- or anyone else's -- bitch, 2. i thought the joking was getting a little outta hand & personal, and 3. you're like 3 times my age & have had a lot more time to rack up wins & bankroll. I only attacked tournaments a few years ago after it was unrealistic for me to continue counting cards at the cash tables, not to mention an increasingly busy schedule here in Hollywood with my career of choice, acting. Something I'm classically trained in & very good at, if I do say so myself. Next time I do Shakespeare @ the Actors' Gang or a postmodern Ibsen adaptation, I'll be sure to invite you. And yes, i'd feel just fine about going toe to toe with Pacino or Deniro anyday; in fact soon you may see me opposite Kevin Spacey & Tobey Maguire.

    But if you want to talk more realistic details about my skill in blackjack tournaments, let's discuss the 'density' of the matter since we are working on separate timetables & bankrolls. I have either won or placed in the money in at least 30% of the tournaments I've played. Many of these were smaller tourneys here in LA or at local casinos in Vegas, but enough of them to allow me to define a winning tournament system that is based heavily on Wong, but takes into consideration many more mathematical & psychological factors. Buy my soon to be published book & you can get all the specifics you need. And I'm sure you're not discounting my incredible showing at the first WSoBJ, the final round appearance on Vegas Challenge, or the 20+ episodes of Celebrity Blackjack where I, among other admittedly less stringent duties, am the resident tournament expert.

    Email is a tricky form of communication, as intentions are never as clear as they are in person. Joe, you know I respect your play & regard you as one of the toughest competitors out there; however, you know I also consider myself in the same small crowd & don't really have the urge to try and ballcheck each other to quantify who is better than who. I know how good a player I am & don't need to prove that to anyone. If my previous posts came across as anything more meaningful than just good-natured ribbing, I apologize. It was never my intention to offend you on some personal level. I'd like to think that this has all been just one big misunderstanding, and that both of us got caught up in an inside joke that has obviously crossed out of bounds. So for my part, Merry Christmas. And lets grab a drink together sometime soon --

    -holly d.
  15. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    no chill pill needed

    To me it was always about a good laugh and ribbing.You need to know i can dish it out just as good as i can take it.I wasnt the one asking for your results i was just keeping the flame burning for the entertainment of the board.So no chill pill is needed just maybe some thicker skin.Im not 3 times your age I just have 3 times less color in my hair.I never took anything you said personal i got a good laugh about it especially me taking lessons from you.I always want to learn more and improve my game so if you think you can help let's meet for that drink.Two comp seats for you play, a autographed copy of your tournament book should be on the bar when i arrive.I have not be playing as long as you think or lately as much due to situations that are out of my control but that's another story that will be in my book."How To Win Tournaments and Still Get Invited Back" .Damm i put that crack pipe down and now i cant find it.Hollywood can you add that to my christmas list that you have for me..........To the rest of BJT board i hope you enjoyed the post between Hollywood and I .Happy Holidays to all except the STARDUST,RIO,HARRAHS,TROP,ALADDIN,BALLYS,FLAMINGO,VENETIAN and especially GREEN VALLEY RANCH.
  16. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    Love you, man.

    (But you're still not getting my Coors Lite)

    -holly d.
  17. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    All better now!

    It is nice to see the two of you kissed and made up...LOL. I guess until your match on GSN January the 21st, for the WSOB II, then we may hear some more jabs. Bottom line is both of you are good players and we all give each other "SHIT" jokingly.

    It is and always will be the last winner has bragging rights...LOL

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to all.
    May the new year bring nothing but Aces and Faces to us all.
    God Bless everyone

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