Airline format poll

Discussion in 'Ideas to Promote or Improve Tournaments' started by TXtourplayer, Mar 26, 2009.


All rules pertain to the Airline format, please asnswer the following that apply.

Poll closed May 10, 2009.
  1. Would you enter the 1st class $1,000 level?

  2. Would you enter the business class $400 level?

  3. Would you enter the coach class $250 level?

  4. If you couldn't enter at one of the higher levels would you still come play?

  5. Would you enter twice, plus re-buys as needed?

  6. Would you only enter once, plus re-buys as needed

  7. I like the fact the prize pool can be higher with few players.

  8. I don't like the fact players can start ahead of me just because they can afford the higher entry.

  9. I like the chance to enter at a low entry, but play for higher prizes.

  10. If the event is full would it bother you it was because several players entered twice?

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    What I'm really needing to know is how many players would come play in this new Airline format and what rules you like and don't like.

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