All IN

Discussion in 'Sidewalk Cafe' started by fgk42, Jun 8, 2007.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    I’m not sure how many members here get All In magazine – I highly recommend it. In the latest edition, July 2007, there is an article entitled Crossing Over. The jist of the article is how poker players are “discovering” EBJ. The interview and have quotes with the following poker players: Blair Rodman, Annie Duke, Phil Hellmuth, Miami John and lastly Layne Flack.

    It’s a well written piece with, in my opinion, great questions of these players. For example: How do EBJ compare with poker tournaments, What skills from poker help you in EBJ? Do you see elements of bluffing in the use of the secret bet? How does the luck factor compare in poker vs. BJT? Can BJT ever reach the level of popularity of poker tournament? How about a tip for poker players interested in giving EBJ a try?

    Look at some of these answers concern the luck factor:

    Miami John: Both games are streaky…luck plays a big role in the individual results

    Blair Rodman: The bottom line in both games is that, while skillful players can certainly gain an edge, anyone can win.

    Annie Duke: I think the luck factor is about the same.

    Phil Hellmuth: In EBJ you may have to move all in or hand 6 or 7…so there isn’t nearly as much skill.

    As to this question: Can BJT ever reach the level of popularity of poker tournaments?

    MJ: BJ could be bigger. Poker can be too intense …EBJ is simply easier to understand

    AD: I think it could become more popular than poker, only because there are so many more BJ players

    BR: It will hinge on the future level of exposure.

    There’s much more and I would highly recommend it for reading materials as it provides an insight into a potential market for BJT in general. The last paragraph by Layne Flack really hit home with me. “Action is the key. Let me share a little secret with y’all: If there’s gamble in your blood, it doesn’t matter the game. It’s the rush of the win or loss that brings us back.”

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