
Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by Barney Stone, Nov 7, 2006.

  1. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Golden Palace is having bad problems today. I should have advanced in first game with hands 8&9 winners that would have put me in lead if the program didnt change my bet to 5$ On hand 10 I was dealt an 11. I would have been looking good. My wife advanced, I should know I was pushing the buttons. She had one bet get taken from 100 to 5 and she won. Lucky for me she advnaced to final table or I would really be pissed.
  2. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Last edited: Nov 7, 2006
  3. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    It looks like a server problem to me. Bad thing is todays problems havent been with clock as they usually are, its with betting. When you only have 5 bets, turbo games, every bet is important. My 1900 game today had all the last 3 bets not taken. I learned, and found it true, today pre betting is a must. At 2030gmt we have the .25ยข game, lets hope things go well. If not I strongly suggest many of you top players dont play the $2500 game Let the wife and I take the risk. ;)
  4. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Let's sing along

    Brings to mind the Sonny & Cher song of the 60's:
  5. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    Firstly, Toolman are you a little bit mutton*? All you've done is SHOUT AT ME ALL EVENING!!!!! Or maybe you're drunk? :cheers:

    2ndly, Barney, when your wife won, what was she wearing? Slinky number no doubt. Minx!

    Finally, has anybody played at get21 as opposed to Golden Palace and if so do they experience the same problems?



    *Mutton -> Mutt and Jeff -> Deaf.
  6. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    For her final table she was in first outfit, then she changed for failed to run 25cent game, fwiw

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  7. marichal

    marichal Member

    hey barney;
    u r correct golden palace is a horrible site, with horrible customer service. i have benn waiting 5 days for a refund, plus got screwed out of yesterdays 2500 tourney. i have talked to them on the phone. it was a waste of time;
    ken smith needs to look into this. i would not want my name on this horrible site.
  8. TheVIPER

    TheVIPER New Member

    Another problem GP is having today is with the Quick Tournaments. They were kicking everyone off the table after every game. Once the game was over, you could click the amount box, then you would get booted from the table. You'd have to sit down again and go back through the process, although it appeared to credit the initial buyin back to my account. So it wasnt double charging me.

    But the last table I was at booted me after I clicked the amount, I got back on, reclicked the buyin amount, and the table cancelled altogether. I did not credit the buyin back. Emailed support.

    I really dont want to have to check my account buyin after every tournament, but it appears I have to.
  9. marichal

    marichal Member


    gpc is still avoiding me. we are talking about 20.90, not a huge bundle that they owe myself. they are a horrible, horrible site. i know of others that are having troubles. gpc even sent me an email statng that they are having troubles. how can ken smith endorse this crappy site
    guess as long as there is monies to gain, anyone will put their name of approval. ken needs to look into this allegations and see if he can help people. really dissapointed with gpc.

  10. zweeky

    zweeky Member

    clock problems today


    I'm wondering, do the clock problems happen to everyone simultaneously or just a few people at a time?

    Today, I logged in (get21) at 21:25 (their time) to play the 1000$ Guaranteed (which is supposed to start at 21:30) but the clock was jammed at 21:18. Now, 10 minutes later it is still jammed at 21:18. So I avoid registering. Is there anybody for which the clock was running ok at that same time?
  11. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I've made Golden Palace aware of this thread.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2006
  12. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    WTG Kenneth

    I think it's important that Golden Palace clean up their act and provide an alternative to the players. The players' interest lie in many BJT sites competing(freerolls and positive player EV) and expanding the player pool.:) :) :)
  13. noman

    noman Top Member


    Mutton=Mutt & Jeff=Deaf?

    Just like Ocean's 11. "We're all in Barney." Barney=Barney Ruble

    Barney Ruble=Trouble. Huh?

    You sure you just don't make this up?
  14. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Its in the AM...GP worked ok...then they did something and the whole system is screwed up...

    I had the same problem everyone is would log into a game be kicked off...and then relog...and second time it worked...but not always...

    A far worse problem that I have consistatly is ...the higer the guarenteed payout the worse the game works...and it has nothing to do with more traffic....

    I got screwed in a 2,500 game (never got to play...) 1,000 dollar game...same...and several 500 and 250 games..

    There are only like 40 people signed up....its not heavy traffic...they get far more cheap asses on the 25 dollar freerolls and they usually work fine...although they are pretty boring ...5 hand ..three game ...but whatever..

