Amazing last four hands

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by KenSmith, Mar 16, 2008.

  1. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    In the recent IP Biloxi tournament, I had an amazing final four hand run during the rebuy round.

    At the countdown, I was near the back of the pack with $6695. The leaders were near $10K and 2 advanced.
    I bet $5000, and lost it. I figured I was pretty much done. Here are the last 4 hands:

    I bet $1695, and win it.
    I bet $3390 and blackjack, taking me to $8475.
    I bet the max $5000 and blackjack AGAIN. Now I'm in the lead with $15,975.
    I lead 2nd place by $2025, and 3rd place by $2045.

    On the final hand, BR4 bets $5000 from a bank of about $12K.
    BR2 bets $5000.
    I bet $4000.
    BR3 bets $4500.

    BR4 doubles and ends up stiff against a dealer 6. He now has the high.
    BR2 splits tens and makes 2 twenties for $5000 each.
    I'm now third high with my $4000 bet on my hard 18.
    No matter, I'll double it.
    I catch an Ace for 19!
    BR2 doubles as well on a ten, and the dealer busts and pays the table.

    I win the table with $23,975.

    I went from $1695 to $23,975 in four hands.

    Unfortunately, my tournament ended the next morning in the quarter final round.
  2. FMike756

    FMike756 New Member

    I didn't see those four hands that you played but I had a friend (Skip) describe them to me. He said it was amazing. My words-How does he do it?

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