Allin Magazine Subscription

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by sweet william, Apr 7, 2007.

  1. sweet william

    sweet william Member

    is everybody getting their magazine? i paid for subscription in dec. 06
    still not getting mag. have emailed cc & called many times ,always told
    will start but it don't. i will try to get my money back as i have done everything but beg. anybody else have problem w/subscription?
  2. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    Not just you

    I have had problems, like you, from the time I subscribed until now.

    I subscribed in October of last year (before we went to St Kitts) and have received just one issue.

    I subscribed directly through All-In's site and not through a third party, so I really don't see where the issues would be.

    Luckily I usually get a free copy at events, so I still have gotten every issue except the most recent one with Shandi on the cover...but it does kinda suck, I must admit, to not receive what you prepay for.
  3. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    The last copy I got was the one with MONICA on the cover. Can't refer to a date because there is no date on the cover to refer to. That was over 2 months ago - maybe 3. WHAT GIVES? Is this part of "promise them anything" jazz.
  4. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Sweet William, PM me your name and address and I'll see if I can forward it to someone who can get this resolved.

    Anyone else still having trouble?
  5. Crump

    Crump New Member

    All In Mag


    I subscribed about a month ago and haven't heard anything back from them yet. Usually takes about 6 weeks, I have been told, but with all the problems it seems that it may take longer.
  6. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    there are sites for that you know: or :D

    Amazing what you can do with a person's own words ain't it :joker:

    Ace we are talking about ALL IN right? :laugh:
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2007
  7. shipman

    shipman Member

    Me Too!!!

    Ken, I have not received my first issue and I ordered in feb. I also called 1-866-456-0538 which is Allin's number and it's been disconnected. Something seems pretty fishy about this!!!
  8. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

  9. shipman

    shipman Member


    Just received issues feb. march and april. They sent them fedex to me and it took 3 months after I e-mailed them! I sure hope that the problem is solved?
  10. Fredguy

    Fredguy New Member

    The Allin debacle

    I subscribed sometime last fall when it was first announced on this forum.

    I have never received anything,period.

    To me, it's not worth worrying about.
  11. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Fredguy, I'm assuming you haven't contacted Huntington Press/LVA? I feel confident they'll straighten out your problem.
  12. Dynomike1

    Dynomike1 New Member

    Count me in to . I have got 2 magazines in 6 mo., and i had to call them to get the first one.
  13. shipman

    shipman Member

    Next issue

    News flash!! I just received may/june issue from Huntington Press/LVA. So far I received 3 issues. So I hope that the problem is solved!:)
  14. noman

    noman Top Member


    All you gotta do is call.

    At least LVA has a phone number and great customer service. The Distribution Centers must have "Monkeys" working at them though.

    I've had a lull for a few months, but was promised and was delivered back missed issues and an extension. Glad I got my Shandi issue. Better than any Sports Illustrated swim suit issue.

    Toolman 1: If you look at the second inside page it has the date on it.

    Now, as for TV Guide: I got someone a gift subscription and they stopped sending my subscription which goes to the next millenium. Good luck finding a phone number ANYWHERE for them. Paula, whatever her name, is as good as an answering system that keeps making you press one to get back to one to get back to one to get back to............
  15. marichal

    marichal Member


    took your advice, since i stopped getting issues of all in mag. sent huntington press an email. received a very speedy reply. looks like the problem should be corrected.

    thank you;
  16. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    How did I miss this easy shot?

    Like in the Government agency where I work? :gaga:
  17. noman

    noman Top Member


    The gov agencies have orange a tangs, A good capuchin can out wit and stay out of the steps of the giants.

    And a again. All you gotta do is call. It may not continue to come, but just call again. Especially, since I heard LVA is now overseeing the distribution.

    LVA and BJT second to Microsoft. Always trust content.
  18. chash11

    chash11 New Member

    All IN MAG

    Received my first magazine on Aug.1st it was the august/september2007 Issue.
  19. Fredguy

    Fredguy New Member


    I exchanged e-amail with them a few weeks ago, and shortly received two back issues by PRIORITY mail. Havn't got anything since.

    These people have got to have the worst subscription fulfillment in the history of earth.
  20. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Same Experience

    I had the same experience with priority mail one time. They made good on it. Since then I've been getting my issues. Sometimes they arrive in the mail a week or two after the issues are published, but I've been getting them reliably.

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