All In

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by fgk42, Mar 19, 2007.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    All In

    Having received my 3rd edition of All In I had a few observations/comments:

    1. I’m glad that I subscribed. It is well done, very professional looking with no skimping on the photo’s. I enjoy the poker side as well as the BJ side
    2. Columns: Kenny Smith’s “The Tournament Zone” Nice. It was good to see the validation of Sanford Wong’s 12% swing. I’m surprised that the button position didn’t really prove that important. MY take home lesson, don’t get in that position. PERIOD
    3. Jack & Grumply by Max Rubin. I have to admit that I really like this column the best. Shear fun and a time to not be so serious – plus learning about the legends Uston and Ungar. I knew who Uston was (thanks to last months edition) but I didn’t know who Stu Ungar was. Anyway, keep up the humor Max
    4. Gambling In Space by Dave Matthews. Nice article. Hopefully there is a light at the end of the tunnel. As a person who didn’t bet on Pinnacle it was neat to read about them. Current, up to date – nicely done Dave
    5. Beyond Counting by James Grosjean. What can I say about this? James is light years ahead of me on figuring these things out. It never ceases to amaze me!
    6. Betting Sports by Jeff Haney – nice article on the Fezzdaq – I found it good and intriguing.
    7. Tournament Roundup – Great recapping. Two really interesting things about the recaps: A. Sonny Frietas – internet qualifier in Aruba and comes back to win the Freeroll! Dang maybe I SHOULD keep at the freerolls (might I suggest an interview with Sonny and find out if he plays online and what his user ID is) and B. When talking about the GSN WSOB 4. Look what was written: “The satellites were pricey to enter at $2,550 and $1,000, but the winners earned seats with a mathematical value of $25,000 in the $1 million meet.” If that is pretty pricey how do you describe the $2,750 fee for the upcoming Palms UBT event where the prize pool is [B L A N K]?

    Overall I highly recommend All In to anyone who is serious about BJ &/or poker. To Anthony Curtis and the authors/contributors keep up the good work.
  2. Archie

    Archie New Member

    A super magazine

    February-March Issue, the one you're talking about, was my first. I enjoyed every article. I was surprised by the importance they gave BJT (SAME AS POKER). They are really trying hard to boost our game and bring it to the same level as poker.

    I tried to get past issues from them. No success. Somebody called Becki e-mailed me saying it would cost me $15 per issue, but did not follow through when I asked for more detailed info.Too bad!

    Looking forward to enjoying the next All In and I would also join fgk42 in encouraging every BJT enthusiast to subscribe. It's money well spent.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2007
  3. shipman

    shipman Member

    all in,not yet!

    How long did it take until you received your first issue. I have not received mine yet!
  4. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    shipman, how long ago did you subscribe, and via what method?

    There's no doubt that All-In has had a lot of fulfillment problems so far, but I've heard of several people having success by calling their customer service.
    Try 866-456-0538
    I hope they get things cleaned up, because it is really a good mag these days.

    My subscription link has changed several times, and the price varies. At the moment, it's $17.50 for a year using the following link (and the coupon code MM5 that the site provides.)

    Subscribe to All-In Magazine
  5. shipman

    shipman Member

    Ordered on and was billed on feb 10th by credit card.
  6. gflan

    gflan New Member

    Just got my 1st issue

    Don't know how much this helps....I subscribed through Ken's link on the first day or two it was posted and I got my first issue the day before yesterday. I had been receiving the 3 free issues courtesy of Las Vegas Advisor and had forgotten to subscribe. Now I really can't remember how long ago that was but I imagine Ken knows when he first posted a link.

  7. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 10th is actually not all that bad by magazine standards. Typically they state that you'll get your first issue in 4 to 6 weeks.

