An Open Letter to the BJT Community: Bet21 Launch

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by KenSmith, Sep 13, 2006.

  1. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    As you've probably figured out by now, launched today as a "skin" of Ultimate Bet's site.
    That means you have access to the same fantastic blackjack tournaments that you've already been seeing at UB.

    Maria asked in another thread: "Why play at one versus the other?"

    I believe that there will be Bet21-specific freerolls in coming days, so that's a very good reason as a player.
    To explain another reason, I need to let you peer "behind the curtain" of the business of blackjack these days.

    Many of you probably already know that my blackjack sites are supported by advertisers, but what
    you may not know is that most of the ad space is compensated strictly on a performance basis.

    This model has worked very well for both me and the advertisers, and I think it works well for you, the visitor, as well.
    It takes a fair amount of time and expense to keep everything running smoothly, manage the sites, and develop free articles and
    content. I hope you find that you derive a fair amount of benefit from the sites.

    Why am I going into all this at the moment?

    Here's why... UltimateBet has a compensation structure that pays NOTHING for tournament blackjack,
    or even tournament poker for that matter. Sites that advertise UltimateBet are compensated only on
    the basis of how much live poker ring game action their visitors play.

    For my sites, that's virtually zero. You guys aren't interested in playing poker. You're there for the
    blackjack of course. And that's as it should be.

    However, Bet21 has structured their program with tournament blackjack players and tournament blackjack
    sites specifically in mind. You are their primary audience, and I am one of a handful of perfectly targeted
    sites that fit their advertising needs.

    If you plan to play tournaments at either place, I would kindly ask that you support a blackjack site,
    by signing up through one of these sites' ads for Bet21. It costs you nothing at all. You get exactly
    the same benefits, and yet, through the simple act of signing up through a site, you benefit the entire
    community by supporting our infrastructure.

    You don't have to sign up through me. In fact, I ENCOURAGE EVERYONE to just choose one of these
    three sites from which to enter Bet21.

    I don't care which. You're supporting the community regardless.
    • Here is the link: Bet21.
      (If you're reading this, hopefully you know what this site delivers to the community.)
    • Sign up at Kenny Einiger's site,
      (Kenny and Joe's radio show deserves your support. Signing up there is a good way to support their efforts.)
    • Sign up at Anthony Curtis'
      (Anthony is another guy who works long and hard to provide as much valuable info to gamblers as possible.)
    Pick one. Just say Eenie-Meenie-Miney-Moe or something. Pick one, get signed up, and bring on the action.
    Just in case you're wondering, this list is obviously not comprehensive. There are other great blackjack sites out there,
    and some of our own BJT regulars are preparing sites of their own. The blackjack community sure has a lot to look forward to these days.

    Look for me at I'm user BJT_KenSmith.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2006

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