All In Magazine makes is across the Atlantic

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Reachy, Nov 20, 2006.

  1. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Recently received 2 copies of All In from a secret source in the US and I just want to say how much I've enjoyed it. There were some very interesting articles, especially the strategy related ones from Ken, and Joe's commentary on the UBT. Again, good to see pictures of people so I can put names to faces. I've even read the poker part although anything is better than reading the labels on shampoo bottles in the morning if you know what I'm sayin' ;). Anybody familiar with the term "shaving a horse"?

    Thanks to my contact for the supply. If you can leave the next issue in the usual dead letterbox; behind the 10th brick up, 3rd left, under London Bridge, north side, 10am Sunday 26th November, code word "Queen Mother". Oh, and watch out for men with umbrellas, get to the nearest hospital ASAP if they stab you in the leg with it.


  2. happybunnytrix

    happybunnytrix New Member

  3. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I'm glad to see you lads across the pond are getting some media these days, whether it be WSOB broadcasts or All-In magazines delivered by undercover operatives.

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