    Just to check out current order times, if anyone orders using the link above, post a message here then and when you get the first issue. I'm curious.
  8. shipman

    shipman Member

    Ken, I called them and they told me 6 to 8 weeks and that I was in there system. I'll let you know when I received my first issue.
  9. Archie

    Archie New Member

    I subscribed December 30th...

    after reading a post by Ken dated December 27th (Have you subscribed yet?). I found out I could not subscribe through his link (problems with orders outside USA If I remember well) so I subscribed directly from the All In site (cost me much more than the price Ken was offering) and got my first issue in mid February.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2007
  10. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member


    Ordered ALL IN today 3/21/07

    Ill post back when I receive the first issue...the price with discount code was 17.50

    I would like all the back issues as well....maybe some contributor who has contacts there could check into how we can get back issues..????

    Good luck to all attending Masters in Niagara Falls....I will be out of town and cant make it this year....lets have some winners though!!!! Sure gonna miss that son and I had a blast last year...
  11. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Thanks Rando. Sorry to hear you won't be at Niagara. I'm doing a whirlwind trip there. I fly up on Friday morning and home on Saturday morning.
  12. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Sorry I'll miss you Rando.

    I'll be there Friday thru Saturday also.

    Are there any other members who will be present?

    I'll be on the lookout for BJFAN4 and the blue GN hat :cool:
  13. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Good Luck GUYS!!!!! Bring home some "Canadian Bacon"

    This is a fun tournament ....BTW....dont forget have to ask for every single comp at this casino....

    Ask them always for dinner for two....maybe a show, etc....they usually treat tournament players ok....

    Also not much action required for comps....its really up the individual Pitt boss ....also look up host and ask for a show ticket....Ive gotten a few just for asking ...I dont really play there that often so I thought that was nice...

    Hope the weather is nice for you....enjoy the view from your rooms and drink a Bloody Ceasear (famous Canada cocktail much like... but better than a Bloody Mary) for me....

    Bring it Home!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. noman

    noman Top Member


    Just to throw some gravel in the gears.

    Politicaly, I should just e-mail LVA, or call, or call All-In.

    But since my good friend Shipman expressed concern and others posted....

    Here goes.....

    Got my free three issues. No problem. Same time I signed up for the free issues, I subscribed over phone with LVA for the two year special. (Sorry Ken it was a better deal.)

    I specifically asked if there would be confusion over the three free issues and the subscription so that I would not receive duplicates and that my subscription would start after the three free. I was assured all would be well.

    Whale, Moby Dick! I received the very first issue of the combined BJ format. Impressive, yes. A week later I received the very same issue. Second issue, more of the same. Third issue. Deju Vu.

    But, that's not all. Not only have I not received duplicates of the fourth or now fifth issues, I haven't received any.

    Yeah, I know, it's only a phone call away. Not as bad as other posts. But, Juneau, should I really have to make that phone call. Yeah, if I want the mag and I do, too much excellent schtuff to pass up, not to mention it's prepaid. And So It Goes.
  15. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    This may be the problem when you called in your subscription, if your calls are as hard to interpret as your post then your order may be in the translation dept at LVA and until they get someone who is an expert in reading your own unique version of the English language they may be a slight delay :laugh:

  16. noman

    noman Top Member


    They may have only been humoring me,but dey sed, dey understood.
  17. noman

    noman Top Member

    Customer Service Alive and Well and Flourishing at LVA

    Since, I chose to join in a "gripe" instead of pursuing the expediant and just course of simply making a phone call, I am compelled to offer up big time creds to LVA.

    This had to do with my subscription to ALL-IN, detailed earlier. Well, LVA customer service rep Becky with the silky soultry, senseuous voice was able to correct the mixup in less time than it took me to tap in the 10 numbers to call. See, it was only a call away. Bonus, because of the mix up LVA is extending the subscription.

    So, to customer service and staff at LVA and their indomitable leader AC, I say bravo. Thanks. And what a pleasure to have someone stand behind their offer.

    This I could have added to the forum earlier without the gripe, if only, well, if only.

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