Adolph's January Big BJ Tournament - Jan 24 - Jan 25, 2014 (Fri - Sat)

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by PitchMan, Dec 23, 2013.

  1. PitchMan

    PitchMan Top Member

    As everyone who knows how much of a true Blackjack Tournament guy he is, Adolph has hit the ground running since he's been at Resorts, trying to give us what we all want - Good, CASH payout tournaments. With good turnout for this one, it could be the first of an ongoing series of them at Resorts. Right now it looks like Tunica may be a major destination for good CASH tournaments this year that will be provided primarily by three casinos. In recent years the dependable cash events have been held primarily at two of the boats in Tunica. With the welcome addition of Resorts to the mix, although there could be some date conflicts during the year, it looks like there could be 8 to 12 in 2014, with first place payouts ranging from $10,000 to $20,000. Keeping them coming will depend upon our turnout. Thanks for supporting them.
    Counselorlee and KenSmith like this.
  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Yes, I encourage everyone within traveling distance to support these events.
    As bad as things are in Tunica, the situation with available events is even worse in most parts of the country.
    Support them, or lose them.

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