advice for a newbie

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by Pogodo111, Jul 11, 2010.

  1. Pogodo111

    Pogodo111 New Member

    Just started learning the basic strategies, card counting etc. I live near tunica so i have decided to play in the tournament at the end of the month. I have read a few things on tournament strategy etc. Just wondered if anyone who has been doing this awhile could give me any basic advice for my first tournament.

    thanks guys!
  2. Counselorlee

    Counselorlee Member

    You will be hooked

    I would assume you will be heading to Fitzgerald's for your first tournament, Pogo. That will be a good one to begin honing your BJ tournament skills as there will be ample opportunity to play (rebuys, wildcards). I'm not sure counting will be very helpful to you in a tournament, however.

    Best advice for strategies is to purchase Ken Smith's e-book "How to Win More Blackjack Tournaments". This is Ken's site so go to his Book Store and order it for $14.95 or pay alot more and get the bjt primer of "Casino Tournament Strategies" by Stanford Wong.

    There will plenty of skilled players to help you out may want to use the Newbies Corner next time for questions.

    Good Luck at Fitz :D

    BTW, Ken.....your e-book is not listed under the category of E-Books in your Store :confused: ....or at least I didn't find it there.
  3. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    Newbie Advice

    Wong's Casino Tournaments Strategies is the best basic book to start with. It is far from perfect, but offers a good intro. Ken's book should be read second, after you've grasped some of the basics in Wong's book; Ken's book is a little more advanced. But nothing replaces exerience.
  4. You might also consider clicking on the strategy articles link. Good luck at the tournament. Heck, you might win the thing. I won my very first tourny and have been hooked ever since.
  5. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member


    You've stumbled across the best site for newbie BJT junkies, for sure. The advice you've gotten so far has been solid and given by knowledgeable players. Don't be afraid to ask any questions here, no matter how dumb you may think they sound. Somebody will likely be willing to help you.

    Counting is of very, very little help in an elimination BJT. I know of some accomplished counters here who either shut off that part of their brains during a BJT round or simply ignore it. If you're not focused on the chip stacks then you're not focused in the right place.

    Good luck at the Fitz, let us know how you did!
  6. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User

    I disagree

    If you had watched me play at Sault you would have seen a stunning comback at the final hands that had nothing to do with luck or watching others chip stacks.:cool:

    Never make the mistake of thinking skilled AP play is not a big plus in tourney play,,,and I mean not just counting alone.;)

  7. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Agree to disagree

    One of the beautiful things about a forum such as this is players with skillz exchanging thoughts, even when they differ mightily.

    Tell ya what, CP. Someday when we're on a BJT table together, you count the cards and I'll count the chips.
    When it's all over, we can go to the bar to have a beer (or six) and laugh about however it turned out! :D

    P.S. Sorry I missed your great Soo comeback, would have loved to see it.
  8. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User



    It is all good Bro'.

    I never said it was just card counting I and others were doing.:cool:

    It was my plan to not get in a pissing match at the end, last hand. I have seen to many of you great players let it all hinge on that last hand to only fail at getting the cards. It was my plan to play the AP game in a hybrid tourney mode, and it turned out to be pretty damned amazing even if I say so. I came from being last at the chip count to putting the fear of God into all the other players from there on out. As you may know it is against my belief to ever do a rebuy. If I am not able to win the normal way I am not deserving to get a second chance, but that is just me punishing myself for failure, something I believe you must do to grow and learn. I am just as hard on myself in the game, as you for sure are also on yourself Lefty, maybe more so, and that is the reason I prefer not to play tourneys. I am just too damn competitive with a very dark and simmering countenance that comes to the surface too often in the tourneys, don't need it as the real money games are much more to my liking and temperment. But I certainly enjoy the great company of all you very fine gents and ladies.:D


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