All WSoBJ players are invited to Wong's chatroom

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Barfarkel, Jan 28, 2005.

  1. Barfarkel

    Barfarkel New Member

    This coming Tuesday night at 7: pm (PST), Stanford Wong is inviting any and all World Series of Blackjack players to the Green Chip chatroom.

    We got the idea when Kevin Blackwood attended the regular Tues. night chat this week and gave us the idea to invite each batch of players whose episode has aired the previous Friday. I don't have a list of this Friday's (1-28-05) participants, but if you have played in the tournament, please email Stanford Wong at: or Al Rogers at: for a temporary free pass to the Green Chip area of Wong's site, which is where the chatroom is located.

    Every week, Green Chippers gather in Wong's chatroom to discuss everything under the sun, and sometimes we even discuss blackjack :) We had 27 advantage players show up this past Tuesday.

    I think Kevin told me that Ken Smith has agreed to participate in next Tuesday night's chat on Feb 1, 2005. If this is wrong, I stand corrected, but if this is set, Ken will you please confirm by replying to this post?


  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member


    Yes, I'll be there on Tuesday night.
  3. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Welcome Barfarkel

    By the way, welcome aboard Barfarkel.
    Barfarkel's book You've Got Heat is available for sale in the BlackjackInfo store.

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