    I agree that CS seems to be uninformed about BJ game...its like you are talking to someone from another planet..really frustrating trying to get anything straight..

    I think they need to regroup....they have a good game...when it works and is stable...its great!! But they have issues now and they best do something fast...when you take time and wait to play a promised 2,500 game and then the site takes a shi* well....that gets old fast!!! And then when it happenes over and over ....IT REALLY GETS OLD!

    And then you cant get your money back...

    I played nearly thru the second of three rounds in a 500 dollar tourney the other day...blink...gone.....screw you ...never got back ...never a word said reply to description....NOTHING!!!! Its too hard to win that far to be knocked out by an unstable platform....

    Bet 21 is no better....I have a few days of 0 problems and I played hundreds of games....yesterday I had an issue with one game....

    FU was the basic cut to the chase canned reply...its your problem..not ours....this after I double checked that I could surf and enter every other blanking site on the whole damn internet!

    Its not how you treat customers ...not if you wish to remain in business anyway..

    Golden Palace invested a ton of money in this freakin software....they need to have the guys that sold them this software handling the phones for a month or so....not some ESL speaking non blackjack understanding underpaid, overworked, frustrated CS flunky who could care less about anything except getting you off their phone!

    Why you invest this much money in a product and then present it so poorly should be on ub, Bet21 and Golden Palace business minds...

    Its seems the customer doesnt matter though....huhhhhhhh...I wonder how that gonna work out for them in the long run???

  15. Reachy

    Reachy New Member



    I am not making it up. "Mutton" is one of the older rhyming slang terms and it's original meaning is lost to me. Possibly relates to music hall performers from the middle of the last century. "Mutton" is simply a misuse of "Mutt and..."

    Modern rhyming slang is obviously much more contemporary an some of it you would be able figure for yourself as US/Global celebrities are common place.


    "Whose turn is it to get the Britney's in?"

    "Actually I'll have a Winona and get a glass of Calvin for the trouble?"


  16. noman

    noman Top Member

    Lord Reachy!

    I don get it. I'm a simple rock, thinking I'm an island, just enjoying my small pool, plucking off flies as they fly by and by.(sometimes, well, mostly, I miss.)
    I even cornfuse a firefly for a "real" fly. whoops gotta go. Bet21 4:30 qualifier to hell is up.
  17. marichal

    marichal Member

    golden palace casino, still seems to enjoy avoiding thier customers. still waiting since the 3rd of this month. it looks like they are a rip off to some of us. i will have to wait until never for the problems that i had on the 7th of this month. still the worst site that i have played
  18. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    How long did you have to wait for Golden Palace depost bonus??? I got mine right away....Still waiting for Bet21/UB to deal with their promises....

    I will agree that they all three need to improve their software...perhaps their systems...until the games run with less problems...and they all should fire the whole CS departments and start over clean and stop acting like such damn weasels...

    Its amamzing the lies and those here defending these sites for making the lies...why??? because of some other promise made by the same liers??

    Fool me once....blah blah blah..

    I think there are some severe conflicts of interest here from some people when they mock a player because they ask about a promised deposit bonus or a book offer...Dont you?

    As far as Golden palace....there is a guy posting here from Get21 /Golden Palace...and he promised to help with should get ahold of him

    Unfortunatly no such offer from UB/Bet21....all we get is BS by the bucket full the conflicted....

    How can I believe one more word that they say????
  19. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    I know some

    people have attempted to withdraw some of their winnings from Golden Palace - last posts I saw said they had been told - after several attempts -the money would be sent - question - did anyone actually receive their moneys? I am assuming so - since the 'they won't send me the money' posts ended - but would like to know for sure - I haven't tried to withdraw any yet -

    the thing that gets me with all these sites - but especially Golden Palace - is that we are hassling with them over small amounts of money - like the $14 they stiffed me on with no refund for a canceled tourney - the $20.90 they have stiffed Marichal on - like the bonus for UB - like the $10 bonus for Golden Palace - if they can't be trusted to play fair for tiny amounts - can they be trusted to pay off the bigger prizes they promise - ????
  20. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    Golden Palace withdrawals

    I have withdrawn funds to Neteller without any problems. They do however have serious technical problems that causes a freeze/disconnect at critical moments.:flame: :flame: :flame:

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